Hip replacement

VivianLee5689 Member Posts: 546
edited December 2023 in Head and Neck Cancer #1


David had chemo this morning and will continue on a Monday schedule. We saw the orthopedic surgeon today. He has spoken with our hematology oncologist and they have decided David needs a hip replacement. So we go on March 7 for a hip replacement at UK and will stay a few days and then David will do intensive therapy at Cardinal Hill. We hope to have more news when we see Dr. Monohan on the 28th, but for now they are pushing forward on warp drive to see if they can whip him into shape for a bone marrow transplant. We have had a mini backlash from church due to people not thinking he needs treatments.  They think he shouldn't have more surgery. 


  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member


    Sorry to hear that you are getting non-productive opinions. Churches are nice, but not always helpful, even though that is suppose to be the intent. I hope you can find a way to chalk it up to they don't know better, aren't as well informed as you and David. I find many people have the best of intentions, but are so helpless when it comes to making medical decisions, I am surprised they can still walk and talk... like how do they get through life? It must be true that God gives us what we can handle.. ;)

    Otherwise, I am so happy to hear that the transplant is moving forward, and the plan is on track that David is going to be closer to his goal... transplant!

    Keep up the good work, and think of the others who aren't so helpful as cheap entertainment.. you know best what David needs. You could be my caretaker any day!


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I have to agree with Kari....

    about those who are giving you grief....I don't even get it. 

    So...GOOD on the replacement....he's going to be much more comfortable once that is done....and like Kari said, it's onward and upward towards the transplant....YES!! Smile


  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member

    I have to agree with Kari....

    about those who are giving you grief....I don't even get it. 

    So...GOOD on the replacement....he's going to be much more comfortable once that is done....and like Kari said, it's onward and upward towards the transplant....YES!! Smile


    This Is Great News, Vivian

    Glad things are moving at a more rapid positive pace for you guys.

    BTW, do these church people hang out with those "friends" who thought you should leave David. They need to get a life and support you and David in your lives. My daughter's church has been nothing BUT supportive to them for the last five years. Hope they wake up and realize their thinking is twisted.

    UK in Louisville is where my daughter is treated, although some of her surgeries have been done at Jewish Hospital downtown.

    Please keep us updated and take care.



  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Good news....

    Keep moving forward. Try not to question what others are saying right now. The doctors know what's best right now. I agree with Kari that most have good intentions, but have a different way of showing it.

    I'm glad that things are still moving forward with David's treatment.....no delays are a good thing.

    Keep the faith. Thinking of you both.



  • Pumakitty
    Pumakitty Member Posts: 652
    Wonderful News



    I am so glad the hear they are moving ahead with everything.  You and David are so strong (it must be the love).  Please do not let the other people upset.  Mom and I have found that people do not understand what we are going through.  My mother's own sister thinks we are the reason my dad is having a hard time.  You and David both know what you are doing and you are both a wonderful inspiration.





  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Pumakitty said:

    Wonderful News



    I am so glad the hear they are moving ahead with everything.  You and David are so strong (it must be the love).  Please do not let the other people upset.  Mom and I have found that people do not understand what we are going through.  My mother's own sister thinks we are the reason my dad is having a hard time.  You and David both know what you are doing and you are both a wonderful inspiration.





    Hip replacement

    Tell David he can use that new hip to help him kick cancer's a**.............

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    hwt said:

    Hip replacement

    Tell David he can use that new hip to help him kick cancer's a**.............

    What hwt said doubled !


    Keeping you and David in my thoughts !  Katie

  • yogiej2
    yogiej2 Member Posts: 1 *

    My doctor did the radiation on my hip a pelvic bone for fractures. Have been last radiation about 3 weeks ago. Boy had the told me about the radiation burn I would never had done it. It was awful. It is just now toward the end of being done still burning on my laps but my question is my doctor does not want to do a hip replacement is that normal with bone cancer or is he just being over protective or under protective, they have me taking hydrocodone 2×4 hours each day and it seems to help me a little bit but you can’t keep up with their prescription amount because they never give me enough so my other question is what kind of home remedy remedy pain care can I do for my hip and I will be praying for each and everyone of you as I pray you pray for me. Amen.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
    edited December 2023 #10

    Hello Yogiej2 and thanks for your prayers no. 1. No. 2 do you have bone cancer? Can you give us a little more detail of your situation? And this is an old thread you are posting on from 2013 on the head and neck cancer section. Possibly you may want to make a new posting of your own on either the head and neck or bone cancer section. I guess a lady named Vivian started it and had this issue besides head and neck cancer. Possibly someone on this forum may be able to give you an answer. Do you have head and neck cancer and also need a hip replacement, I am a bit confused by your posting, could just be me though. As far as pain meds you should have enough no one should have pain due to a lack of meds. Also, check with your docs about pain management.

    Wishing You The Best

    Take Care, God Bless
