beyond the bleeding edge of medical science - something for Ren, for us all. have Hope
"We cannot think of others"...pete43lost_at_sea said:thanks marie, i need to be kept inline
dear marie,
a sincere thanks for the challenging questions, i hope if have addressed your points.
these are only my opinions, your comments and others helps put them in context. thanks again.
i am only citing my specific situation.
whats apparent success mean. please read the medical reports, the scans reports.
i have uploaded it all, any doctor in the world can download and confirm my therapy success.
if anyone still doubts me results, contact my hipec surgeon dr morris or my oncologist dr bell both in sydney. the world has my permission to contact my conventional doctor and ask about my therapy. is that transparent enough. of course they may not like it, but thats their problem. of course you can also ask my german doctors vogel, copic, nesslehut. my survival team. they will confirm as well. my oncologist dr bell is now starting to import removab into australia. i can see fellow australians having access to immunotherapies. it will be the greatest accomplishment of my life. what happens in the usa is up to each of you personally.
don't shoot the messenger, thank him.
feel free to download my pet scans and look for yourself the way doctors do.
i have not beaten up or criticised any of medical systems directly.
i have the greatest respect for all our medical systems, of course they are not perfect and have room to improve.
our doctors do the best they can do within the system they are in.
we do the best we can do as patients within that system.
i would not be alive without my australian conventional medical system, i had a very big t4 tumour, that set the stage for recurrence post low anterior resection surgery.
i have benefited with off label drugs, now its a shame they are not covered by insurance, thats a reality i cannot change.
it shows the truth that our wealth determines our access to health, its not fair, but its a clear reality. from usa, to the poor indian in delhi starving outside the hospital, to the uk to my dearest vitamin c friends in sydney who are selling houses, doing whatever it takes to have a shot at cure. i make no apology for my success and my duty to publicly proclaim i believe their is a better way that works if you can afford it.
effectively those stage 4 with financial resources to try my path, and its simply their personal choice. they will make my path a track if it works.
if noone follows, if my path does not help, it will over grow and die. we will be left with our current health systems.
if others on my path have success, then the track may become a road, one day a highway.
why cannot a group of terminally ill cancer patients change the world ? answer that marie and everyone ? seriously have a crack!
tell me why ? are we so caught up in our own death that we cannot think of others! i jumped on the plane to germany on the 6th october, it was not just for me.
the few wealthy people here with stage 4, have not even heard of these therapies. i am at least giving them an option to consider. i
whats wrong with ASKING, whats wrong with DEMANDING. after all we always say here lets get a second and a third opinion. that proof of our will to live, to
think beyond a palliative offering.
what i think is challenging alot of my friends here is my perspection of the truth that your medical system is clearly inferior to germany's holistic and experimental system.
i believe that. you can believe whatever you want, and i respect you and everyones right to their opinion. i express my opinion in my posts, that all. i don't go pushing in other posts.
if its any consolation the us system is as far behind as australia, uk, canada. its not really bashing up this system or that system.
to me its really simple, someone has to win a race. the german holistic system won.
will our conventional systems EGO permit them to learn from my success and so many others. no.
they will bury ME and my SUCCESS and the status quo will continue. nothing will change. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS.
basically subscribe to mercola, the natural health, holistic approaches with targetted therapies i believe is the best way forward. its worked for me, it may work for others i sincerely pray.
if we don't change our health systems, they won't change. the "not in our lifetimes" will be true.
only god knows whats impossible, not our doctors or governements.
i believe in miracles, i am sorry my success is a clear example of the transference of responsibility from the doctor to the patient.
as i said earlier, my convnetional system is in the process of delivering removab. which is a step in the right direction.
but its one step forward, two steps back.
my dear oncologist dr bell, still has a drug based focus. i doubt he will reproduce my result on other colorectals in sydney.
he does not push natural health, life style. he does not have access to TACE and avastin, he does not have access to dendtritic cell vaccine.
he has not even asked me about the details of the therapies, i doubt he has read the comprehensive german medical report.
do you see, his approach is a recipe for failure. the same with any us doctors cherry picking components of these therapies.
hallwang had been doing removab 10 years, vogel with tace 15 years, nesslehut vaccines 15 years. i have got my result by access world leader with a combined 40 years experience, of seeing terminal cancer patients everyday and trying to improve each day individually.
what i firmly believe i represent is the holistic glue that ties the best of these therapies together.
the holistic health revolution has been happening for a long time, all thats happened now is a clear example of one mans success.
yes it clearly allows us to question the therapy millions are recieving each day for cancer. i cannot help that. in fact i welcome it.
this is not a new argument or issue. my story represents hope marie, hope for millions.
whats wrong with ASKING, everyday cancer patients ask about supplements, now they can ASK about something else.
doctor bell my oncologist, who i owe my life too, looked at me and smiled, i think you need to goto germany, you will never be happy unless you try it.
he did not talk me out of it. within a few days i was on the plane. with very very very high hopes, for me personally and for us all.
ps marie years ago here, i did a post about climbing mount everest, i don't think it got one reply, like lots of my posts. i have reached the summit, marie and its a wonderful glorious view. i am happy to share it.
pps my heart breaks for my friends here, i am asking my doctors about any of my friends who contact me. that the best i can do.
life is to short not to have fun, especially if you got a stage 4 diagnosis. why not rock the boat? if we don't noone else will.
wow. Pete, that is so not ok. Here are some reasons why us stage 4ers might not "jump on the plane" and follow what you are doing...
1. Money. You're spending a fortune, and most of us don't have access to that kind of wealth.
2. Time. Many stage 4 folks only live a couple of years after dx. Doesn't allow a lot of time for traveling the world in search of a cure.
3. Physical health. Many with stage 4 cancer are very sick. Not from treatment, but from the cancer itself.
4. Concerns about efficacy of these treatments. A 1 in 10 shot at life is better than nothing, for sure, but I would personally want some studies showing that it's really even that. And is this for cure or for remission? And if remission, for how long? This is only the beginning of your journey, really need to be a year or two down the road to be sure you have achieved some kind of cure.
5. Success with conventional treatments here at home, whether via surgery, chemo, or TCM. There are options here.
Anyway, I wish you the best in your quest for health, Pete, I really do. But I prefered reading your posts back when you were eating sea cucumbers and doing coffee enemas...for some reason, in the last few months, you have become kind of hostile in tone to anyone who questions your statements in any way. And suggesting that the rest of us with stage 4 disease are somehow selfish for not doing what you are doing is pretty unkind. AA
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"We cannot think of others"... thanksannalexandria said:"We cannot think of others"...
wow. Pete, that is so not ok. Here are some reasons why us stage 4ers might not "jump on the plane" and follow what you are doing...
1. Money. You're spending a fortune, and most of us don't have access to that kind of wealth.
2. Time. Many stage 4 folks only live a couple of years after dx. Doesn't allow a lot of time for traveling the world in search of a cure.
3. Physical health. Many with stage 4 cancer are very sick. Not from treatment, but from the cancer itself.
4. Concerns about efficacy of these treatments. A 1 in 10 shot at life is better than nothing, for sure, but I would personally want some studies showing that it's really even that. And is this for cure or for remission? And if remission, for how long? This is only the beginning of your journey, really need to be a year or two down the road to be sure you have achieved some kind of cure.
5. Success with conventional treatments here at home, whether via surgery, chemo, or TCM. There are options here.
Anyway, I wish you the best in your quest for health, Pete, I really do. But I prefered reading your posts back when you were eating sea cucumbers and doing coffee enemas...for some reason, in the last few months, you have become kind of hostile in tone to anyone who questions your statements in any way. And suggesting that the rest of us with stage 4 disease are somehow selfish for not doing what you are doing is pretty unkind. AA
dear annalexandria,
all great points and thanks, i spending my life insurance to save my life yes, its ironic. i am blessed.
the reasons to not jump on the plane becoming clearer to me thanks for helping open my eyes. i never seek to coerce anyone to try try these therapies.
i just share the good, the bad the ugly. self directed change is the only path we should change.
if someone meets me in germany great, if not great. life is what it is. we each got our path.
i love your points, all valid. i don't mean to be hostile, but i guess in am passionate about my experience and my story and my life.
honestly my current emotional intensity has taken me by surprise. that said its the reflection of coming so close to death and now maybe being spared.
you know i am videoing every procedure and consult since arriving germany a week ago, also documenting the supplements, the hotels, the clinics. i am going to create the immunotherapie channel. i bought the hd video camera enroute in taipi. the french journalist could not make it, and i figured i might as well do this myself. looking over the videos has been amazing for me. i still cannot workout how to upload them.
the real life doctors consults are so educational. extremely motivating.
hostile, is the last thing i intend, i am sorry its come across that way. peace and love are the cornerstones of my survival.
if i come across hostlie, let me know, i will always back off. i do prefer to just live within my posts about my subject areas of interest.
i feel odd supporting those suffering chemo side effects. mind you i still got slightly odd feet.
with my success so far my reticence for chemo personally has grown, but i still know its the only option for most.
thanks annalexandria, i appreciate your comments.
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thanks so much marieLovekitties said:Dear Pete
I am not quesitoning your apparent success. I am not downing your methods of getting there. I am not putting down the German clinics and their different approach to find help a way to keep cancer patients alive.
What I do ask is that you share all this with us without the jabs at the medical profession in the rest of the world. It is not EGO which keeps other medical providers from trying things that the Germans might. In many cases it is the laws and regulatory boards. Here in the USA one cannot get a reputable doctor to inject you with whatever you request just because you think it might help.
There is lots wrong with the world's approach to medical care and the costs of getting care which may save our lives, no doubt about it, but we do have to work within the laws that we currently have. They were put in place to protect us from charlatins who tout "cures" when what they give has no hope of benifit.
Germany may very well be on the leading edge of helping cancer patients. What needs to happen is for them to do medically documented cases of their success and provide it to the rest of the world. While your own case may be giving fantastic results, it does not constitute enough to change the world. It may be the beginning, but it cannot change what we have by itself. Medically reputable doctors who are able to try experimental approaches with humans hold the keys to change in how cancer patients are treated. Here in the USA that means clinical trials.
The biggest issues no one has been able to address is that no two patients will necessarily have the same response to the same treatment. Cancer and the human form are unique due to genetics, environment, and life experiences.
All I am asking of you is to temper your dislike of the treatments available to the rest of us, and concentrate on the approach you are using. Yes, we do encourage others to seek multiple opinions to determine what is best for them. If they can afford your treatment, fine, but most of us are limited to what is deemed medically acceptable in our home country.
The best you can do for the cancer world at large is to push your medical teams there in Germany to continue to document and share their successes.
Marie who loves kitties
dear marie,
excellent points and well said. the reality true and heart breaking.
this exchange summarises in a short way the tragedy of our health system. from my hotel room, i see the faailings of all our health systems. i want for my friends here, what i have got. read ann post about why not jump on a plane. read your own wonderful reply about why not in usa.
my conclusion is very few of you guys can come here and there is noway soon to get these therapies into mainstream usa or other developed and the status quo continues.
the pace of medical innovation heart breakingly slow, all my passion is motivated by survivor guilt. why me, what can i do.
first i will do my best to stay alive and prove these therapies.
second i will help anyone who comes to germany, i have three already. i can help so much, you could not believe. all my suggestions to the doctors, well they don't stop nodding and say yesy, yes, yes. i firmly believe and hope that my approach can make the difference in beating stage4 colorectal using these therapies. all my help is for free. its going to be a lovelly rewarding way to live, i hope my family here soon to live, but that up to them. i am getting the clinics and medicine close to me, its a strange dependency i have on them. the immune profiles, none of these tests and medical opinions available elsewhere but here.
i will temper my comments, here. you and everyone has been so kind and patient and supportive of me, often when i had noone else. like when doing removab.
but i am deeply torn again, i have said clearly my views and opinions about chemo and immunotherapy. i will try and be as eloquent as john23 about tcm.
the doctors here cannot afford to run trials, they are too expensive, only big pharma runs the trials. also see ren blog about trials.
today doc n said while giving me my 2nd vaccine, his incredible success is rejected, because he treats all his patients individually. i don't mean to be argumentitive but i conclude that trial based medicine the way we have it is simply killing us quickly. its just my opinion, i will keep it just in this reply and on my immunothermapie channel. i will ask all those who i help, if they mind having their story, the good, the bad broadcast on my channel. patients telling other patients real stories about as good as it gets.
your usa doctors ( and all others ) don't accept the existing papers published that provide ample proof for me now. alot are docuemtned on my medical records on the blog.
the best i can do, is document and share and care and live well. maybe mercola will broadcast my story. the more documetned colorectal successes the better, again my patient based clinical study the only way to go.
thanks for being so kind to me, and everyone else for that matter, i am settling down. i know i have tested your patience. how we can help save our own lives, i don't know.
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