On to the next phase

We are about to go to Jeff's 35th and last radationSmile. Now it's on too healing. Mouth real sore (on fire) Magic mouthwash has really helped. Thank you all for suggesting it. It really puts the fire out. He tried a bite of a milky way the other day and it caused a 5 alarm to erupt, but MM put it out. Neck and face raw and rashie. At least he is still able to eat almost everything. Cut very small with gravy.

Dr said he should be back to himself in 3 weeks (i doubt it, from what i read on here) It would be nice but I try to tell him that that may not happen, so he needs to still take it easy and not to start scheduling work projects just yet.

Got to run



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Whoo Hoo!!!

    The last rad!!  I loved that day....loved knowing that even tho I still had three more chemo's I'd never have to be in the damned mask one more time, and wouldn't have to leave my house on a daily basis when I felt like crap....I could sleep, rest, walk at will without a daily meet up with the rad doc.

    Jeff is quite brave trying a candy bar...wooo I'll bet that did cause an alarm in his mouth!  Depending on how bad his mouth is burned tho, he might be able to start eating in three weeks.  Everybody is different....I was able to eat 3 weeks after my last chemo (which was way harder on my mouth than rads were).


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    WooHoo...a new graduate....

    MD's can't relate to the time frame, LOL...three weeks..no way he'll be back to his old self...probably more like three plus months, minimal just to eat basic foods...

    Congrats..... ~ JG

  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member


    congrats! Nice to hear the treatment is ceasing!  You and Jeff must be relieved. It wasn't easy getting here, but you both did it!

    tell Jeff not to try to push himself too fast, he needs some time to heal.

    great news!


  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member

    have fun running together thru the Finish Line. congrats on a good fight. 

    just amazing to hear some that continue to eat right up and thru thru treatments, happy happy for Jeff. 

    prayers for a faster than fast recovery


    thank you Sue for being there every step for Jeff, enjoy the finish line of treatments!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    finished rads



    I will ring my bell for Jeff as I head out the door in a few minutes.


    Jeff is one of my heroes, because I loved Magic Mouth Wash also.


    Neck burn weeks 6, 7 & 8 were the worst pain of my treatments.  Silver Sulfadiazine Cream is the ticket to nirvana .


    Now rest up and heal baby heal.



  • sassysrice
    sassysrice Member Posts: 117
    CivilMatt said:

    finished rads



    I will ring my bell for Jeff as I head out the door in a few minutes.


    Jeff is one of my heroes, because I loved Magic Mouth Wash also.


    Neck burn weeks 6, 7 & 8 were the worst pain of my treatments.  Silver Sulfadiazine Cream is the ticket to nirvana .


    Now rest up and heal baby heal.



    will check it out

    thanks Matt

    I will check out the cream. nurse recommended Aquafor used for diaper rashes. It's okay but very greasy.

  • amy_h414
    amy_h414 Member Posts: 98

    End of treatment, woohoo!! Back to himself in 3 weeks? I suppose it's possible. My husband was starting to feel better at around 2-3 weeks out, but it was another month or two before he felt significantly better.

  • peggylulu
    peggylulu Member Posts: 375

    will check it out

    thanks Matt

    I will check out the cream. nurse recommended Aquafor used for diaper rashes. It's okay but very greasy.


    Sassysrice , I have learned on here that everyone is different , but my Doc said to use Aquafor and not to put anything else on my neck . Yes it is very greasy but I had 33 rads and the only side effects that I had to the skin was that it got red and felt like a very bad sunburn and it would peel a little usually when I put on the aquafor. Not to disagree with Matt just letting you know how it worked for me. Peggy

  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913

    We are 9 weeks post and still using the MM. It really keeps the sting out of things.

    Hang in there..


  • sassysrice
    sassysrice Member Posts: 117
    peggylulu said:


    Sassysrice , I have learned on here that everyone is different , but my Doc said to use Aquafor and not to put anything else on my neck . Yes it is very greasy but I had 33 rads and the only side effects that I had to the skin was that it got red and felt like a very bad sunburn and it would peel a little usually when I put on the aquafor. Not to disagree with Matt just letting you know how it worked for me. Peggy

    Thanks Peggy

    At first we were told Aloe which we did up to the 34th rad, the aquafor does seem to be better. I wish I knew sooner. But Jeff was not as good about putting the aloe on regularly either since the red leathery skin didn't show up in to around the 28 one. I did try to warn him..the trials of the caregiversInnocent


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Aquaphor - Silvadene

    The aquaphor was way too thick and greasy for me...

    Silvadene is used for burn victims, it's awesome stuff, I didn't use it though...

    I wasn't bothered too much, warm showers and dry towels took care of my loose skin... But my reaction to rads was more like a bad sun burn, dark skin, and peeling mainly...


  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    Skiffin16 said:

    Aquaphor - Silvadene

    The aquaphor was way too thick and greasy for me...

    Silvadene is used for burn victims, it's awesome stuff, I didn't use it though...

    I wasn't bothered too much, warm showers and dry towels took care of my loose skin... But my reaction to rads was more like a bad sun burn, dark skin, and peeling mainly...


    I will ring my bell (I have a really nice one) for him as soon as I finish this! I'm so happy for you both and I know that soon you will see the burns start getting better. I also used aquphor and when it got really bad my dr gave me PruTect which is only RX. I would kind of go back and forth between the two.

    Please tell him to be patient in this healing process and not bank on the quick healing time frame that the dr gave him. It's also better to expect small changes weekly and not daily.

    It's so awesome that he was able to try eating even if it did burn. I couldn't eat anything for weeks after rads finished because my mouth was so raw. It will get better but it takes time.

    Ok, I've got a bell to ring!
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    pinky swear



    Believe me Silver Sulfadiazine Cream is fantastic stuff.  My neck burn was far and away the worst pain I had over the whole treatment process.  I also had Aquafor  and there is no comparison between the two when it comes to treating neck burn of the intensity of mine.   As long as I kept the SSC slathered on I had NO PAIN.  It is messy stuff and will really dress up your shirt and pillow case, but who cares IT WORKS.  Matter-of-fact I suggest getting the 400 gram container over thee 50 gram container.  Once you make peace with the mess and completely cover the burned area you have a new lease on life.


    This is a bit over the top on the cream, but if Jeff likes the Magic Mouth Wash he is going to love the Silver Sulfadiazine Cream (as least I hope so).


    Out on a limb,




    I did ring the bell for Jeff.

  • boardwalkgirl
    boardwalkgirl Member Posts: 269
    Congrats on making it thru

    Congrats on making it thru the radiation. What a wonderful day! Feeling back to yourself in 3 weeks, I don't think so. I had my last radiation on August 3rd and did not go back to work until October 1st. Even then I was exhausted at the end of the day and still have days like that.  I ate the whole way thru treatment supplemented with tube feedings. I have to agree with Matt, Silvadene is the best. I only had like 7 treatments left when my skin decided to blister and peel and the Silvadene was wonderful. Highly recommend it.

  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    The gift that keeps on giving

    I found, as with quite a few others that once treatment was complete, I actually felt worse for a few weeks after. If this happens, it it normal, and from there things should SLOWLY but surely get better. Ring that bell like it was never rung before.



  • tackstrip
    tackstrip Member Posts: 14

    The gift that keeps on giving

    I found, as with quite a few others that once treatment was complete, I actually felt worse for a few weeks after. If this happens, it it normal, and from there things should SLOWLY but surely get better. Ring that bell like it was never rung before.



    Well I just finished up my RT

    Well I just finished up my RT for my tonsil cancer on the 28th. Doc says wait a couple months now and then maybe chemo for the lung cancer. they found and biopsied before. I hope it doesn't take to long to start feeling better. I,ve been living in motel 12 hours from home for month and a half. I think I will try driving home monday. Take my time. I hope all of you with support systems of family, friends or husbands or wives, count your blessings. Always hoping tomorrow is better.                                  
