Mom having dizzy spells

ketziah35 Member Posts: 1,145
edited February 2013 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Mom has vertigo and dizzy spells. Her blood work in December had no cancer markers. We are concerned. I hate these months leading up to "the scan".  Doctor is going to give her a scan. My sister and i are neevous about the acan. Any thoughts?


  • PatchAdams
    PatchAdams Member Posts: 271

    Several people on recently went thru this and every one of them was fine.  Vertigo can be from something as simple as aging.  My father has an inner ear disease, Ménière's Disease,  since his 30's and I've had vertigo most of my life. With me, a stuffy nose causes it. Two of my grown children also have vertigo with any sinus condition. 

    In those who are a bit older, think of a 'level' you might use to hang a picture. The fluid in the bubble is clear and free flowing. As we age, that fluid thickens and the crystals in it clump together.  They can get 'stuck' toward one side, causing vertigo from minor dizziness to major episodes.  There is a simple exercise that my mother (who has age related vertigo) was told about by her doctor. You can find it and variations of it online. Very easy and anyone can do it.  


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Off balance

    I'd say, if the symptoms persist, hie ye off to the Doctors. 

    But both virtigo and dizziness can be caused by a multply of things. Not eating right, having a cold, not getting enough sleep.

    Waiting is awful, but waiting and worrying unnessisarily is even worse. 

    Even though I'm at the early stages of this journey (which will take me the rest of my life), I already know that once I'm through this part and I get that wonderful NED from the Doctor's, I know every little ache or pain or twitch or cramp will send my brain right into cancer mode. 

    In other words, I understand your concern, but still wish to tell you to try not to worry. 

    Here's hoping for your mum to feel better. Keep us informed. 

  • swordranch
    swordranch Member Posts: 35
    Hoping for the best scan results for your mom!

    I have not had what I would call vertigo or dizziness but have been very off balance where if I turn my head one direction or lean a direction I just keep going that way and cannot catch myself.  My docs just shrug there shoulder and say ummm, neve heard of that one.  I know it is chemo realated because started first in the infusion room for a few hours and then gradually worked up to pretty constant. Better now that I am remaining more aware that it will happen.



  • swordranch
    swordranch Member Posts: 35
    Hoping for the best scan results for your mom!

    I have not had what I would call vertigo or dizziness but have been very off balance where if I turn my head one direction or lean a direction I just keep going that way and cannot catch myself.  My docs just shrug there shoulder and say ummm, neve heard of that one.  I know it is chemo realated because started first in the infusion room for a few hours and then gradually worked up to pretty constant. Better now that I am remaining more aware that it will happen.


  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    Hi Ketz',
    I have been having some issues with my heart. I had an echo cardiograph and Friday I have an infusion scan . I was doing a bit of work on sunday claening out the back of the ute. Next minute I was sitting on the letterbox ,sweating head to toes followed by several dry heaves. Went inside ,just made it to the loo. I was starting to think my heart was a little worse than I thought. Did I just have a heart attack. relaxed for a while. A bit of clear headed reflection. I always take two anti-histamines every day. Not for hayfever ,for vertigo. My ex is away overseas and I am housesitting and looking after the pets. It has been pouring rain for two months and my unit constantly floods so I have been racing from town to town and for two days I forgot my anti-histamines. No heart attack just a classic vertigo attack. With one you are dying with the other you just think you are... Ron.