Crappie North ~ Specks South - Fishin Photos...

Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
edited January 2013 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Figured I'd label this with the fishin photos, for those that don't wanna see them....susel

Crappie up North, Specks down South, and Sac-A-Lait for those Canjun types...

Took the Hewes to Lake Kissimmee yesterday (Saturday 25JAN2013), with a long time work and fishing buddy, to hit up a few specks. We found a few nice ones, 22 actually...


So I just had to post a few for my fishin buds and gals on here..., and for all of you that love/like to fish, but might not be in a place that you can do it right now. Even during my Tx, I would get out on the water a few times when I was feeling pretty good, and not in danger so much for an infection.





Ken my buddy



Mess of Specks


Have a great week-end, and hang in there... It gets better, much better.




  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member

    I haven't wet a line in a while but those pics make me want to break out the gear! There's great winter trout fishing here :)


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913


    Glad you had a good time with your fishing buddy. Looks like you will have quite the feast...LOL.

    Kreg just said that he has a taste for a fish dinner with baked potatoe w/sour cream & chives, Coleslaw, and a home made dinner roll

    slathered in butter. I was eager to figure out how to get the fish to his liking, but he said he would much rather wait until his "buds" are back

    and he can enjoy it like it sounds. : )


    Happy day/weekend my friend.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member



    Glad you had a good time with your fishing buddy. Looks like you will have quite the feast...LOL.

    Kreg just said that he has a taste for a fish dinner with baked potatoe w/sour cream & chives, Coleslaw, and a home made dinner roll

    slathered in butter. I was eager to figure out how to get the fish to his liking, but he said he would much rather wait until his "buds" are back

    and he can enjoy it like it sounds. : )


    Happy day/weekend my friend.


    Dinner Rolls...

    Shelley gets these dinner rolls at Wal-Mart that are really good...especially with her home made beef stew.

    Not sure of the brand, I'll have to ask...

    I know they come in a bag, freezer section I believe... They are about golf ball size, and she sits them out for awhile for them to rise to half a baseball size before baking them..., slathered in butter.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I saw those fish....

    and started thinking about how last summer when you'd show pics of fish, my mind had them fried up and ready for the table....and how VERY HUNGRY they'd make me....LOL.

    Today, I see a nice batch of fish, but I can't smell them cooking....ha!


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Of course I wanna see




    Of course I wanna see them; I live vicariously through you (during these cold months). 


    Here’s one I caught for you, I call him “surprised”.


    I always enjoy the fish and fry pictures




  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    I saw those fish....

    and started thinking about how last summer when you'd show pics of fish, my mind had them fried up and ready for the table....and how VERY HUNGRY they'd make me....LOL.

    Today, I see a nice batch of fish, but I can't smell them cooking....ha!



    Oh, you mean you need a visual...;



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    Of course I wanna see




    Of course I wanna see them; I live vicariously through you (during these cold months). 


    Here’s one I caught for you, I call him “surprised”.


    I always enjoy the fish and fry pictures




    Blow Fish..

    Matt, you know that when Flounder fishing, I catch these guys often... (blow fish).

    They are kinda funny..., as soon as you pull them from the water, they start balloning up. You can lay one on the deck, and it'll roll around like a ball. As soon as you toss it back in the water...., like a ballon with air in it and you let it go...., instantly deflates.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Skiffin16 said:


    Oh, you mean you need a visual...;



    This would have sent me into

    an imaginary drooling fit 5 months a matter of fact, I think I'm getting some real drool going here.


  • connieprice1
    connieprice1 Member Posts: 300 Member
    Nice fish!

    John,   Even when Connie was being fed through IV she would watch The Food Network all the time. The fried fish does look delicious! Connie used the peg for a year, the last 6 months she was eating by mouth also but used the peg to try to regain her weight. It is so important for patients to know that the peg in most cases is a temporary assistant. I remember how against it we were when the doctor first mentioned it to us but after her radiation treatments kicked in and she was eating less and less we both knew she needed it. Great pictures, take care, Homer

  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Skiffin16 said:


    Oh, you mean you need a visual...;



    Oh Boy!!

    I don't know if I should show this pic to Kreg or not.....LOL.

    Are those grits too?  You dip your fish in them or is that your side dish? : )

  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    Skiffin16 said:


    Oh, you mean you need a visual...;



    oh my

    oh my, the memories 

    when we did fish fry's in our family of approx 12 it was fish, fish and fish, with small amount of veg and taters.   oh ya about fish fish and fish = 150

    from the upper wisconsin and illinois for me it was pearch first choice, blue gill second choice and crappie third. either way if there was a fish fry we would turn it down. plus hard to leave out a walleye fry of the small walley not the big one's 

    if my mouth coiuld drewel i would be dripping out both sides. 

    thanks John for the fond reminders of fish times. 


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Nice fish!

    John,   Even when Connie was being fed through IV she would watch The Food Network all the time. The fried fish does look delicious! Connie used the peg for a year, the last 6 months she was eating by mouth also but used the peg to try to regain her weight. It is so important for patients to know that the peg in most cases is a temporary assistant. I remember how against it we were when the doctor first mentioned it to us but after her radiation treatments kicked in and she was eating less and less we both knew she needed it. Great pictures, take care, Homer

    Thanks Homer..

    I want you to know how awesome I think you are, and both you and Connie are blessed to have found each other.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Oh Boy!!

    I don't know if I should show this pic to Kreg or not.....LOL.

    Are those grits too?  You dip your fish in them or is that your side dish? : )

    Dippin Grits...


    Grits are a staple in the South..., mainly eaten at breakfast with only a little dab of butter and a little salt & pepper, kind of creamy. But you can also mix in cheddar cheese  while cooking them and they are frequently served as a side with fried fish.

    Actually, a lot of times that's all we will have fish and cheese grits.

    They are about the same thickness as thick Cream of Wheat.... LOL, a few peope from up North I have actually seen eat them with a little milk and sugar...and they taste pretty good... But don't let a Southern see you do it..., LOL.

    There's a Yankee, someone from the north here on vacation, and then someone like me. I'm a "Damn Yankee"..., that's someone originally from the north, that moved south...and STAYED.



  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Skiffin16 said:

    Dippin Grits...


    Grits are a staple in the South..., mainly eaten at breakfast with only a little dab of butter and a little salt & pepper, kind of creamy. But you can also mix in cheddar cheese  while cooking them and they are frequently served as a side with fried fish.

    Actually, a lot of times that's all we will have fish and cheese grits.

    They are about the same thickness as thick Cream of Wheat.... LOL, a few peope from up North I have actually seen eat them with a little milk and sugar...and they taste pretty good... But don't let a Southern see you do it..., LOL.

    There's a Yankee, someone from the north here on vacation, and then someone like me. I'm a "Damn Yankee"..., that's someone originally from the north, that moved south...and STAYED.



    I'll have to give them a try....

    So depending on which way I like them best describes whether I'm a Yankee or not?...We'll I'm a Northerner....but, I also like many different foods different ways. Hmmm.....could end up being a Southern gal too? ...LOL 

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    I'll have to give them a try....

    So depending on which way I like them best describes whether I'm a Yankee or not?...We'll I'm a Northerner....but, I also like many different foods different ways. Hmmm.....could end up being a Southern gal too? ...LOL 


    Just the way they are eaten in the South..., they are a Southern Thing...

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    fisrpotpe said:

    oh my

    oh my, the memories 

    when we did fish fry's in our family of approx 12 it was fish, fish and fish, with small amount of veg and taters.   oh ya about fish fish and fish = 150

    from the upper wisconsin and illinois for me it was pearch first choice, blue gill second choice and crappie third. either way if there was a fish fry we would turn it down. plus hard to leave out a walleye fry of the small walley not the big one's 

    if my mouth coiuld drewel i would be dripping out both sides. 

    thanks John for the fond reminders of fish times. 


    Big family here too !

    Hey John,

    Thanks for the pictures !  And Matt...your's was soooo good !  But I agree w/  fisrpotpe....we had FISH !  We all would go fishing and back in the day the limits were lots higher than the present.  The boys would help dad fillet, and us girls would clean soak and dip in beer batter....and fry platters full !  We might have some salads to go with but everyone always went for the fillets !  Thanks for sharing these pictures !  It never gets old for me seeing someone enjoying the big catch !   Katie

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Dippin Grits...


    Grits are a staple in the South..., mainly eaten at breakfast with only a little dab of butter and a little salt & pepper, kind of creamy. But you can also mix in cheddar cheese  while cooking them and they are frequently served as a side with fried fish.

    Actually, a lot of times that's all we will have fish and cheese grits.

    They are about the same thickness as thick Cream of Wheat.... LOL, a few peope from up North I have actually seen eat them with a little milk and sugar...and they taste pretty good... But don't let a Southern see you do it..., LOL.

    There's a Yankee, someone from the north here on vacation, and then someone like me. I'm a "Damn Yankee"..., that's someone originally from the north, that moved south...and STAYED.



    "Damn Yankee"

    Yep... I'm one too! And it's not the "Civil War"... it's the war of "Northern Aggression" ;)~

    I had a nice little fishing boat I sold a couple of years ago. The Shenandoah River is too shallow for the most part to run it. I used to fish the Delaware River tons when I lived in NJ. The shad run in the Spring was a blast! I'd like to get a canoe or fishing kayak to fish the river here. There was a lake I fished in Millville NJ, Union Lake, great crappie fishing! Many were in the 1lb+ range. A fish fry with hush puppies was a fav of mine. I definitely have to re-kindle my fishing after I get through this! 


  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849
    Skiffin16 said:

    Thanks Homer..

    I want you to know how awesome I think you are, and both you and Connie are blessed to have found each other.


    One fine mess-a-fish!!



    Nice Catch! 


    No fishing for me these days - 25 degrees and a 1/4" of ice on the road today - yep, already fell on my rear-end going out for the paper (lucky I gained a few pounds to cushion my fall).


    For you buddy I will repeat a saying we have up in these parts  -  "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day - teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day"


    Thanks for the post - may have to dig thru my freezer to see if can find anything to cook up today after seeing these pics.



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    OK, LOL...that photo above was from a little while back, just to tease with Phrannie and give her a visual...

    Here is the lunch photo from the Specks we caught the other day above... I had put Saturday, but it was actually Friday...senior moment I guess, LOL;

    Specks & Grits

    Specks & Cheese Grits


  • sassysrice
    sassysrice Member Posts: 117
    Very Nice

    Great fish..makes me long for summer. Here on Cape Cod all the fish are frozenCry It's even too cold to ice fish.. I feel like I'm living in Alaska
