I can sing!

fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
edited February 2013 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hey folks,

Tomorrow is the benefit and silent auction planned and put together by my friend and singing partner. We've dubbed it Mark "T"'s Beat the Beast Benefit and Silent Auction. We're doing this to help offset my living expenses for the next few months until I can get back to work. 

There are dozens of donated items from businesses and friends. Marcia made handmade purses and wool caps and a couple of her paintings. I believe there are over 20 musicians, groups that will be performing as well. It's being held at a restaurant where my music career was re-born in January 2009. I started playing an open mic there on Sunday evenings and the next thing you know I'm out gigging again. I performed over 110 shows a year over the last two years as a solo performer and duo. 

My partner was just here and picked up the t-shirts I had made and we went over a few details. It looks like it's going to be an awesome turn out. My sister and my son are driving down tomorrow from NJ to visit and go to the benefit for a while. 

The last time I opened my mouth to sing was December 5th. It was the last gig I had booked for the year. Obviously, with everything going on, I haven't booked anything in 2013. In fact, I've had to cancel several dates. 

When I perform solo I go by Mark "T" and when I perform with my partner we're 'Sweet T' :)  Con is an amazng vocalist. She comes from a similar professional background having performed nationally with well known acts. Together there is something very special that only happens once in a great while. Two different voices that come together as one in harmony that is unique, much in the way a Crosby and Nash or Simon and Garfunkel come together.  

We are going to do a set and I was just going to play and let her sing but once I picked up my guitar and we started playing I just had to try and sing despite my throat still being very sore and severe nerve pain in my head and neck. I haven't attempted to sing since beofre my first tonsillectomy on Dec. 21st. 

Well...I can sing! I don't have the strength I normally have but I have the control and timbre. I just have to be more "breathy" is all. It sounds wonderful! Best of all, for that 20 or minutes we practiced, I felt great!

So I plan on getting as much rest as I can between now and tomorrow evening. I'm looking forward to being on stage as it will be the last time before treatment starts and perhaps the last time for the foreseeable future. I'm truly blessed and humbled by the support of my family, friends and fans. I just hope I can hold it together emotionally...

Here's to music and here's to singing!




  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member


    So very excited for you! That must be an great feeling. And remember live in the moment and I bet the emotions will keep, when my son got married, I had been so emotional with no place to dump it.. and prayed I'd keep it together for the wedding... and the surprise was for me - those emotions I feared didn't even surface.. We had so much fun at the wedding, and nothing but smiles. I hope you get the same..

    And should you "you tube" anything.. we'd like the link!

    Kari :)

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Ah T....

    I am SO happy that you gave singing a try, and it turned out so well.  It gives me goose bumps hearing about all the support you have around you.....that is so so wonderful!  I know you'll do great tomorrow night....and it sounds like the benefit is going to be a true success....you must be feeling a deep sense of awe, seeing all these lives that you have touched....just by being yourself, and letting the "who" of you shine thru.  Can hardly wait to hear how the benefit went.

  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member

    Ah T....

    I am SO happy that you gave singing a try, and it turned out so well.  It gives me goose bumps hearing about all the support you have around you.....that is so so wonderful!  I know you'll do great tomorrow night....and it sounds like the benefit is going to be a true success....you must be feeling a deep sense of awe, seeing all these lives that you have touched....just by being yourself, and letting the "who" of you shine thru.  Can hardly wait to hear how the benefit went.

    "T", You're Amazing

    We are not even near this part of my hubby's journey yet, but I've been following your treatments and progress and recent "fun" time in the hospital. It makes my throat sore just reading it and that you have the willpower to talk, much less sing just blows me away. I hope all goes really well at the benefit. Please, just don't overdo it.



  • denistd
    denistd Member Posts: 597
    wolfen said:

    "T", You're Amazing

    We are not even near this part of my hubby's journey yet, but I've been following your treatments and progress and recent "fun" time in the hospital. It makes my throat sore just reading it and that you have the willpower to talk, much less sing just blows me away. I hope all goes really well at the benefit. Please, just don't overdo it.




    So glad you have your voice at this time T, when I was told I had laryngeal cancer I envisioned never being able to talk again let alone sing. I have spent a large portion of my life on stage and have warbled a lot. Before treatment I could only whisper, magically my voice started returning midway through treatment. At the end of treatment the onco said he had scheduled me for speech therapy but I did not need it so he cancelled. A few weeks later my talking voice was back to normal (and I still had my British accent), the singing part was still gruff, I still cannot hit the high notes and certainly the falsetto has gone, so I stick just to messing around with my bass. Great you are doing a gig, I too love harmonies, and spent along time in a band that had all four of us singing, we did dome awesome harmonies. Good luck T, would love to see you and your partner perform.

  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    Wish I lived closer.

    Man I'd love to be able to come and celebrate with you and listen to you jam.  Best of luck my friend, have a great night.

    Joe Cortney

    Dallas, TX

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    jcortney said:

    Wish I lived closer.

    Man I'd love to be able to come and celebrate with you and listen to you jam.  Best of luck my friend, have a great night.

    Joe Cortney

    Dallas, TX

    we will all be there


    Even though we can't be there in person to hear you sing, we will all be there in spirit.

    (Or we will all be in Phrannie's pocket)

    And YOU BET you will kick Jack's butt....you will be an old-timer around here soon enough.


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Glad you got it....


    Best to you with your performance tomorrow. Glad you still have the singing under control and hope you also are able to enjoy the company that will surround you.  

    Wish we could hear you....but know that all your warriors are with you in spirit.

    God Bless,


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    I can listen



    Darn, I already have plans for tomorrow.  You got to give me more notice and being a silent auction I would fit right in.


    Best of luck, you will do fine and have lots of fun.  Remember you already picked out food for your H&N dinner, you should have invited us.


    Harmony and happiness,



  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    CivilMatt said:

    I can listen



    Darn, I already have plans for tomorrow.  You got to give me more notice and being a silent auction I would fit right in.


    Best of luck, you will do fine and have lots of fun.  Remember you already picked out food for your H&N dinner, you should have invited us.


    Harmony and happiness,



    I am so happy for you! That is amazing that you will be able to sing at your own fundraiser, I love it! I wish we could all be there to hear it and support you.
    Please come back afterwards and give us all the details!
  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    Great News



    I am very happy for you. The beast is always threatening to take away, it is always a victory when you can beat it back to regain something you once had. Have a great time you deserve it.



    Enjoy the day


  • lorig01
    lorig01 Member Posts: 83
    Duggie88 said:

    Great News



    I am very happy for you. The beast is always threatening to take away, it is always a victory when you can beat it back to regain something you once had. Have a great time you deserve it.



    Enjoy the day



    Singing is a wonderful gift!  Wish I could be there.

  • alligatorpointer
    alligatorpointer Member Posts: 131
    To Music and To Singing!

    My son (a 51 year old throat cancer patient who has attained NED status) listened to music almost every waking moment during rad/chemo ... his last treatment was in Sept. 2012...and he has made a remarkably good recovery.  I think the music was good medicine and in many ways responsible for his positive mindset and will to survive and thrive and probably contributed to a healing response in ways that we may not fully understand.  Even when you are not feeling well enough to sing or play your guitar, it may help to just simply listen to whatever music moves you in happy, positive ways.  Sending wishes for Good Vibes, "T"...   in all the ways they can be found to make your heart sing.


  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    The fact

    that your vocal cords are strong enough to sing is remarkable. I hope the benefit went well, what a great bunch of friends you  have to do this for you~~~ I hope you videoed it or at the least can share some pictures....many prayers as your treatment begins..you can do this!!

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    HOW DID IT GO ???

    How did you do with the singing and how was the event ?

    hope you had a chance to feel somewhat normal again when you sang.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Sweeeet Caroline...

    Do Do Do...

    Awesome news T.

    Sing it loud, sing it clear...


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Ingrid K said:

    HOW DID IT GO ???

    How did you do with the singing and how was the event ?

    hope you had a chance to feel somewhat normal again when you sang.



    Hi Ingrid,

    What an amazing evening! The turn out was phenominal! I'm truly humbled and thankful. The love and support was over the top. I performed and was able to sing. I was hurting pretty bad but the coolest thing was that the pain practically went away while I was playing. Several people commented how I came alive when I was playing. Once we go through all the pics and videos, I'll post some links. Several  people were recording the evening. 

    I got very little sleep last night as we had to be up early to hit the road to Baltimore for appointments. We just got in a little while ago and I'm going to get a bite to eat, take my meds and go to bed. I'm going back to work in the morning come hell or high water, even if it's for a half a day ;)


  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    fishmanpa said:


    Hi Ingrid,

    What an amazing evening! The turn out was phenominal! I'm truly humbled and thankful. The love and support was over the top. I performed and was able to sing. I was hurting pretty bad but the coolest thing was that the pain practically went away while I was playing. Several people commented how I came alive when I was playing. Once we go through all the pics and videos, I'll post some links. Several  people were recording the evening. 

    I got very little sleep last night as we had to be up early to hit the road to Baltimore for appointments. We just got in a little while ago and I'm going to get a bite to eat, take my meds and go to bed. I'm going back to work in the morning come hell or high water, even if it's for a half a day ;)


    good goin'

    wow, that is great !     Good for you being able to be such a big part of the festivities.  You are a strong warrior for sure.  I could not imagine being up for that when I was in your shoes.  So you certainly know how to push through it.  That will serve you well in the upcoming weeks as you start with your treatments.

    Saw in another post that the mask making was no big deal for you.  It had me freaked out, but it ended up not being a huge problem.

    So stay strong...one day at a time. Sending you and Marcia my best.


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Sweeeet Caroline...

    Do Do Do...

    Awesome news T.

    Sing it loud, sing it clear...


    Glad it went well T

    Sorry I missed the post to wish you success, but glad it went well all the same.  Remarkable that you can keep control of those vocals ...

    You should post a youtube of the event if you recorded it .... :)




  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member

    T & Marcia,


    Very nice.


    Best of luck



  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    CivilMatt said:


    T & Marcia,


    Very nice.


    Best of luck




    Hey T,

    Watched the video.  Lot's of talent and lot's of love was flowing through the entire room.  I think with this type of support system and your strong beliefs.....Jack aint got a chance in he** of sticking around.  You are truely blessed my friend !    Katie