fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
edited February 2013 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

I asked my surgeon to take photos so I could see what I was fighting against. He sent them this morning. I thought you might find it interesting to see what many of you have gone through and what it looks like. 

Surgery started with TORS with the DaVinci Robot to excise the back of my tongue for biopsies and remove the lingual tonsils.


The first two images are looking into my mouth with the DaVinci Robot doing the work. Notice the rather odd creepy face like image on the right side. 

Robot 1


Robot 2



This is 1 of two samples they took from the back of my tongue. You can see how large it is and the dye they used to identify certain areas to examine. It's no wonder I was hurting as much as I was after surgery! 



Here is the second sample. Again, dye markers are clearly visible. 

Biopsy 2


After the TORS, a selective neck dissection was performed. You can clearly see the blood vessels and nerves in my neck. 



This last image are the two biopsy samples and the really large long things are Jack along with the additional lymph nodes. That's one heck of a large tumor!! Glad to have Jack out of me. Now, it's rads and chemo to make sure we eradicate any minions he might have left behind.





  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    Love it!
    Your surgeon took some amazing pictures! I love blood and guts type stuff so this was so interesting and cool to me. Thank you so much for sharing these pics with us.
    I am so happy this part is behind you now and you can get on with the next phases and on the road to being healthy.
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Billlie you are out there



    I was getting ready to eat dinner, now I am not so hungry.


    First your mask picture, then the cancer close-ups.  What is next on your magical mystery tour?


    Peace bro,



  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member

    sadly i enjoy looking at images like these. thanks for sharing

    prayers for fast healing and less pain daily. 

    bye bye jack

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    LOL....I'm a bit like Matt...

    except I'm at work, and haven't thought about eating yet....sure not hungry now tho.  I like how you saved worst for the last two....oh man, my butt cheeks were clinching and my toes were curling....OWIE!!


  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member
    very cool


    Thanks for posting the posting the pictures... Dan and I both ogled them.. very interesting to see, next week Dan is receiving a video of his robotic surgery, can't wait to see it now!


  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723

    and very vivid, now I know what my neck looked like when the de vinci was at work on me....I know a video was made of my surgery, going to ask about a copy now that you've got me curious...

    technology is amazing

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Awesome Photos...

    LOL, certainly puts a different spin on the after the catch fish dinner photos I post...

    Although I was kind of curious of what the point of having sutures in somethng that had been removed.

    Thanks for sharing T...

    Oh...., are you sure that was just Jack, I'm pretty sure that I saw one photo that was screaming...Hereeeee's Johnny...


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Over and above the call of duty !


    Simply are amazing !  You came on board here strong and full of hope and inspiration.  And with each new posting you keep giving of yourself.  Thank you !  I'm not one for reality pictures know I am profoundly changed.  We can say the words, but with the pictures no words are needed.  Jack is out, and there's no hope for those leftovers.  Katie

  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006

    MAZING!!! Thank you for sharing .  Best wishes for a speedy recovery from the surgery...on to kick butt during upcoming treatment.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Awesome Photos...

    LOL, certainly puts a different spin on the after the catch fish dinner photos I post...

    Although I was kind of curious of what the point of having sutures in somethng that had been removed.

    Thanks for sharing T...

    Oh...., are you sure that was just Jack, I'm pretty sure that I saw one photo that was screaming...Hereeeee's Johnny...


    Just a little difference...


    Yeah, I'd say there's a little difference between fish pics, fish fry pics and gorgeous images on the NW as opposed to gory dissected body parts ~lol~

    Seriously though... the first pic is kinda creepy. I don't know if it's a wisp of smoke from the laser or a lens flare but that bluish green image on the right side looks like someone screaming... perhaps it's Jack protesting his eradication...


  • alligatorpointer
    alligatorpointer Member Posts: 131
    fishmanpa said:

    Just a little difference...


    Yeah, I'd say there's a little difference between fish pics, fish fry pics and gorgeous images on the NW as opposed to gory dissected body parts ~lol~

    Seriously though... the first pic is kinda creepy. I don't know if it's a wisp of smoke from the laser or a lens flare but that bluish green image on the right side looks like someone screaming... perhaps it's Jack protesting his eradication...


    wispy bluish green image

    The thought that it is 'Jack' screaming during eradication ... AWESOME!   I wonder if just the bluish green image could be lifted and photoshopped to make a poster.  You could use it for 'target practice'.

  • JJ10
    JJ10 Member Posts: 1
    osmotar said:


    MAZING!!! Thank you for sharing .  Best wishes for a speedy recovery from the surgery...on to kick butt during upcoming treatment.





  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    JJ10 said:




    HaHa Matt
    I guess I am a little out there! You have to remember I worked in the dental field as an RDA assisting in surgery cases everyday and then at night I was an EMT, I love it!

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    The Creepy Face

    I asked one of the graphic designers at work to isolate and enhance the face-like image in the first photo. It really is creepy! Could it be the face of "Jack"? ;)~




  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    Billlie you are out there



    I was getting ready to eat dinner, now I am not so hungry.


    First your mask picture, then the cancer close-ups.  What is next on your magical mystery tour?


    Peace bro,




    Happy trigger finger.... :)


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    fishmanpa said:

    The Creepy Face

    I asked one of the graphic designers at work to isolate and enhance the face-like image in the first photo. It really is creepy! Could it be the face of "Jack"? ;)~





    What color were the scrubs the medical persons were wearing..

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Skiffin16 said:


    What color were the scrubs the medical persons were wearing..

    Color My World

    Hi John,

    I was out of it by the time I hit the OR. I remember seeing the DaVinci Robot off to the side but that's about it. Compare the first pic and the enhanced pic. What are you thinking? A reflection of some sort? Regardless... it's a pretty cool image ;)~



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    fishmanpa said:

    Color My World

    Hi John,

    I was out of it by the time I hit the OR. I remember seeing the DaVinci Robot off to the side but that's about it. Compare the first pic and the enhanced pic. What are you thinking? A reflection of some sort? Regardless... it's a pretty cool image ;)~




    It does look the color of some scrubs...

    But I'm kind of leaning toward the masks in Scary Movie

  • alligatorpointer
    alligatorpointer Member Posts: 131
    fishmanpa said:

    The Creepy Face

    I asked one of the graphic designers at work to isolate and enhance the face-like image in the first photo. It really is creepy! Could it be the face of "Jack"? ;)~




    Face of Jack

    That ^^^ right there ^^^ is what I was hoping you could get made into a poster for target practice!  Your graphic designer friend did an excellent job!  I am certain that you can beat "Jack" now that you have driven him out of hiding and can see his face.  Punch and pummel him with all ya got ... throw darts at him ... hang him up to whack at like a pinata ... toss him on a bonfire.  Lots of symbolic ways to use that image. 

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member

    LOL....I'm a bit like Matt...

    except I'm at work, and haven't thought about eating yet....sure not hungry now tho.  I like how you saved worst for the last two....oh man, my butt cheeks were clinching and my toes were curling....OWIE!!


    Shock factor


    Ha! Yeah well... what can I say? I've seen worse having had a triple bypass ;) I watched a video of coronary bypass surgery after my surgery and it was surrealistic. I had one of those "You gotta be kidding me" moments when I saw that. To think that they cracked my chest open, stopped my heart, hooked me up to a machine that kept my blood flowing while they lifted my heart up from my chest and replaced three arteries can definitely give you the heebie jeebies. Ohhh that's right, this stuff gets to you a little bit. Sorry, you can unclench now ~lol~

    So what are you having for dinner? ;)~
