Starting TPF induction

donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
edited January 2013 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Well gang,

My number is finally being called so Monday morning I begin the induction chemo series. Couple things different is the MO is going to start cycle one with 25% reduction to better ease the side effects and then allow for a 4th cycle if needed to get the full dosage. Other thing different than most is the 5-FU pack is loaded for two days rather than 4 days. He wants me back in after two days so I can be checked and any side effects can be managed on a more timely basis. Swap the back on Wed, then back on Friday to have it removed. Will post as I can. You can also catch the full updates on my blog at Don





T Taxotere


P cisPlatin


F 5-FU



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    in to battle



    Stay ahead of nausea.  If you wait till you feel it, you are behind it.


    And stay hydrated, always.


    Good luck,



  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    Good luck

    I had the 3-time cisplatin infusion delivery, so am not familiar with this treatment plan.  Even so, it sounds like a good strategy to take it a bit easier on the first round.

    See you on the other side.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Good luck Don!!

    from me, I'll say "stay ahead of the mouth business".....but maybe 5FU won't hit you as hard as it did me.....John did ok on it, so I'm wishing that for you!!  Two days with the fanny pack sounds to me like the way to go, too....

    Take your anti-nausea meds as that young man?? Laughing  Sounds to me like your Oncologist is taking real good care of you.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    All ahead full! Steady as she goes...


    Here's to a smooth journey on calm waters! The big guns are loaded. Fire at will! 


  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member

    steady as it goes, sure hope the plan is a good one for you. 

    don't be shy on the fluids. ask for some iv fluids, they were a hurge help for several of my local friends. 



  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Good thoughts sent !


    It sounds like your onc. has an excellant plan for you !  I have no experience personally with chemo...just with my Mother.  Listen and ask the board here, they are all old pro's at it.   (Not calling any body old as in age lol !)  Will be keepinng you in my thoughts and prayers !    Katie

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    TPF Induction..

    Like mentioned, I didn't have anything significant for side effects compared to many...

    EMEND, if t hey have you on that, it's awesome. It's in a three day pack, starting day one just before chemo, and then the next two days. After that Zofran or similar... I never got sick once, felt crappy many times, but not sick.

    Also like mentioned, stay basically over hydrated...flushes the system, and will keep you out of the hospital.

    Best ~ John

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    Good luck Don!!

    from me, I'll say "stay ahead of the mouth business".....but maybe 5FU won't hit you as hard as it did me.....John did ok on it, so I'm wishing that for you!!  Two days with the fanny pack sounds to me like the way to go, too....

    Take your anti-nausea meds as that young man?? Laughing  Sounds to me like your Oncologist is taking real good care of you.


    yes ma'am

    I am entering in my medication schedule into google calendar and having that linked to text me with the med I need to take and the time. :-) 

    Also thinking of adding recurring alarm events to remind me to take a gulp every x minutes

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    donfoo said:

    yes ma'am

    I am entering in my medication schedule into google calendar and having that linked to text me with the med I need to take and the time. :-) 

    Also thinking of adding recurring alarm events to remind me to take a gulp every x minutes

    Meat Thermometer...

    Don't forget the meat thermometer for your butt..., LOL.

    When they were reading all of the possible side efeects, and stressed to call in anytime your temp reaches 100.5*..Don't wait until in the morning if you get a high temp at night.

    I told them I was gonna get one of those electronic meat thermometer's an stick in my butt...No way was I gonna have a high temp un-noticed...LOL.

    Sorry about the visual, LOL...

    Good luck and I hope your first round was fairly un-eventful.

    Stay hydrated, John

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    TPF Induction..

    Like mentioned, I didn't have anything significant for side effects compared to many...

    EMEND, if t hey have you on that, it's awesome. It's in a three day pack, starting day one just before chemo, and then the next two days. After that Zofran or similar... I never got sick once, felt crappy many times, but not sick.

    Also like mentioned, stay basically over hydrated...flushes the system, and will keep you out of the hospital.

    Best ~ John

    Whispered a prayer all goes well Don ( it will)..

    and also whispered a prayer you can't find a meat  :)  Sorry.


    Keep us posted Don ...we are here for you .


    John Skiffin...sick my firend, just sick...but boy did I get a laugh!



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    Whispered a prayer all goes well Don ( it will)..

    and also whispered a prayer you can't find a meat  :)  Sorry.


    Keep us posted Don ...we are here for you .


    John Skiffin...sick my firend, just sick...but boy did I get a laugh!



    H&N Humor

    Abi-Normal...., you are one of the clan, you obviously can relate, LOL...


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    H&N Humor

    Abi-Normal...., you are one of the clan, you obviously can relate, LOL...


    hello world

    Geez. I was down for 8 days. Finally going near 100%, up as fast as I went down. Chemo sucks! My goal is to take one day at a time but I sure hope the second cycle goes down easier. Avoided all the nausea and other major side effects except FATIGUE.

    Bit of tinnitus, one minor mouth sore,m and some general scratchy throat. 


    Great to be alive!


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    donfoo said:

    hello world

    Geez. I was down for 8 days. Finally going near 100%, up as fast as I went down. Chemo sucks! My goal is to take one day at a time but I sure hope the second cycle goes down easier. Avoided all the nausea and other major side effects except FATIGUE.

    Bit of tinnitus, one minor mouth sore,m and some general scratchy throat. 


    Great to be alive!


    Ding Ding Round Two Next...

    More than likely won't be any worse, maybe even a little easier... Although you might start losing some hair somewhere between now and this time during round twwo... If it's like mine, it'll start growing back soon. But it's like going through puberty, LOL...hardly any hair, then really fine, eventually thickening back up (assuming you have hair now, LOL)...Tongue Out

    Just when you start feeling really good again, you have to do it over....

    But...., just think, as bad as you feel, cancer is getting it's azz kicked 10X worse.

    Best ~ John