Any professional career issues by sharing personal blog publicly?



  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    low to loud



    I am still in my rookie year and my voice for the most part is normal.  The incidence with losing my voice was just as Skiffin described and after a few sips of water and a moments rest my voice was back.  Raising and lowering the volume of my voice is (currently) a sticking point for me,  When I try to raise it slightly it may start out loud.  It is similar to an old dusty tuner and the volume knob seems to cut out and then blast on.  Mind you this is only when trying to talk loudly.


    T the one area that (virtually 100% )H&N members share is the taste no taste, the voice is a different story.



    True... true....

    Knowing that each of us is different and react in our own way to the treatment is actually a hope I'm grabbing onto with both hands concerning my voice. It's true, my ability to create and play will remain. The voice, I know is a crap shoot BUT... had I stayed local and followed the treatment plan prescribed, I most certainly would come out on the short end of the stick based on the dosage and area prescribed radiation. In fact, the Radiation Oncologist at JH looked at the prescribed field and dosage. He then showed the other doctors and speech pathologist and they told me that in most likelyhood, that plan of treatment would leave permanent negative ramifications. Their goal is to do as little damage as possible. When I went for surgery, I gave a copy of my CD to Dr Richmon and I asked him about that. He said that their goal is to get the cancer and keep me singing. 

    We'll see... I know there are no guarantees. I can only hope, and I hear you guys loud and clear (that can change too), but losing my singing voice would be devastating :( 


  • staceya
    staceya Member Posts: 720
    hawk711 said:

    Hey DF

    Two things for you. 1.  So many people have, had, or know someone that is a survivor of cancer.  It is not as unknown as it used to be. Also, general population has no clue how freakin tough the H&N treatment is.  They just understand it ain't a good thing but then they get on with their life.  Don't be fearful on others knowing, they don't dwell on it, especially if you are performing and show courage and confidence.

     2.  My voice became lower, much lowest than it was.  I now get compliments from strangers who ask if i am an announcer on tv or radio.  I tell them no, I had cancer, And they look at me funny.  It's a a real ice breaker for sure.  I can't sing high notes any more, but I do a great Barry White imitation!  As long as you're not a auctioneer, you will be just fine, a little dry, but fine.

    all the best,


    Unfortunately, I sound like Barry White as well...

    unless I am coughing, then I sound like Barry White with tuberculosis.

    To soothe the cough, I drink a ton of cofee, which has the end result of soundling like Barry White on speed.

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    donfoo said:

    Thanks - gonna come out

    After pondering this for some time now and getting enough feedback from here and afar, in my gut now, I feel sure the decision to communicate openly is the best course. Envisioning far more benefits than negatives is much clearer now and the negatives are in some ways, not negative at all, as a filtering exercise of sorts to see who comes through from those who's indifference is revealed. I think it will also help some folks who are lost for words and action if they hear things indirectly through the grapevine, not sure if they should say something, remain silent, or otherwise confused and possibly a bit conflicted as to how to broach the subject. By me communicating directly to all, it removes any hemming and hawing and discomfort for those caught in limbo -- they are then free to have a conversation with me or elect to distance themselves -- either way is fine with me as long as they find THEIR comfort zone. To some degree I have already experienced many of the typical responses --- it seems like it will be the same song, just with the volume turned up with an authorative twist. Off to build that email list now. thx again. don


    you go, Don

    Hi Don

    I think you have the right idea.... get your story out there as an FYI and then just let the chips fall where they may.

    I feel for all of you that had/have to face going back to work after treatment.  I don't know how any of you did it.

    I was blessed that I had retired 2 years before diagnosis, so that was one challenge I didn't have to face.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    donfoo said:

    Thanks - gonna come out

    After pondering this for some time now and getting enough feedback from here and afar, in my gut now, I feel sure the decision to communicate openly is the best course. Envisioning far more benefits than negatives is much clearer now and the negatives are in some ways, not negative at all, as a filtering exercise of sorts to see who comes through from those who's indifference is revealed. I think it will also help some folks who are lost for words and action if they hear things indirectly through the grapevine, not sure if they should say something, remain silent, or otherwise confused and possibly a bit conflicted as to how to broach the subject. By me communicating directly to all, it removes any hemming and hawing and discomfort for those caught in limbo -- they are then free to have a conversation with me or elect to distance themselves -- either way is fine with me as long as they find THEIR comfort zone. To some degree I have already experienced many of the typical responses --- it seems like it will be the same song, just with the volume turned up with an authorative twist. Off to build that email list now. thx again. don


    Phew...decision made....

    I've been keeping up with this thread because I truly didn't know what I'd do....and now I'm viewing this particular piece of reality thru a different peephole.  Smile 

    Oh...and I'm one who's voice didn't change a bit...tho I haven't had much opportunity to talk loud and I'm not a yeller on home that part hasn't been tested.  Hubby does say I talk all the time...all this means is I don't know much about volume, and I'm good for the long duration....ha!



  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    donfoo said:

    Thanks - gonna come out

    After pondering this for some time now and getting enough feedback from here and afar, in my gut now, I feel sure the decision to communicate openly is the best course. Envisioning far more benefits than negatives is much clearer now and the negatives are in some ways, not negative at all, as a filtering exercise of sorts to see who comes through from those who's indifference is revealed. I think it will also help some folks who are lost for words and action if they hear things indirectly through the grapevine, not sure if they should say something, remain silent, or otherwise confused and possibly a bit conflicted as to how to broach the subject. By me communicating directly to all, it removes any hemming and hawing and discomfort for those caught in limbo -- they are then free to have a conversation with me or elect to distance themselves -- either way is fine with me as long as they find THEIR comfort zone. To some degree I have already experienced many of the typical responses --- it seems like it will be the same song, just with the volume turned up with an authorative twist. Off to build that email list now. thx again. don


    Good for you Don!

    Not that I'm partial or anything but I think it's a wise decision ;) Things will work out the way they're supposed to. Keep fighting the good fight... I'm right behind you! 

    BTW... I had posters done for my benefit/silent auction... they're a take off of Stanley Kubrick's "the Shining" movie poster. We're calling it "Mark T's Beat the Beast". I wonder if it would be against T&C to post an image of the posters and t-shirts?


  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849
    fishmanpa said:

    Good for you Don!

    Not that I'm partial or anything but I think it's a wise decision ;) Things will work out the way they're supposed to. Keep fighting the good fight... I'm right behind you! 

    BTW... I had posters done for my benefit/silent auction... they're a take off of Stanley Kubrick's "the Shining" movie poster. We're calling it "Mark T's Beat the Beast". I wonder if it would be against T&C to post an image of the posters and t-shirts?


    Don and "T"



    Here's a take on it from someone (almost) 3 years out from tx.   I did not do a blog, but had to think about how to handle my situation from a professional viewpoint as well and if I would come out to people from my work (co-workers, employees and clients).  From what you described we are  similar in regards to interaction with clients and other professionals.  My personality is to be very honest, so it didn't take me long to decide to be upfront with everyone including  people I work for (clients).  As I said I didn't do a blog but did send out an email blast every couple of weeks.  This included family and friends, and several of my good friends are clients.  So word got out quickly about my condition.   In a word - no repercussions business wise for me.  There was some avoidance by some people but that was similar with some of my friends also.   I think you made a good choice to share.


    As for the voice - 3 years out.  I gave 90 minute presentation this week.  Had to have my bottle of water by my side but only took a sip every 20 minutes or so.  I think the quality of my voice is about the same.


    "T" - my singing voice is awful now................. but then again it was always awful.  There is an infrequent member here (BrianKrash???? or something like that).  Like you musician and a singer and last time he was here - he was back to performing.  With your 'tude, I'd bet you will be also.


    Positive thoughts to all!



  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849
    staceya said:

    Unfortunately, I sound like Barry White as well...

    unless I am coughing, then I sound like Barry White with tuberculosis.

    To soothe the cough, I drink a ton of cofee, which has the end result of soundling like Barry White on speed.




    Call me!!   A female Barry White!!  (drink  a lot of coffee, please)





  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Greg53 said:

    Don and "T"



    Here's a take on it from someone (almost) 3 years out from tx.   I did not do a blog, but had to think about how to handle my situation from a professional viewpoint as well and if I would come out to people from my work (co-workers, employees and clients).  From what you described we are  similar in regards to interaction with clients and other professionals.  My personality is to be very honest, so it didn't take me long to decide to be upfront with everyone including  people I work for (clients).  As I said I didn't do a blog but did send out an email blast every couple of weeks.  This included family and friends, and several of my good friends are clients.  So word got out quickly about my condition.   In a word - no repercussions business wise for me.  There was some avoidance by some people but that was similar with some of my friends also.   I think you made a good choice to share.


    As for the voice - 3 years out.  I gave 90 minute presentation this week.  Had to have my bottle of water by my side but only took a sip every 20 minutes or so.  I think the quality of my voice is about the same.


    "T" - my singing voice is awful now................. but then again it was always awful.  There is an infrequent member here (BrianKrash???? or something like that).  Like you musician and a singer and last time he was here - he was back to performing.  With your 'tude, I'd bet you will be also.


    Positive thoughts to all!





  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    Greg53 said:




    Call me!!   A female Barry White!!  (drink  a lot of coffee, please)





    now that's funny

    Hey Greg......

    that's wasn't a Barry White tune was it ?

    /s/ "Jenny" 



  • staceya
    staceya Member Posts: 720
    Ingrid K said:

    now that's funny

    Hey Greg......

    that's wasn't a Barry White tune was it ?

    /s/ "Jenny" 



    "Jenny Jenny...."

    I would have liked to hear Barry White's version of the Jenny song!

    Maybe it could star Betty White.

  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member
    donfoo said:

    Thanks - gonna come out

    After pondering this for some time now and getting enough feedback from here and afar, in my gut now, I feel sure the decision to communicate openly is the best course. Envisioning far more benefits than negatives is much clearer now and the negatives are in some ways, not negative at all, as a filtering exercise of sorts to see who comes through from those who's indifference is revealed. I think it will also help some folks who are lost for words and action if they hear things indirectly through the grapevine, not sure if they should say something, remain silent, or otherwise confused and possibly a bit conflicted as to how to broach the subject. By me communicating directly to all, it removes any hemming and hawing and discomfort for those caught in limbo -- they are then free to have a conversation with me or elect to distance themselves -- either way is fine with me as long as they find THEIR comfort zone. To some degree I have already experienced many of the typical responses --- it seems like it will be the same song, just with the volume turned up with an authorative twist. Off to build that email list now. thx again. don


    Just catching up


    i personally was thinking, I'll post, and tell him, I'd keep it quiet... But then I thought, what did we do? 

    We are on caring bridge, everyone from my office, my boss, to everyone in Dan's school and his supervisor are reading a glimpse into our daily lives.. So glad to see you made the decision you did.

    my dad used to say honesty is the best policy, and so far it's worked for us...

    take a peak if you wish, I just don't talk as specific there as I might here... Always try to find a positive spin, yet Even that was a challenge at times...


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Email Updates...

    Like Greg, we started (my wife originally) an email update list...

    Friends, family, co-workers, etc...

    Every week during treatment, then major events, scans, etc...after.

    We would send a group email on my status...

    Actually it was very theraputic... when I felt like crap, or was alone for the day, I would get emails checking on me, well wishing, etc...

    It gave me a sense to fight, and to know I had people thinking of me...
