Cancer and sugar


 I've heard from a friend that sugar in any form, even fruit should be avoided (for a while, for me) to have healthy cell re-growth and prevent cancer. 

 This topic has surley been around, but is new to me. I've done a little reading online, there so much out there. I'm wondering how others here feel. 

 I find it hard to avoid all sugar. Then I start to stress over it and other parts of my diet. Like not eating only organic foods. Then I stress about the stress it's causing me. Sounds crazy, I know. 

 On top of that I'm just getting back to eating and tasting solid foods. (12 weeks post rad and chemo this week.)

 I want to do the best I can to stay healthy, I'm sure we all do.

  It can be overwhelming at times.




  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member

    Yep- C does like the sugar. Thing is- if the C is gone...I drink one little bottle of 7Up/day, have taken a liking to Macdonald's Southwest salads, Ensure for breakfast, and ice cream for a nightcap, and I do got a thing about M&Ms. Again, if the C is gone...Not too sure about Sugar causing C.


  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    It'll Make You Nuts

    THEN - they say that stress, and the inability to properly deal with it contributes to our chances of getting cancer.  Argh!!!

    I've read several times that eating only organic is not nearly as important as eating more vegetables and fruits - that it's much better to eat non-organic veg than avoiding plants that aren't certified organic.  There are even lists for the foods that don't HAVE to be organic.  Then there's the protein debate - I was concerned - you need protein to heal, but excess protein is said to increase your chances for cancer.   Noooo!  More stress.  Right now, I'm in a (lucky) kinder, gentler food phase - I'm not being as well-behaved as I should be, but I am trying to do some things each day to help myself.  Yep - I had oatmeal with fruit and no sugar for breakfast, then mac and cheese for dinner. 

  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    there is enough to worry about

    without adding this one to the list.  There is no medical evidence whatsoever that sugar either causes cancer, or contritubutes to its growth.  In this, the internet is not helpful at all.





  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912

    Hello Vicki !

    I also have read this.  Yes cancer cells love sugar.  But saying this, our bodies need a good balance.  And some sugar (natural forms not processed) are needed for energy.  Fruits are a wonderful source !  Thinking back as a child, we could buy a bag full of candy goodies for pennies.  Who knew ?  Please don't cut out all some advise depending on the studies you've found.  Thinking good thoughts for you !   Katie

    Shoot I wanted to add my husband has been diabetic for over 35yrs (type one) and I know vegies like corn and potatoes turn into a form of sugar as it breaks down and our cells devour them.  Just a tid bit to consider.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Totally Agree with Longtermsurvivor...

    Everything (somewhat) breaks down into sugar of some form....

    No offense, but your friend doesn't know what they are talking about....

    If you listen to TV, or the "internet", they say that nearly everything you consume causes cancer... For every refeence you find that says "Sugar Feeds Cancer", I can find you one that disputes it...

    While you are in treatment (and after), eat as healthy as you can, stay very hydrated and concentrate on healing and recovery..., leave all of that worrying and other stuff at the curb.


  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member
    Got to admit, sugar is likeable

    What was explained to us, is that Cancer does like sugar, but eating more or less of it, isn't necessarily going to effect cells that aren't listening to the bodies DNA anyway. 

    When you get a PET Scan, the injected dye is radioisotopes that have been bonded with sugar, because cancer cells grab on to the sugars. That's why you saw big yellow bright spots of the radioisotopes. 

    Here's a reputable website with a really good answer..

    The quote from them... To save you time..

    "Myth: People with cancer shouldn't eat sugar, since it can cause cancer to grow faster.

    Fact: Sugar doesn't make cancer grow faster. All cells, including cancer cells, depend on blood sugar (glucose) for energy. But giving more sugar to cancer cells doesn't speed their growth. Likewise, depriving cancer cells of sugar doesn't slow their growth.

    This misconception may be based in part on a misunderstanding of positron emission tomography (PET) scans, which use a small amount of radioactive tracer — typically a form of glucose. All tissues in your body absorb some of this tracer, but tissues that are using more energy — including cancer cells — absorb greater amounts. For this reason, some people have concluded that cancer cells grow faster on sugar. But this isn't true."

    Additionally, I had adenocarcinoma... i have eaten chocolate too regularly for 7 years.. And no reoccurrence.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    My little sister tried to plant this bug

    into my head during treatment....she is a total organic eater, and takes who knows how many pills a day (organic of course)...I was at first paranoid, I mean....look at what we are forced to eat during treatment....Boost, Ensure, etc....all full of sugar!!  Then as I hung out on here, I decided that I'm going to eat whatever is in front of me....and if it had been chocolate cake, and if I'd had enough spit to get it down, I'd have eaten it.

    Do I think we have to take care with our diets....yes to a point.  I have a huge sweet tooth, but with the help of the fact that I can't get the same jollies out of eating it, I've managed to only test it a couple times a week to see if it's coming back.  I can't say how good I'll be in the future, if the old satisfaction returns Laughing.  I think if a person eats what their bodies need...a certain amount of protein, of fruits and veggies, grains and meats....the body knows what to do with it, and uses it appropriately....that includes the occasional Symphony bar (with toffee chips.......oooooo YUMMY!!!)....I will probably never go back to my sugar binges tho....that for me is a step in the right direction.....right??


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Words of Wisdom

    Hi Vicki,

    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, LOVE and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless, like chasing the wind" King Solomon

    While there are obvious things we should avoid (no more cigars and a glass of cognac for me!), I don't think a candy bar or a bowl of ice cream now and again will tip the scales against us :)

    Now where's my ice cream! ;)~



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    fishmanpa said:

    Words of Wisdom

    Hi Vicki,

    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, LOVE and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless, like chasing the wind" King Solomon

    While there are obvious things we should avoid (no more cigars and a glass of cognac for me!), I don't think a candy bar or a bowl of ice cream now and again will tip the scales against us :)

    Now where's my ice cream! ;)~



    Ice Cream...

    Good luck with that....

    Ice Cream was the one thing that took all of two years for me to get bite and puff...gone.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Ice Cream...

    Good luck with that....

    Ice Cream was the one thing that took all of two years for me to get bite and puff...gone.


    Tick tick tick

    I still have a little over a month before I lose my taste buddies ;)~

    I've pretty much finished my before treatment food bucket list. There's a few I'll have again before I start treatment... As it is, I'll be hurtin' for a couple of weeks after the surgery then I'll have a couple of more weeks before treatment starts. Knowing that it''s going to be a couple of years before I acquire a taste for ice cream again (if ever) is a little bit sobering.

    I do have something I'm going to try that my primary physician recommended called miracle berries. It's like a hallucinagen for your tongue. I'll let you know how that works out once I'm in the heat of the battle.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    fishmanpa said:

    Tick tick tick

    I still have a little over a month before I lose my taste buddies ;)~

    I've pretty much finished my before treatment food bucket list. There's a few I'll have again before I start treatment... As it is, I'll be hurtin' for a couple of weeks after the surgery then I'll have a couple of more weeks before treatment starts. Knowing that it''s going to be a couple of years before I acquire a taste for ice cream again (if ever) is a little bit sobering.

    I do have something I'm going to try that my primary physician recommended called miracle berries. It's like a hallucinagen for your tongue. I'll let you know how that works out once I'm in the heat of the battle.


    Blue Bell Nutty Fudge..

    If you like chocolate, and chocolate ice cream with nuts especially..., give the above a try...

    It seems to be limited, as I only find a tub every once in awhile..., but I like it..a lot, LOL.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    love the kitty



    I like sugar, my cancer liked tongue and lymph nodes.


    I don’t drink, smoke, drive too fast or sky dive nor do I eat only organics or participate  in other risky behavior.  Other than trying to eat a balanced diet and taking low dose multi-vitamins I now drink lots of water.


    I truly believe that consumption of sugar (while possibly dangerous to some) is way down my list of cancer reoccurrence initiators.  Anyway, I am bound ,determined and hopeful that sweetness will return (in full) to my taste buds.






    My beloved ice-cream is still a “no show” at the taste bud games which continue to evolve.

  • catluver96
    catluver96 Member Posts: 73
    CivilMatt said:

    love the kitty



    I like sugar, my cancer liked tongue and lymph nodes.


    I don’t drink, smoke, drive too fast or sky dive nor do I eat only organics or participate  in other risky behavior.  Other than trying to eat a balanced diet and taking low dose multi-vitamins I now drink lots of water.


    I truly believe that consumption of sugar (while possibly dangerous to some) is way down my list of cancer reoccurrence initiators.  Anyway, I am bound ,determined and hopeful that sweetness will return (in full) to my taste buds.






    My beloved ice-cream is still a “no show” at the taste bud games which continue to evolve.

    Instead of stressing I'm

    Instead of stressing I'm smiling from reading your replies.


    Thanks for sharing. :)

