Has anyone had this happen

Ladylacy Member Posts: 773 Member
edited February 2013 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

My husband has been thru laryngeal cancer, radiation, chemo/surgery no spread in lymph nodes.  Then last year cancer of the cervical of the esophagus was found with no spread.  Another radiation and chemo.  PET/CT and scope were clear in September and October.  January's PET/CT scan showed a small spot in his right lung that had been growing slowly over several PET/CT scans also according to the PET/Ct scan recurrence in the cervical of the esophagus.  Needle biopsy of lung done two weeks ago and it is cancer.  Today they tried to do a scope down his throat and esophagus.  Well when the doctor went down his throat, which was very tight, he ended up going thru a large tumor and couldn't finish the scope due to how his esophagus had become very narrow. 

Surgery he said is out due to the lung cancer and chemo is the only option now since the cancer is apparently spreading.  I am concerned about how strong the chemo would be and think quality over quantity but whatever my husband decides I will back him. 

I am wondering if anyone else has been thru this or something similar.  My husband is 76 and up until the laryngeal diagnosis in late 2010 his health had been very good.  We will see the medical oncologist next week to go a treatment plan, if any.  And will definitely get a second opinion.  My husband has ruled out surgery.





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  • alligatorpointer
    alligatorpointer Member Posts: 131

    I have no experience with what you have been through or are facing but hopefully, some of the members of this group who post frequently in here will offer some perspective.  What occurs to me is that you might be able to find a clinical trial that would be of benefit in your unique situation.  Since you are intending to seek a second opinion, why not ask about clinical trials at that time?

  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898


    I have no experience with what you have been through or are facing but hopefully, some of the members of this group who post frequently in here will offer some perspective.  What occurs to me is that you might be able to find a clinical trial that would be of benefit in your unique situation.  Since you are intending to seek a second opinion, why not ask about clinical trials at that time?

    I'm sorry for you and your husband having to go thru this.
    While I'm not able to give you advice on your particular situation I can say that there are a few people on here who have been and are going thru similar things and can offer up some info for you.
    If you feel comfortable doing so, you may want to note where you are located and perhaps someone on here can refer you to a specialist in your area.
    You will be in my prayers.
  • Ladylacy
    Ladylacy Member Posts: 773 Member
    Thank you

    Thank you for your relies.  We are located in the Atlanta GA area and my husband is being treated at Emory Winship Cancer Center.  The specialist did talk about trials yesterday and said that our medical oncologist will be able to guide us with that.  I know that a Cancer Center of America opened not too far from us but while I have read good things, I have read bad things too.  Plus the fact that my husband is on a Medicare Advantage plan and I don't think CCA is too keen on Medicare from what I've read. 



  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Ladylacy said:

    Thank you

    Thank you for your relies.  We are located in the Atlanta GA area and my husband is being treated at Emory Winship Cancer Center.  The specialist did talk about trials yesterday and said that our medical oncologist will be able to guide us with that.  I know that a Cancer Center of America opened not too far from us but while I have read good things, I have read bad things too.  Plus the fact that my husband is on a Medicare Advantage plan and I don't think CCA is too keen on Medicare from what I've read. 



    Hi Sharon...

    I was base of tongue with one lymph node but no spread of any kind to date ...so  I am not able to help on this one ..but whispered a prayer for you and your husband and I know someone will come along to provide feeback...





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