I am torn between flaunting and sharing my success
Hi Petepete43lost_at_sea said:dear tony, obsessed, you really think we are ?
Dear Tony and all,
checkout the AHCC book on my blog at the bottom of this post.
Ok maybe obsessed, or just focused.
You found me all those months ago and gc maf, now look at what we are both up too. I am so grateful.
We are our own clinical trials.
We are sharing our results and knowledge out of the best worlds leading vaccine centres. we are making history.
What I am doing feels particularly pedestrian. Intensely pedestrian.
what you are doing for your son, I find inspiring beyond belief. When I have a break in treatment and am clear, I will go to the holy land to thank God.
I see a nice irony, two fathers. one saving his son, the other saving himself for his son. Your advice, support and friendship essential.
I will then try and visit you and get some lego. I have read tans link re MDSC, emailed it to nesslehut to discuss in todays consult.
this post and the last few hours readings has been an epithany. all the pieces of my jigsaw just fell into place after reading
"Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells: Subsets,
Expansion, and Role in Cancer Progression" thankyou tans, its the best reference. i needed the few missing links, that reference has helped me put the peices of my jigsaw puzzle together i think. its going to be a great consult with doctor N today.
the role of food, of the aminos, inflamation. everything about diet, exercise, meditation and lifestyle just got verified.
we are on the cutting edge of science my dearest friend. one day we wll actually have to talk on the phone. maybe video skype.
its about time you me and tans started having informal discussions about research going forward. mind you sharing this stuff in public, must surely give some hope to our friends.
I was so pisssed i could not get a clear answer out of dagmar and nesslehut re gcmaf(injection or probiotic yogurt) with vaccine shot 1
can you imagine having to trust your gut and go with these crazy odd ball therapies.
tomorrow they said they would test my yogurt in the lab. that in itself is a dream come true.
http://www.nature.com/nrc/journal/v12/n4/fig_tab/nrc3237_F3.html this link explains nesslehut preferance for direct inject avastin. lowering vegf and its angiogenic benefits as well as enhancing
clearly now my strategy makes sense, I have just seen it myself in detail. its the synergy between these clincs, that they don't even know of themselves.
my result is my path, the conjunction of these therapies at these clinics. i am more confident then ever that i will beat this. that this really is a workable cure.
i have some tears. sorry. this is life and death for me, and not just me my dearest friends.
i have targetted and marked all my tumours with removab and ndv !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then I have had local avastin and its benefits regarding stopping immune suppression in the local tumour enironment as well as some local chemo just for fun.
then I have the dendritic cell vaccine.
I also have my litttle gcmaf yogurt activating macrophages.
I can see that this combo had to work. its crystal clear.
its doctor asir copic at hallwang who sent me to nesslehut. asir will be very pleased i can explain to him the synergy between local avastin, removab and DC vaccine.
even the ozone therapy here to reduce inflamation. my crp is 0.1 . i have all the biological prerequisites for immune therapy to work.
the other point is the value of reducing ROS, so knowing your genetics to manage your ROS exposure is critical.
I have so much hope, but I have to not get ahead of myself. its going to be day by day for me.
hopefully stage 4 colorectal by colorectal. month by month we may prove or disprove my theory and this set of therapies.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arginine can you see how surgery sets the stage for immune dysfunction in the local tumour environment via agine depletion.
my jigsaw is looking beautiful, i hope yours is also.
its ok to dream about cures. I will see you on the whitehouse lawns when you, me and tans have lunch with obama. I will have a beer and steak! Only joking salmon and juice instead.
we may help fix the USA financial problems and save a few friends. we might even get on the front page of the cancer survivors network. who knows where this will end ?
now thats thats what so nice about breathing, we never really know whats around the corner.
have hope and faith my dear friends.
PS I have space in the car. Its a very nice car, see the blog for details. I am picking up my first friend on the 13th. she is not colorectal. the german cancer survivors network exists also.
PPS http://petertrayhurn.blogspot.de/2013/01/my-sppech-for-healing-mass-you-never.html this blog has got the AHCC info, a book, essential reading for those considering immunotherapy.
been using AHCC for a while, replaced it with MGN-3 (biobran) trying to mix things up, my concern with AHCC was IL-beta production (not sure that's good for us) anyway so little research on this stuff sometimes you just have to go with your intuition.
When you have your Docs attention mention Imiquimod (Aldera) as an adjuvant, can't see any reason not to do this, it activates TLR 7+8.
At the minute I'm reading about T-memory cells and fatty acids, Metformin rears it's head again....you still taking it?
Dr. Slavin also put me onto cord blood cell therapy (MSC's) , these cells home into tumours for some strange reason without the immune system destroying them, so you can attach chemo or viruses that go straight for the kill.
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Good read Tanstanstaafl said:MDSC
Geez Tony, the acronyms lost me there for minute. <a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2805057/">MDSC</a> myeloid derive suppressor cells.
<a href="http://cdn.intechopen.com/pdfs/34381/InTech-Myeloid_derived_suppressor_cells_subsets_expansion_and_role_in_cancer_progression.pdf">a whole chapter</a>
Thanks, I notice the iNOS (inducible Nitric Oxide synthase) is involved, got a positive marker there, too.
I think your metronomic 5FU is keeping these down, the ATRA response to many tumours makes sense if it's also surpessing MDSC's, I did mention metronomic 5FU to our Professor but this stuff is cutting edge.
Will wait and see, for now amino acids are the tool.
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more thoughts and a big conclusionpete43lost_at_sea said:dear tony, obsessed, you really think we are ?
Dear Tony and all,
checkout the AHCC book on my blog at the bottom of this post.
Ok maybe obsessed, or just focused.
You found me all those months ago and gc maf, now look at what we are both up too. I am so grateful.
We are our own clinical trials.
We are sharing our results and knowledge out of the best worlds leading vaccine centres. we are making history.
What I am doing feels particularly pedestrian. Intensely pedestrian.
what you are doing for your son, I find inspiring beyond belief. When I have a break in treatment and am clear, I will go to the holy land to thank God.
I see a nice irony, two fathers. one saving his son, the other saving himself for his son. Your advice, support and friendship essential.
I will then try and visit you and get some lego. I have read tans link re MDSC, emailed it to nesslehut to discuss in todays consult.
this post and the last few hours readings has been an epithany. all the pieces of my jigsaw just fell into place after reading
"Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells: Subsets,
Expansion, and Role in Cancer Progression" thankyou tans, its the best reference. i needed the few missing links, that reference has helped me put the peices of my jigsaw puzzle together i think. its going to be a great consult with doctor N today.
the role of food, of the aminos, inflamation. everything about diet, exercise, meditation and lifestyle just got verified.
we are on the cutting edge of science my dearest friend. one day we wll actually have to talk on the phone. maybe video skype.
its about time you me and tans started having informal discussions about research going forward. mind you sharing this stuff in public, must surely give some hope to our friends.
I was so pisssed i could not get a clear answer out of dagmar and nesslehut re gcmaf(injection or probiotic yogurt) with vaccine shot 1
can you imagine having to trust your gut and go with these crazy odd ball therapies.
tomorrow they said they would test my yogurt in the lab. that in itself is a dream come true.
http://www.nature.com/nrc/journal/v12/n4/fig_tab/nrc3237_F3.html this link explains nesslehut preferance for direct inject avastin. lowering vegf and its angiogenic benefits as well as enhancing
clearly now my strategy makes sense, I have just seen it myself in detail. its the synergy between these clincs, that they don't even know of themselves.
my result is my path, the conjunction of these therapies at these clinics. i am more confident then ever that i will beat this. that this really is a workable cure.
i have some tears. sorry. this is life and death for me, and not just me my dearest friends.
i have targetted and marked all my tumours with removab and ndv !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then I have had local avastin and its benefits regarding stopping immune suppression in the local tumour enironment as well as some local chemo just for fun.
then I have the dendritic cell vaccine.
I also have my litttle gcmaf yogurt activating macrophages.
I can see that this combo had to work. its crystal clear.
its doctor asir copic at hallwang who sent me to nesslehut. asir will be very pleased i can explain to him the synergy between local avastin, removab and DC vaccine.
even the ozone therapy here to reduce inflamation. my crp is 0.1 . i have all the biological prerequisites for immune therapy to work.
the other point is the value of reducing ROS, so knowing your genetics to manage your ROS exposure is critical.
I have so much hope, but I have to not get ahead of myself. its going to be day by day for me.
hopefully stage 4 colorectal by colorectal. month by month we may prove or disprove my theory and this set of therapies.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arginine can you see how surgery sets the stage for immune dysfunction in the local tumour environment via agine depletion.
my jigsaw is looking beautiful, i hope yours is also.
its ok to dream about cures. I will see you on the whitehouse lawns when you, me and tans have lunch with obama. I will have a beer and steak! Only joking salmon and juice instead.
we may help fix the USA financial problems and save a few friends. we might even get on the front page of the cancer survivors network. who knows where this will end ?
now thats thats what so nice about breathing, we never really know whats around the corner.
have hope and faith my dear friends.
PS I have space in the car. Its a very nice car, see the blog for details. I am picking up my first friend on the 13th. she is not colorectal. the german cancer survivors network exists also.
PPS http://petertrayhurn.blogspot.de/2013/01/my-sppech-for-healing-mass-you-never.html this blog has got the AHCC info, a book, essential reading for those considering immunotherapy.
hallwang focused on reducing viral load,
I would consider the rgcc molecular profile and the cfs panel for your son, ask your doctor.
virus produce nagalase also.
some of the virus i suspect produce il10 ie hpv , so its possible viral load load stop removab.
that why do removab at hallwang not in sydney. ( this is for Ana)
we are really onto something, i am back into pubmed mode.
i am ready for nesstlehut today, this is going to be fun.
PS my biology does hold the key to my cure and yours
its clear that MDSC can block immunotherapy, now my therapies have worked so well.
CONCLUSION i do not have an MDSC problem ?
now the question is why not ? is it genetics, my diet, my supplements
I have so many tests, noones biology is more documented than mine. teasing out the details will help
us find a way through the maze.
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Maybe this?pete43lost_at_sea said:more thoughts and a big conclusion
hallwang focused on reducing viral load,
I would consider the rgcc molecular profile and the cfs panel for your son, ask your doctor.
virus produce nagalase also.
some of the virus i suspect produce il10 ie hpv , so its possible viral load load stop removab.
that why do removab at hallwang not in sydney. ( this is for Ana)
we are really onto something, i am back into pubmed mode.
i am ready for nesstlehut today, this is going to be fun.
PS my biology does hold the key to my cure and yours
its clear that MDSC can block immunotherapy, now my therapies have worked so well.
CONCLUSION i do not have an MDSC problem ?
now the question is why not ? is it genetics, my diet, my supplements
I have so many tests, noones biology is more documented than mine. teasing out the details will help
us find a way through the maze.
"The addition of COX-2 inhibitors or silencing of COX-2 in 3LL cells, completely blocked their ability to induce arginase I in MDSC"
Haven't you been using celecoxib?
Just a guess....
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metformim is the way for memanwithnoname said:Hi Pete
been using AHCC for a while, replaced it with MGN-3 (biobran) trying to mix things up, my concern with AHCC was IL-beta production (not sure that's good for us) anyway so little research on this stuff sometimes you just have to go with your intuition.
When you have your Docs attention mention Imiquimod (Aldera) as an adjuvant, can't see any reason not to do this, it activates TLR 7+8.
At the minute I'm reading about T-memory cells and fatty acids, Metformin rears it's head again....you still taking it?
Dr. Slavin also put me onto cord blood cell therapy (MSC's) , these cells home into tumours for some strange reason without the immune system destroying them, so you can attach chemo or viruses that go straight for the kill.
the consult with doc N was amazing. yes yes yes for metformin. it does mTor as well. Hallwang put me onto metformin 8 weeks ago at my request.
the dosage I am on per doc N is 850mg twice a day breaky and dinner with FOOD. I hope this helps. Seek the cure, if its not offered by conventional then go exploring,
off off off label is where the action is. Of course we should get medical advice. It get my nice advice in germany. the best doctors speak german.
doc N no issues with IL-beta, did not discourage use AHCC, its my second day on AHCC. did you see AHCC pdf on my blog, its a good read, a light on for i guess.
doc N said I am one in ten. I still have an outstanding result.
would you mind emailing over the t-memory cells and fatty acids stuff. the memory T and fatty acids reminds me of hallwang, its what they did to me.
have you ever noticed that all roads lead to Rome.
so many co-incidences between both of our obsessions, not really co-incidences though, are they. Sharing the results of our research and therapies here essential.
the old ways are dieing, the new wave is here now, for those able to access it.
re Imiquimod i will ask doc N next monday arvo when i get the vaccine injection. I know his answer already NO.
if it ain't broken, don't fix it. my immune system is eating my tumours as I type this message. I don't need to tweak it, I need to support it and keep on doing exactly what I have been doing. but its a good suggestion and maybe appropriate for some. doc N clinical management is essential, we are all so different considering lifestyle and genetics and illness.
The video of the consult I will share if anyone is interested. its absolute GOLD. pm or email me for the link. I don't think the consult should be publicly available.
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was there fever after the DCmanwithnoname said:Hi Pete
What are you doing to surpress T-reg cells? our son had his first DC yesterday, 4 injections at lymph nodes + GM-csf, do you get an adjuvant too?
was there fever after the DC shots? i got my dad started on DC yesterday but there was no fever or chills . wondering if it means that the DCs did not work ??
GM-CSF is good ... not sure how and where you are procuring it from ?
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Hi Vinayvinaykumar said:was there fever after the DC
was there fever after the DC shots? i got my dad started on DC yesterday but there was no fever or chills . wondering if it means that the DCs did not work ??
GM-CSF is good ... not sure how and where you are procuring it from ?
There was no fever but there was a slight headache, his tumour is in the brain so that was interesting.
Our Dr. is a professor of immuniology, I guess that means he can get all kinds of things. He has stuff most Dr's have never heard of.
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doctor nesslehut really happy - re ceapete43lost_at_sea said:dear marie
its got a different range, i will check with doctor tomorrow. I had this type of discrepancy in sydney as well between labs, where one labs results were 4 times that of the other.
the good news is all the scans are clear, the implication is I have active disease to manage.
I am glad I am back in germany, trying these therapies. still hoping and praying. it highlights the challenges of being cared for by different medical systems, different countries, etc etc etc.
the other good news is the rest of my bloods are excellent.
another good piece of info i got, was that my ca199 is tracking the same rate of decline as CEA. thanks tans and craig for bringing that marker to my awareness. i have had my second ca199 measurement.
he said
if it aint broken don't fix it.
my immune system is clearly working well. we don't change anything.
the cea is just a marker, what counts most is the pet,the ct, the mri i have just all had that are clear my dear.
so if you come to see doc N here, he is a scan man. bring him what he likes, scans of your disease.
the difference between the labs, betweeen countries important for the records, the completeness.
a clear example of one of the many confounding realities of treatment between two medical systems simultaneously.
the positive is i got the ca19-9 trending down confirmed. the cea trending down confirmed at an independent lab.
it gives more certainty to my result. thats the benefit of my excessive testing regime. the skeptics cannot ever argue any of these results.
the other positive is that the sydney cea and scan had me thinking i was clear. so my illness is heading into remission, but i certainly need to be here getting treatment.
not sitting at home sitting on the beach relaxing just yet.
the plan going forward, is a total of 4 vaccines a month apart, then the 5th at three month interval. i am getting my second vaccine monday, so effectively another couple of months here in germany and then back home to the family in the next school holidays. and then back here for 3 months. I guess developing this "staying ned" plan needed me to turn up here.
now i have a tactical plan outlined, i can see the wife and kids turning up some time in the next 4 weeks for a holiday for a few weeks. it kind of answers winter marie's question above.
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tony yes yes yes. THANKS for the guess. its good guess.manwithnoname said:Maybe this?
"The addition of COX-2 inhibitors or silencing of COX-2 in 3LL cells, completely blocked their ability to induce arginase I in MDSC"
Haven't you been using celecoxib?
Just a guess....
dear tony and all,
between the two of us, we are documenting the colorectal stage 4 immunotherapy based survival path.
the absolute beauty, is that we are so far ahead of conventional medicine, that their is no conflict.
these posts, are the beginning of a hope based treatment regime with immunotherapy at its core. they are filled with science which has merit, is plausible and conveniently explains my survival.
the chemo based options still exist, but the first points of call has to be immunotherapy based solutions.
lets call it "try before you die" approach.
don't you remember "navy" the labrador, the navy protocol. all I needed was a few pointers from a few friends. how can i ever repay you ?
My willingness to try all these therapies, the brute force approach to individualised medicine, and doing it so openly on the net means that,
potential so many of my friends here are now thinking about pete's story.
if as a community we can pulled together about 50 cures over the next few years from friends on colonclub and CSN. can you see the potential.
we will have a dendtritic cell lab based in the states using doc N expertese. he is already doing it with doctor chang in new york.
in fact another load of vaccines is being flown over next week. but do you want to know a secret, the us patients are not getting the same results as i am getting.
your legal framework in the us, its the same in australia ( and all other developed ) does not permit the therapies in these clinics. the services just don't exist I suspect.
its our responsibility as patients to encourage, or gently force change on our systems of government.
ask yourself why is doctor N flying dendtritic cell vaccines to US soil. whats wrong with your country? I'll leave that for my american friends to answer.
its tragic that the time delay for the adoption, will cost so many lives, so many friends lost. so much life and money wasted. the magnitude of the that very loss, worth contemplating. the magnitude of that loss should serve to motivate politically active stage 4 survivors to demand the best medical care. so maybe the taunting of my therapy success is not taunting.
maybe i am duty bound, indeed privileged to be the first here on these forums to prove publicily that these immune based therapies work.
to highlight their potential to enhance our quality and quantity of life, above and beyond chemo.
i am filling my obligation to all my dead friends, my public campaign, is just one mans story. but it is a real story. its a great news story. this is such an emotionally intense phase of my life. this is my greatest achievement. I can see my continued existence as essential to proving these therapies are curative of stage 4.
the challenge is now laid squarely on all other cancer patients. its very very simple.
we will all be judged by our actions and our lack of action. that includes us personally, us as a community and as countries.
if you believe my story, ask your oncologist about immune based therapies. state very politely that you won't to live, that you want to try therapies similar to pete's
get a few opinions , from a few oncologists , even from some alternative specialists.
the few of us with the insight, education, will power, who have focus, need to demand and implement change,personally and as a community we really need to step up to the challenge.
if we don't then the less fortunate among us will have no hope. its our responsibility, now given we are living with our mortality squarely starring us down, is their a better or more nobel stance to take. even if your only therapy choice is to take chemo each fortnight, you can demand access to these services and therapies.
the more of us who demand these therapies, the faster they will materialise for all the rest. and future generations. these are not magical cures for everybody.
but the "immunotherapy revolution" has started, its my campaign. Marie you asked me once what I would do re political change. I ask you, and everyone on CSN what action
you will take in the light of my story. Its your own health, you have to take your own actions and get the best advice and care.
At the present moment, that care to me appears to be in a few clinics in germany. That situation can change very very fast. it just needs a few phone calls from obama.
i actually think he is up for the challenge. we just want one large immunotherapy based clinic in the USA and most importantly the legal framework amended so that these german based therapies can be practiced on your soil. obviously i want the same thing for australia, canada, uk, spain, holland. actually in every county where we have csn members. those members themselves to demand change and the best care.
its been easy for us to be passive cancer patients, for so long now. my story could be a catalyst, a chance to fast track these therapies. i am one man, together we are many.
i ask, what can a motivated group of terminally ill colorectal cancer patients accomplish ? its an open ended question.
I know in my heart whats clearly possible. i have a vision of that immunotherapy lab and services being provided asap. whats been missing all these years in the cancer field to me seems to be political change.
so now a group of terminally ill colorectal cancer patients have to take on the us government to get access to these therapies. I will take on the australian government.
i think its only fair we split up the planet, country by country. as soon as we get one country converted, the others will fall like dominos. Australia will be easy, we got a federal election coming up in 8 months. I already have the name of the head of the DC lab down under "julien barton", he does not even know it yet. i have never emailed him.
he is the dendritic cell researcher who developed my p2x7 peptide dosing for my vaccine. his research had to go to germany to be tested in me.
now his research comes back to him in a living cured cancer patient(pete). i think he qualifies for the job.
i know we will win in the end. we have too. the first time we all meet will be on the white house lawns, having lunch with obama. all our families as well.
I hope this is not to positive, hopeful or motivational for the american cancer society. this makes the challenge of the walking post, look like a walk in the park.
I begged the management of the american cancer society two years ago to highlight the walking post, to get it encouraged on all the forums. they ignored me then. they
may ignore me again. I hope I don't get banned. maybe its time for the american cancer society to step up and help us all take action.
PS re celebrex, having another now. another piece of the puzzle.
can you see how we are effectively back filling my regime.
so I start with this massive ridiculous, laughable pain in the butt supplement regime.
now I have my fantastic result, that means that components of what i am doing have worked.
tony, thanks again for highlighting the science of MDSC and celebrex.
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thanks tinageotina said:Pete:
Flaunt your success my friend, you have worked very hard to achieve it. Congratulations!!
I think I have emotionally processed the flaunt issue. Somehow I share my success in the context of our suffering day by day.
You know I don't look inside most of the posts anymore, unless its a close friend or a topic I am passionate about. which is most areas of being healthy.
I have not been wrong about most of crazy therapies. think about it, all those therapies over two years, and now my remission using the best targetted chemo and the best immunotherapies i had access to. and of course the healthy lifestyle.
I had to try all the crazy things at home and fail, before I could have the desperation to take off to america and then to germany.
so in a way all the crazy therapies have had a role and have added value. so maybe they are not so crazy.
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Pete, you should put up apete43lost_at_sea said:thanks tina
I think I have emotionally processed the flaunt issue. Somehow I share my success in the context of our suffering day by day.
You know I don't look inside most of the posts anymore, unless its a close friend or a topic I am passionate about. which is most areas of being healthy.
I have not been wrong about most of crazy therapies. think about it, all those therapies over two years, and now my remission using the best targetted chemo and the best immunotherapies i had access to. and of course the healthy lifestyle.
I had to try all the crazy things at home and fail, before I could have the desperation to take off to america and then to germany.
so in a way all the crazy therapies have had a role and have added value. so maybe they are not so crazy.
Pete, you should put up a detailed protocol to document everything you did and tried just before and during your Germany treatment. Your success could be due to some non standard german treatment u requested, supplements you were taking, or something seemingly trivial.
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no worriespete43lost_at_sea said:thanks tina
I think I have emotionally processed the flaunt issue. Somehow I share my success in the context of our suffering day by day.
You know I don't look inside most of the posts anymore, unless its a close friend or a topic I am passionate about. which is most areas of being healthy.
I have not been wrong about most of crazy therapies. think about it, all those therapies over two years, and now my remission using the best targetted chemo and the best immunotherapies i had access to. and of course the healthy lifestyle.
I had to try all the crazy things at home and fail, before I could have the desperation to take off to america and then to germany.
so in a way all the crazy therapies have had a role and have added value. so maybe they are not so crazy.
Hey, Pete. No issues from me about your posts. I appreciate them and don't see it as flaunting. To me it's information sharing, and each of us on this board is at a different stage, Some are new to chemo and are apprehensive, some are between treatments, for some the therapies are going well, for others they are not, and still others are in the NED club and are here to help others or talk about things with people who understand,
I have a question about your vaccine, though. Why dont you just have to get one of them? Why so many? Will you have to have them forever, or will you finish a course and then you're done for life, or 10 years (like most adult vaccines)?
- Karin
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great question karinlilacbrroller said:no worries
Hey, Pete. No issues from me about your posts. I appreciate them and don't see it as flaunting. To me it's information sharing, and each of us on this board is at a different stage, Some are new to chemo and are apprehensive, some are between treatments, for some the therapies are going well, for others they are not, and still others are in the NED club and are here to help others or talk about things with people who understand,
I have a question about your vaccine, though. Why dont you just have to get one of them? Why so many? Will you have to have them forever, or will you finish a course and then you're done for life, or 10 years (like most adult vaccines)?
- Karin
the dendtritic cells only last a month, then they retire to the lymp nodes. that how it was explained to me.
I will at some point some have a much more detailed explanantion.
my current plan is monthly vaccines until NED and CEA/CA199/TKTL1 = zero and a few others
when all indications of measurable malgnancy are gone, i will switch to quarterly vaccine shots.
with every vaccine shot they tweak the vaccine, they tweak/tune your immune system.
In my book, i am writing a chapter on getting ready for the vaccine process.
each vaccine is hand made, and tailored to kill your tumours. thats why its expensive. its about as personalised as you can get.
doctor N mentioned about 1 in 10 of his patients have my repsonse or similar. I am blessed, i pray it continues.
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wowpete43lost_at_sea said:great question karin
the dendtritic cells only last a month, then they retire to the lymp nodes. that how it was explained to me.
I will at some point some have a much more detailed explanantion.
my current plan is monthly vaccines until NED and CEA/CA199/TKTL1 = zero and a few others
when all indications of measurable malgnancy are gone, i will switch to quarterly vaccine shots.
with every vaccine shot they tweak the vaccine, they tweak/tune your immune system.
In my book, i am writing a chapter on getting ready for the vaccine process.
each vaccine is hand made, and tailored to kill your tumours. thats why its expensive. its about as personalised as you can get.
doctor N mentioned about 1 in 10 of his patients have my repsonse or similar. I am blessed, i pray it continues.
that is fascinating (ie dendritic cells lasting a month.) thanks
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As always, congrats on yourpete43lost_at_sea said:great question karin
the dendtritic cells only last a month, then they retire to the lymp nodes. that how it was explained to me.
I will at some point some have a much more detailed explanantion.
my current plan is monthly vaccines until NED and CEA/CA199/TKTL1 = zero and a few others
when all indications of measurable malgnancy are gone, i will switch to quarterly vaccine shots.
with every vaccine shot they tweak the vaccine, they tweak/tune your immune system.
In my book, i am writing a chapter on getting ready for the vaccine process.
each vaccine is hand made, and tailored to kill your tumours. thats why its expensive. its about as personalised as you can get.
doctor N mentioned about 1 in 10 of his patients have my repsonse or similar. I am blessed, i pray it continues.
As always, congrats on your success, but 1 in 10 doesn't sound very promising to me. Why do 90% not respond well to the same therapy you are taking? You have also mentioned that Vogel said your response was like 1 in 40, right? Again, why don't the other 95+% respond if his therapy is so far ahead of conventional medicine. I'm guessing the positive reponse to standard chemo therapy is waaaay higher than <5 to 10% or they wouldn't allow it. Not trying to rain on your parade, but I wonder abouth the 9-39 people that are paying thousands of dollars for the same treatments, but not getting much response. Until the percentages get a lot higher, I don't think you are onto a cure for colon cancer.
Edited to add that I don't want this to come across as negative, just am surprised at the admitted low percentage of success by the German doctors. I really wish they would do some clinical trials with these therapies, as that is the only way they will get these therapies accepted by the general medical profession, and also they would then be available worldwide to cancer patients.
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Another responsepete43lost_at_sea said:tony yes yes yes. THANKS for the guess. its good guess.
dear tony and all,
between the two of us, we are documenting the colorectal stage 4 immunotherapy based survival path.
the absolute beauty, is that we are so far ahead of conventional medicine, that their is no conflict.
these posts, are the beginning of a hope based treatment regime with immunotherapy at its core. they are filled with science which has merit, is plausible and conveniently explains my survival.
the chemo based options still exist, but the first points of call has to be immunotherapy based solutions.
lets call it "try before you die" approach.
don't you remember "navy" the labrador, the navy protocol. all I needed was a few pointers from a few friends. how can i ever repay you ?
My willingness to try all these therapies, the brute force approach to individualised medicine, and doing it so openly on the net means that,
potential so many of my friends here are now thinking about pete's story.
if as a community we can pulled together about 50 cures over the next few years from friends on colonclub and CSN. can you see the potential.
we will have a dendtritic cell lab based in the states using doc N expertese. he is already doing it with doctor chang in new york.
in fact another load of vaccines is being flown over next week. but do you want to know a secret, the us patients are not getting the same results as i am getting.
your legal framework in the us, its the same in australia ( and all other developed ) does not permit the therapies in these clinics. the services just don't exist I suspect.
its our responsibility as patients to encourage, or gently force change on our systems of government.
ask yourself why is doctor N flying dendtritic cell vaccines to US soil. whats wrong with your country? I'll leave that for my american friends to answer.
its tragic that the time delay for the adoption, will cost so many lives, so many friends lost. so much life and money wasted. the magnitude of the that very loss, worth contemplating. the magnitude of that loss should serve to motivate politically active stage 4 survivors to demand the best medical care. so maybe the taunting of my therapy success is not taunting.
maybe i am duty bound, indeed privileged to be the first here on these forums to prove publicily that these immune based therapies work.
to highlight their potential to enhance our quality and quantity of life, above and beyond chemo.
i am filling my obligation to all my dead friends, my public campaign, is just one mans story. but it is a real story. its a great news story. this is such an emotionally intense phase of my life. this is my greatest achievement. I can see my continued existence as essential to proving these therapies are curative of stage 4.
the challenge is now laid squarely on all other cancer patients. its very very simple.
we will all be judged by our actions and our lack of action. that includes us personally, us as a community and as countries.
if you believe my story, ask your oncologist about immune based therapies. state very politely that you won't to live, that you want to try therapies similar to pete's
get a few opinions , from a few oncologists , even from some alternative specialists.
the few of us with the insight, education, will power, who have focus, need to demand and implement change,personally and as a community we really need to step up to the challenge.
if we don't then the less fortunate among us will have no hope. its our responsibility, now given we are living with our mortality squarely starring us down, is their a better or more nobel stance to take. even if your only therapy choice is to take chemo each fortnight, you can demand access to these services and therapies.
the more of us who demand these therapies, the faster they will materialise for all the rest. and future generations. these are not magical cures for everybody.
but the "immunotherapy revolution" has started, its my campaign. Marie you asked me once what I would do re political change. I ask you, and everyone on CSN what action
you will take in the light of my story. Its your own health, you have to take your own actions and get the best advice and care.
At the present moment, that care to me appears to be in a few clinics in germany. That situation can change very very fast. it just needs a few phone calls from obama.
i actually think he is up for the challenge. we just want one large immunotherapy based clinic in the USA and most importantly the legal framework amended so that these german based therapies can be practiced on your soil. obviously i want the same thing for australia, canada, uk, spain, holland. actually in every county where we have csn members. those members themselves to demand change and the best care.
its been easy for us to be passive cancer patients, for so long now. my story could be a catalyst, a chance to fast track these therapies. i am one man, together we are many.
i ask, what can a motivated group of terminally ill colorectal cancer patients accomplish ? its an open ended question.
I know in my heart whats clearly possible. i have a vision of that immunotherapy lab and services being provided asap. whats been missing all these years in the cancer field to me seems to be political change.
so now a group of terminally ill colorectal cancer patients have to take on the us government to get access to these therapies. I will take on the australian government.
i think its only fair we split up the planet, country by country. as soon as we get one country converted, the others will fall like dominos. Australia will be easy, we got a federal election coming up in 8 months. I already have the name of the head of the DC lab down under "julien barton", he does not even know it yet. i have never emailed him.
he is the dendritic cell researcher who developed my p2x7 peptide dosing for my vaccine. his research had to go to germany to be tested in me.
now his research comes back to him in a living cured cancer patient(pete). i think he qualifies for the job.
i know we will win in the end. we have too. the first time we all meet will be on the white house lawns, having lunch with obama. all our families as well.
I hope this is not to positive, hopeful or motivational for the american cancer society. this makes the challenge of the walking post, look like a walk in the park.
I begged the management of the american cancer society two years ago to highlight the walking post, to get it encouraged on all the forums. they ignored me then. they
may ignore me again. I hope I don't get banned. maybe its time for the american cancer society to step up and help us all take action.
PS re celebrex, having another now. another piece of the puzzle.
can you see how we are effectively back filling my regime.
so I start with this massive ridiculous, laughable pain in the butt supplement regime.
now I have my fantastic result, that means that components of what i am doing have worked.
tony, thanks again for highlighting the science of MDSC and celebrex.
Pete, if you will recall when you first started on your mission to find alternatives, you received many negative comments from those who were bound to the traditional methods for fighting CRC. You asked all for consideration and to not knock your efforts.
Now I ask the same. Comments like "ask yourself why is doctor N flying dendtritic cell vaccines to US soil. whats wrong with your country? I'll leave that for my american friends to answer." are unnecessary within the discussion of what you are doing for your health.
Providing factual information regards to differing treatments in differing areas of the world is fine, but it is unnecessary for you to "slam" an area not conforming to what you personally feel is right.
Marie who loves kitties
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What's wrong with my country????pete43lost_at_sea said:tony yes yes yes. THANKS for the guess. its good guess.
dear tony and all,
between the two of us, we are documenting the colorectal stage 4 immunotherapy based survival path.
the absolute beauty, is that we are so far ahead of conventional medicine, that their is no conflict.
these posts, are the beginning of a hope based treatment regime with immunotherapy at its core. they are filled with science which has merit, is plausible and conveniently explains my survival.
the chemo based options still exist, but the first points of call has to be immunotherapy based solutions.
lets call it "try before you die" approach.
don't you remember "navy" the labrador, the navy protocol. all I needed was a few pointers from a few friends. how can i ever repay you ?
My willingness to try all these therapies, the brute force approach to individualised medicine, and doing it so openly on the net means that,
potential so many of my friends here are now thinking about pete's story.
if as a community we can pulled together about 50 cures over the next few years from friends on colonclub and CSN. can you see the potential.
we will have a dendtritic cell lab based in the states using doc N expertese. he is already doing it with doctor chang in new york.
in fact another load of vaccines is being flown over next week. but do you want to know a secret, the us patients are not getting the same results as i am getting.
your legal framework in the us, its the same in australia ( and all other developed ) does not permit the therapies in these clinics. the services just don't exist I suspect.
its our responsibility as patients to encourage, or gently force change on our systems of government.
ask yourself why is doctor N flying dendtritic cell vaccines to US soil. whats wrong with your country? I'll leave that for my american friends to answer.
its tragic that the time delay for the adoption, will cost so many lives, so many friends lost. so much life and money wasted. the magnitude of the that very loss, worth contemplating. the magnitude of that loss should serve to motivate politically active stage 4 survivors to demand the best medical care. so maybe the taunting of my therapy success is not taunting.
maybe i am duty bound, indeed privileged to be the first here on these forums to prove publicily that these immune based therapies work.
to highlight their potential to enhance our quality and quantity of life, above and beyond chemo.
i am filling my obligation to all my dead friends, my public campaign, is just one mans story. but it is a real story. its a great news story. this is such an emotionally intense phase of my life. this is my greatest achievement. I can see my continued existence as essential to proving these therapies are curative of stage 4.
the challenge is now laid squarely on all other cancer patients. its very very simple.
we will all be judged by our actions and our lack of action. that includes us personally, us as a community and as countries.
if you believe my story, ask your oncologist about immune based therapies. state very politely that you won't to live, that you want to try therapies similar to pete's
get a few opinions , from a few oncologists , even from some alternative specialists.
the few of us with the insight, education, will power, who have focus, need to demand and implement change,personally and as a community we really need to step up to the challenge.
if we don't then the less fortunate among us will have no hope. its our responsibility, now given we are living with our mortality squarely starring us down, is their a better or more nobel stance to take. even if your only therapy choice is to take chemo each fortnight, you can demand access to these services and therapies.
the more of us who demand these therapies, the faster they will materialise for all the rest. and future generations. these are not magical cures for everybody.
but the "immunotherapy revolution" has started, its my campaign. Marie you asked me once what I would do re political change. I ask you, and everyone on CSN what action
you will take in the light of my story. Its your own health, you have to take your own actions and get the best advice and care.
At the present moment, that care to me appears to be in a few clinics in germany. That situation can change very very fast. it just needs a few phone calls from obama.
i actually think he is up for the challenge. we just want one large immunotherapy based clinic in the USA and most importantly the legal framework amended so that these german based therapies can be practiced on your soil. obviously i want the same thing for australia, canada, uk, spain, holland. actually in every county where we have csn members. those members themselves to demand change and the best care.
its been easy for us to be passive cancer patients, for so long now. my story could be a catalyst, a chance to fast track these therapies. i am one man, together we are many.
i ask, what can a motivated group of terminally ill colorectal cancer patients accomplish ? its an open ended question.
I know in my heart whats clearly possible. i have a vision of that immunotherapy lab and services being provided asap. whats been missing all these years in the cancer field to me seems to be political change.
so now a group of terminally ill colorectal cancer patients have to take on the us government to get access to these therapies. I will take on the australian government.
i think its only fair we split up the planet, country by country. as soon as we get one country converted, the others will fall like dominos. Australia will be easy, we got a federal election coming up in 8 months. I already have the name of the head of the DC lab down under "julien barton", he does not even know it yet. i have never emailed him.
he is the dendritic cell researcher who developed my p2x7 peptide dosing for my vaccine. his research had to go to germany to be tested in me.
now his research comes back to him in a living cured cancer patient(pete). i think he qualifies for the job.
i know we will win in the end. we have too. the first time we all meet will be on the white house lawns, having lunch with obama. all our families as well.
I hope this is not to positive, hopeful or motivational for the american cancer society. this makes the challenge of the walking post, look like a walk in the park.
I begged the management of the american cancer society two years ago to highlight the walking post, to get it encouraged on all the forums. they ignored me then. they
may ignore me again. I hope I don't get banned. maybe its time for the american cancer society to step up and help us all take action.
PS re celebrex, having another now. another piece of the puzzle.
can you see how we are effectively back filling my regime.
so I start with this massive ridiculous, laughable pain in the butt supplement regime.
now I have my fantastic result, that means that components of what i am doing have worked.
tony, thanks again for highlighting the science of MDSC and celebrex.
as a USA citizen, former military I'm answering your question as you requested:
No country is perfect, and I'm D@MNED PROUD of my country. So try and leave your assessment of the failings of my country alone of which you have no expertise, and concentrate on your own.
I like you Pete, but don't start trying to down my country over your strange and unorthodox methods not being accepted here on the soil of the GREAT country of the United States of America.
Winter Marie
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keep on raining my dear friend, i love the rain and the snow!tachilders said:As always, congrats on your
As always, congrats on your success, but 1 in 10 doesn't sound very promising to me. Why do 90% not respond well to the same therapy you are taking? You have also mentioned that Vogel said your response was like 1 in 40, right? Again, why don't the other 95+% respond if his therapy is so far ahead of conventional medicine. I'm guessing the positive reponse to standard chemo therapy is waaaay higher than <5 to 10% or they wouldn't allow it. Not trying to rain on your parade, but I wonder abouth the 9-39 people that are paying thousands of dollars for the same treatments, but not getting much response. Until the percentages get a lot higher, I don't think you are onto a cure for colon cancer.
Edited to add that I don't want this to come across as negative, just am surprised at the admitted low percentage of success by the German doctors. I really wish they would do some clinical trials with these therapies, as that is the only way they will get these therapies accepted by the general medical profession, and also they would then be available worldwide to cancer patients.
dear ted and all,
thanks for following my story and i know you are seriously considering it.
your comments are not negative, they are realistic and represent the conclusions of most.
you have forgot or maybe have not seen it, its the pete factor, its my regime, its my approach.
most importantly i thinks its the synergy of hallwang with removab, vogel with tace, and nesslehut with NDV and dendritic cell and of course qigong and my regime.
I am writing the book, if i die, noone will buy it. if i live well yes some will. if those who follow me live , it will be the best seller on ebay in under a year from todays date.
my success is at finding the doctors with relevant clinical expertese, and leveraging that clinical expertese using my knowledge of our illness and the immune system and health.
my gravest concern for you and all chemo based stage4 is that my success is not possible for you, your chemo precludes your long term cure by disabling your immune system. in a sense you are trapped now with a dysfunctional immune system and a dependency of chemo to keep your tumours under control.
i have said this before, indirectly. but i make this unpopular, unplatable reality clear hear now.
the best life saving decision my oncologist ever did, was refuse me chemo when i begged for it 14 months ago at the beginning of my recurrence. HOW IRONIC.
i am so lucky and grateful. onc's don't issue chemo on a marker, they need a scan to confirm. the scan result took 10 months to arrive. you have followed all those interesting alternative therapies i tried during that period.
i was still the healthiest stage 4 , chemo free colorectal cancer patietn to skip down the co-oridoor at the hallwang clinic into the infusion room. my superior health meant i coped with removab and retained my health quickly. i had a very heavy accelerated therapy cycle. see the medical report on the blog.
ted, if you come, or others, i will be here in germany offering support. if you or ren, or anyone else achives their own miracle that will be the best news for you and us all.
in a nutshell its with synery of the medical expertese, the therapies and me. if you are seriously interested start ahcc today, and learn qigong and meditation and yoga. we got to look real good when you go to the sauna. besides a few scars and missing bits.
ps hallwang suggested low dose xeloda over xmas, nesslehut said no NOWAY. i believed nesslehut's no chemo, as he is one of the worlds experts on the immune system. i went with my gut, it was an easy decision. that decision has implications for you and all my friends here on chemo. thats the reality of my understadning, i wish it were not so.
i have contemplated strategies for cutting over sick stage 4 chemos onto an immunotherapy program, it will be so intense with no guaranteees. those who are up for it, well i am here.
please read the study 10 times, its a very good way to go my friend, the science and the arguments compelling. in am interested in your analysis and comment.
see above the synergy of local avastin using tace and how it cooperates , synergises with immunotherapies removab, dendtritic and gcmaf.
i have a potentially curative way that avoids surgergy. the key point is if you got the money, you can try, it will take 3 months and you will know.
each monly vogel you get an mri.
AS AN EXAMPLE OF MY ROLE this arvo in am studying my masses of research and records. i reread the ndv clinical guidelines. ndv causes swelling of the lymph nodes.
now on 14dec12 at vogel session 3, he said your lymph nodes are enlarged. suspecting cancer spread he embolised lymph nodes and liver.
but ted, with benefit of review and analysis, and in the light of my excellent result and the side effects of ndv and the clear result of the pet on that day
now its more likely the enlarged lymph nodes near my liver identified on 14dec were a result of vaccine and ndv effectiveness. my german pet that morning was clear.
this personal proof that vaccin and ndv works also.
my success so far has been the combination of immunotherapies. of course my will to live caused this to happen. if i was not me, i would be at home sick in sydney sucking down chemo with a different path before me. I am so blessed, i am proud and love my german path. It attitude that saves, not the therapies. without the attitude you don't find the therapies. to help encourage a survivors attitude i posted "the race" earlier.
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