Finally have put "About Me"

wawaju04976 Member Posts: 316 Member

I have finally updated my "About Me" page. I get a lot from what others have gone thru from their "About Me" page, so I finally figured it would only be fair that I put my story in there...



  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Thanks Judy

    It really is helpful especially when you post questions we all can look at your story and get some background info on you which helps US help YOU.

    Sounds like you'll always remember Nov 16th...


  • wawaju04976
    wawaju04976 Member Posts: 316 Member
    PhillieG said:

    Thanks Judy

    It really is helpful especially when you post questions we all can look at your story and get some background info on you which helps US help YOU.

    Sounds like you'll always remember Nov 16th...


    OMG u better believe it. Our

    OMG u better believe it. Our oncologist just looks at us, shakes his head, and says, "What are the chances that both of you would have cancer, stage 4?" Our thoughts, exactly. But in a way, we have been each others support. I was way down, and Jim was finally able to convince me that we will (both) beat this. He's doing great, and I'm knocking on wood that I continue to do great. Yes, it's easier to have my story on there, because when someone asks me, I tend to put details and it makes for a very long posting. So, why not write it up and let people look. I really have just been too lazy to do it, but I decided this a.m. I'd "get 'er done!!!"


  • Brenda Bricco
    Brenda Bricco Member Posts: 579 Member
    Hi Judy,I read your story

    Hi Judy,

    I read your story and all I can say is you sure have been through it.

    I love a couple things about you already (the yeast donuts gave me chuckle, I love them and could eat 3-4 at a time so I stay as far away as I can! lol) With all you are going through you want to get back to teaching, IMO you are a true teacher.

    GOD's blessings to you both.


  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    Thanks for sharing your
    Thanks for sharing your story, Judy. Sounds like you and your husband live a very full life without allowing the cancer to get in your way. Keep it up.

  • wawaju04976
    wawaju04976 Member Posts: 316 Member
    Chelsea71 said:

    Thanks for sharing your
    Thanks for sharing your story, Judy. Sounds like you and your husband live a very full life without allowing the cancer to get in your way. Keep it up.


    Yes, I am going back

    Yes, I am going back half-time until April vacation. If I'm still doing as well as I am, I will go full-time. But at some point I want to get my colostomy reversed, so I'm thinking of early summer so I have the summer to recuperate.

    Jim and I look at cancer this least it is us and not one of our kids. I feel for those on this forum who have seen or are seeing their children go thru this.



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Now I feel I know you

    I enjoyed reading your 'About Me' page. Not that I enjoyed hearing of the trials you and your man are facing. 

    Its good to get to know the people here, even beyond their diagnosis. 

    You're journey is an inspiration to me. We are practically on the same page, as I had my resection the day after Thanksgiving, so pretty close. I didnt start treatment until January though, so a little beind there. 

    Keep you chin up. March is just around the corner, those kids are going to love having you back at school. 


  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Now I feel I know you

    I enjoyed reading your 'About Me' page. Not that I enjoyed hearing of the trials you and your man are facing. 

    Its good to get to know the people here, even beyond their diagnosis. 

    You're journey is an inspiration to me. We are practically on the same page, as I had my resection the day after Thanksgiving, so pretty close. I didnt start treatment until January though, so a little beind there. 

    Keep you chin up. March is just around the corner, those kids are going to love having you back at school. 


    Wow, Judy!

    Sounds like you were in that same tornado that has now got me & hubby. LOL  I'm sure you were wondering when you would wake up from the nightmare.

    I'm so glad both of you are doing well and what better support system could you have than each other. Your attitudes are amazing and you know that's at least half the battle right there.




  • wawaju04976
    wawaju04976 Member Posts: 316 Member
    wolfen said:

    Wow, Judy!

    Sounds like you were in that same tornado that has now got me & hubby. LOL  I'm sure you were wondering when you would wake up from the nightmare.

    I'm so glad both of you are doing well and what better support system could you have than each other. Your attitudes are amazing and you know that's at least half the battle right there.




    It's a nice feeling when you

    It's a nice feeling when you can get to a point where u don't think "cancer" all the time. Yes, it's in the back of my mind, but it is nothing like it was at the beginning of this journey, for both of us. Yes, when it rains it pours. We have been together for about a year and a half, got engaged March 3rd, 2012. We figure we were brought together for a reason...this being at least one reason...
