Hair loss from Folfox?

When taking Folfox, did your hair fall out and if so....about what treatment? I'll be starting chemo next week and wanted to be proactive and get a wig now. I know, it's the vanity in me but I just don't want to walk around with patches of hair missing. I told my husband since I've always been a brunette, I could get some hot blonde wig! lol
I started to lose a lot of my
I started to lose a lot of my hair After treatment 4 of Folfox. I still have some hair but it is very thin and does not look healthy. I used to have long thick hair....I wound up cutting it much shorter because every time I brushed it it just seemed to pull even more hair out. Be careful when getting your insurance was supposed to pay for 1 wig but they denied my claim because the wig shop was not in network ... I asked them well what wig shop is and there were none in my area ... I live in a large metropolitan area. So I wound up having to pay the $370 bill myself....wigs can be very expensive....some of the ones i tried on we're over $2000! I also ordered a second wig from Paula Young wigs...from the jaclyn smith line...very affordable and actually it is the one that I wear most often. I think I paid about $50 for that wig.
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No wig needed
I've never seen anyone lose 'patches' of hair from FOLFOX. Hair thins, yes. My onc's nurse told me to shampoo gently. Don't tug on your hair. Not to use things like rubber bands, barettes, or anything that might pull on my hair. She suggested a silk type pillow case. I have very fine hair and it thinned during my 12 tx's but never looked bad or certainly not noticeable that I was on chemo. My insurance covers wigs and I qualified for 2 human hair wigs, but I held off after talking to my onc and am glad I did.
BTW..... I'm also vain. I won't go anywhere without my make-up done to a 't' and hair looking nice. Even if I'm scrubbing floors or working in the yard, make-up is a must!
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Thank you for the comments/suggestions. My insurance co. is supposed to pay too but we'll see. Make up is definitely a must too!
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I only lost hair from the eyebrows down
The hair on my head remained intact, tho it went dead straight. No one in my family has straight hair - this was truly an anomaly.
My hairdresser felt like I was a new client every time I went in, because my hair texture changed so much. We could never plan ahead what to do with it. However, from what I understand, most people don't lose their hair on Folfox.
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Hair loss on Folfox
I understand it is rare to lose your hair on Folfox - so you might be one of those lucky people. I did lose all my hair - all over my body except for my eyebrows. It all came back - although not quickly enough for me. I chose to wear hats, not wigs. That worked well for me too. I'm sorry - I don't remember when I lost it - probably midway through. Good luck!
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I had thinning but no complete hair loss.....never came even close to needing a wig. Lost my eyelashes. After treatment all hair returned in great shape. I think really good shampoo is a good idea.
One thing I did do was get my bedroom ready....I got a television set up and nice warm blankets. I chose good things to read that would really hold my attention....I did tend to spend a fair bit of time in the bedroom and on the couch so i wanted those places tidy and comfy. Try to think of little treats for yourself....oh and do you have mittens or gloves ready??? remember no cold things to touch....make sure you have gloves for the grocery store if you have to touch anything cold.....
ahhh shucks....we will be here for you when you get started....ask anything!!!
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Glovesmaglets said:thnning
I had thinning but no complete hair loss.....never came even close to needing a wig. Lost my eyelashes. After treatment all hair returned in great shape. I think really good shampoo is a good idea.
One thing I did do was get my bedroom ready....I got a television set up and nice warm blankets. I chose good things to read that would really hold my attention....I did tend to spend a fair bit of time in the bedroom and on the couch so i wanted those places tidy and comfy. Try to think of little treats for yourself....oh and do you have mittens or gloves ready??? remember no cold things to touch....make sure you have gloves for the grocery store if you have to touch anything cold.....
ahhh shucks....we will be here for you when you get started....ask anything!!!
I went to Target today and they had their gloves on sale so I bought 3 more pair. I would have never known about the gloves if it wasn't for this blog so I'm ready now. I think I would rather lose my air then my eyelashes. I look like a zombie without mascara!
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HairYoVita said:Hair loss on Folfox
I understand it is rare to lose your hair on Folfox - so you might be one of those lucky people. I did lose all my hair - all over my body except for my eyebrows. It all came back - although not quickly enough for me. I chose to wear hats, not wigs. That worked well for me too. I'm sorry - I don't remember when I lost it - probably midway through. Good luck!
I thought about the hats but didn't want to worry about them blowing off my head! lol
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Round two
I've just passed my second sessoin and my hair is already thinning. When I looked in the mirror yesterday, I could see my scalp through my hair, which I've never been able to do before.
I can't stand things on my head, so a wig is out, but I do have a few hats which I hate but will wear becasue its bitter cold outside.
Also the hair on my legs (no, I don't bother shaving in the winter) is bald in patches, and my pubic hair, most of which was shaved for surgery, is not growing back.
I don't expect to lose all my hair, but if I do, I'm going to get a Henna tattoo during the summer. Something fun for people to look at.
Good luck with your treatments.
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I did not lose my hair, but I
I did not lose my hair, but I did stop curling it and using a blow dryer. I babied it and treated it gently. However, I too was worried and bought a wig before the treatment started and it was the best $300 insurance policy I could have purchased. I knew if I had the wig ready and had talked with by stylist about an after hours head shaving that I would not lose my hair.
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Thank you. I start onTrubrit said:Round two
I've just passed my second sessoin and my hair is already thinning. When I looked in the mirror yesterday, I could see my scalp through my hair, which I've never been able to do before.
I can't stand things on my head, so a wig is out, but I do have a few hats which I hate but will wear becasue its bitter cold outside.
Also the hair on my legs (no, I don't bother shaving in the winter) is bald in patches, and my pubic hair, most of which was shaved for surgery, is not growing back.
I don't expect to lose all my hair, but if I do, I'm going to get a Henna tattoo during the summer. Something fun for people to look at.
Good luck with your treatments.
Thank you. I start on Wednesday. Not looking forward to it but the quicker I start, the quicker I'll be done.
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I got a wig that looks likekhl8 said:I did not lose my hair, but I
I did not lose my hair, but I did stop curling it and using a blow dryer. I babied it and treated it gently. However, I too was worried and bought a wig before the treatment started and it was the best $300 insurance policy I could have purchased. I knew if I had the wig ready and had talked with by stylist about an after hours head shaving that I would not lose my hair.
I got a wig that looks like my normal hair and it was only $70. If insurance doesn't pay, I'm not out any money. I had it on and sent a picture to my husband and he couldn't even tell!
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hairColoncancerblows said:I got a wig that looks like
I got a wig that looks like my normal hair and it was only $70. If insurance doesn't pay, I'm not out any money. I had it on and sent a picture to my husband and he couldn't even tell!
first, I love your user name! gets right to the point, doesn't it?
My hair thinned out a lot so I wore a wig to work (hated the damn thing; it itched) but about 3/4 through treatment, it stopped falling out. don't know why but now it's thickened out again and is curly! I like the new texture and can't wait to grow it out. I even have Shirley Temple spiral curls - well, very small ones. It's definitely a plus.
re; your chemo experience, did you have your mediport installed? I got my port installed and started chemo like the very next day. Ugh. It totally wiped me out and I spent about six weeks on a memory foam, watching Netflix and NCIS. It was rough, but after awhile my body got used to it and i became stronger. Once I could get up and move around I started walking - one of the drugs makes you sun sensitive, and I had treatment during the summer, so I remember going to a supermarket and walking up and down the aisles just for exercise!! I couldn't go out side because I'd turn into a radish in about 30 seconds.
I will recommend chugging lots of water. I must have drank two liters a day. oy! but i think it helped. I also tried to avoid processed food, or food with lots of additives and junk to minimize the burden on my poor liver. Don't know if it helped but my liver tests came back all right. And protein - to build red blood cells (especially for women) eat 60 grams of protein a day. I was losing so much weight that I went to a nutritionist. There isn't any food that I know of that will help you increase your white blood cells and platelets - those get whacked by chemo as well. My platelets were constantly on the low side (bruised a lot) but only once did my white count drop below acceptable levels.
I'm done with the first wave of chemo and have neuropathy now; not pain just tingling. during treatment my hands would sometimes feel weird, so I ordered some carpal tunnel braces and slept with the on, or I wrapped my wrists in ace bandages. that really helped. Definitely get gloves to take things from the fridge. I got used to eating warm yogurt (took about an hour to cool the little tubs to a temperature I could tolerate.) Cereal was an adjustment - warm milk turns ordinary breakfast cereal to mush.
good luck with your treatment. This board is a great source of information and support. you're not alone!
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3rd Treatment
I lost clumps of hair when I was on my 3rd treatment of Folfox. I had pretty large areas of bald spots. I ended up shaving my head when it got really bad. I always had a trail of hair. I bought a wig but rarely used it. I enjoyed the freedom of the bald head. One of our local hospitals had a free wig program. Try looking around for other programs.
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Hair on Folfox
I had hair thinning but it seems like losing hair as it falls out. Don't buy the wig yet. I thinned at the top and was hoping it would grow back dark and thick like my cousin who had breast cancer but instead it filled in but was white with a very baby fine texture. Some on Folfox did not lose their hair at all so best advice is to wait and see.
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Good luckColoncancerblows said:Thank you. I start on
Thank you. I start on Wednesday. Not looking forward to it but the quicker I start, the quicker I'll be done.
I was so apprehensive about my first chemo infusion, but found that the infusion itself was a doddle. They make you very comfortable, so sit back and enjoy the chameraderie in the chemo room, which is the part I really enjoy.
Are you coming home with a bag?
For me the side-effect part is the least fun part.
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Thank youlilacbrroller said:hair
first, I love your user name! gets right to the point, doesn't it?
My hair thinned out a lot so I wore a wig to work (hated the damn thing; it itched) but about 3/4 through treatment, it stopped falling out. don't know why but now it's thickened out again and is curly! I like the new texture and can't wait to grow it out. I even have Shirley Temple spiral curls - well, very small ones. It's definitely a plus.
re; your chemo experience, did you have your mediport installed? I got my port installed and started chemo like the very next day. Ugh. It totally wiped me out and I spent about six weeks on a memory foam, watching Netflix and NCIS. It was rough, but after awhile my body got used to it and i became stronger. Once I could get up and move around I started walking - one of the drugs makes you sun sensitive, and I had treatment during the summer, so I remember going to a supermarket and walking up and down the aisles just for exercise!! I couldn't go out side because I'd turn into a radish in about 30 seconds.
I will recommend chugging lots of water. I must have drank two liters a day. oy! but i think it helped. I also tried to avoid processed food, or food with lots of additives and junk to minimize the burden on my poor liver. Don't know if it helped but my liver tests came back all right. And protein - to build red blood cells (especially for women) eat 60 grams of protein a day. I was losing so much weight that I went to a nutritionist. There isn't any food that I know of that will help you increase your white blood cells and platelets - those get whacked by chemo as well. My platelets were constantly on the low side (bruised a lot) but only once did my white count drop below acceptable levels.
I'm done with the first wave of chemo and have neuropathy now; not pain just tingling. during treatment my hands would sometimes feel weird, so I ordered some carpal tunnel braces and slept with the on, or I wrapped my wrists in ace bandages. that really helped. Definitely get gloves to take things from the fridge. I got used to eating warm yogurt (took about an hour to cool the little tubs to a temperature I could tolerate.) Cereal was an adjustment - warm milk turns ordinary breakfast cereal to mush.
good luck with your treatment. This board is a great source of information and support. you're not alone!
for the food advice. I need to get grip on my eating habits and eat a little bit more on the healthy side.
As a bird watcher, I also love your picture/avatar.
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My doctor's office said theTrubrit said:Good luck
I was so apprehensive about my first chemo infusion, but found that the infusion itself was a doddle. They make you very comfortable, so sit back and enjoy the chameraderie in the chemo room, which is the part I really enjoy.
Are you coming home with a bag?
For me the side-effect part is the least fun part.
My doctor's office said the first session will be a very long day (not sure why). They'll give me my pack and it takes 46 hours to run it's course and then I go back on Friday for them to unhook it. Seems very weird to me sleeping with meds going thru my body. They said I could shower with it as long as I covered it up so that might be a challenge. I've got my bag ready to take with my Ipod, Ipad and Kindle. My husband isn't a reader so he'll probably just look at me while I have headphones on. lol I plan on going to my first session with my "colon cancer blows" t-shirt. It has a blue blowfish on it and very cute.
Side effects are the part I'm dreading.
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Karin,lilacbrroller said:hair
first, I love your user name! gets right to the point, doesn't it?
My hair thinned out a lot so I wore a wig to work (hated the damn thing; it itched) but about 3/4 through treatment, it stopped falling out. don't know why but now it's thickened out again and is curly! I like the new texture and can't wait to grow it out. I even have Shirley Temple spiral curls - well, very small ones. It's definitely a plus.
re; your chemo experience, did you have your mediport installed? I got my port installed and started chemo like the very next day. Ugh. It totally wiped me out and I spent about six weeks on a memory foam, watching Netflix and NCIS. It was rough, but after awhile my body got used to it and i became stronger. Once I could get up and move around I started walking - one of the drugs makes you sun sensitive, and I had treatment during the summer, so I remember going to a supermarket and walking up and down the aisles just for exercise!! I couldn't go out side because I'd turn into a radish in about 30 seconds.
I will recommend chugging lots of water. I must have drank two liters a day. oy! but i think it helped. I also tried to avoid processed food, or food with lots of additives and junk to minimize the burden on my poor liver. Don't know if it helped but my liver tests came back all right. And protein - to build red blood cells (especially for women) eat 60 grams of protein a day. I was losing so much weight that I went to a nutritionist. There isn't any food that I know of that will help you increase your white blood cells and platelets - those get whacked by chemo as well. My platelets were constantly on the low side (bruised a lot) but only once did my white count drop below acceptable levels.
I'm done with the first wave of chemo and have neuropathy now; not pain just tingling. during treatment my hands would sometimes feel weird, so I ordered some carpal tunnel braces and slept with the on, or I wrapped my wrists in ace bandages. that really helped. Definitely get gloves to take things from the fridge. I got used to eating warm yogurt (took about an hour to cool the little tubs to a temperature I could tolerate.) Cereal was an adjustment - warm milk turns ordinary breakfast cereal to mush.
good luck with your treatment. This board is a great source of information and support. you're not alone!
I stole my usernameKarin,
I stole my username from a t-shirt I bought! haha OMG...I hope I'm not down for 6 weeks because I'm going back to work on the 25th. That's my six weeks from having my tumor removed. Where I work they're very understanding and if I have to miss 2 or 3 days a week then I'll take it unpaid. I'll get the pack unhooked on Friday's so I'm hoping i can recoop on Saturday and Sunday's and be ready to go back to work on Monday. Ugh.....not looking forward to it at all. I have my gloves ready and heard that about the fridge/freezer. It's going to be challenging eating things at room temperature when they're normally cold. I guess no more coke Iccee's for me. Darn!
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Thank you. I'll look forCoppercent said:3rd Treatment
I lost clumps of hair when I was on my 3rd treatment of Folfox. I had pretty large areas of bald spots. I ended up shaving my head when it got really bad. I always had a trail of hair. I bought a wig but rarely used it. I enjoyed the freedom of the bald head. One of our local hospitals had a free wig program. Try looking around for other programs.
Thank you. I'll look for that free wig program.
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