No change

Saw the doc this past Monday, labs show no change at all, doc said if my counts drop lower another transfusion will be needed, still have to inject with Neupogen ugh, wont be able to have a scan until counts go up so i will try and be patient,still have bruising, looks awful, so on Monday i will have labs again and see if any change has happened, really is frustrating, i watched the Robin Roberts special last friday and i kind of had a mini meltdown, so many things she went thru i can relate, all the emotions, the pain, the fatigue, im praying that all i have gone thru is not in vain, i know everyone tells me to think positive, sometimes i cant, but im trying my best to keep it together, will post more next week.



  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    It takes time...

    Hi Chris,

     Dang...I was so hoping things would start to get easier for you. Sometimes it just requires a little more time than we'd like, before we see light at the end of the tunnel. Try not to stress..I know...easier said than done, but keeping stress at a minimum helps the immune system to not have to work so hard. I watched Robin talk about her cancer and it was truely inspirational. You will get through this Chris...keep the faith. My prayers and positive thoughts are with you dear lady. Hang in there, and thanks for sharing. We are always here for you! Much love...Sue  (FNHL-2-3a-6/10)

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    It is not in vain

    It is strengthening you - something that runs parallel with "no pain, no gain". It is not pleasant, but when it is past, you will realize the benefit of all of it. Just keep the prayers going. 

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hi Chris

    Hi Chris,  Meltdowns are okay.  We have to get things out of our system sometimes to recharge.  I hope you're feeling better today and please know we're thinking of you.

    Gorilla hugs,
