Pain Level 8

Since a week ago Friday (Jan 4), I've been experiencing an ever increasing level of pain. There are actually two pain areas/levels. About half of my back is at a Level 4, and there are at least two pencil-sized spots that average about a Level-8. Touching the Level-8 area always triggers that high level of pain. The challenge is that due to the fact that I am a neck breather, I must sleep on my back, that is, on the sensitive spots. Consequently, from Monday thru Thur, I could not fall asleep until I was totally exhausted; and then, I would not sleep more than 3 hours. I spent most of the day facing the TV, without really watching it. I was in too much distress to even come on this board.

The last two nights, I've been able to sleep over 10 hours with the help of moderate level of oxycotin and a heating pad. When I awaken (like as I write), I feel "druged". Not surprising. But at least it is an improvement over the middle of the week.

I did go to my PCP. She said the description of my pain suggesting Shingles. GREAT! However, the teltale rash has not appeared. So my caregiver/wife must add rash-hunting to the rest of her tasks. I will email my symptoms to my medical oncologist today.

I may have trouble responding to the posts of my friends, here. I am either in a great deal of pain or I'm druged.  Hopefully with a little professional help, I will be able to resolve the issue. Rick.



  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Sending healing thoughts.

    So very sorry to hear you are going through this.  I hope you see improvement soon.


  • Ladylacy
    Ladylacy Member Posts: 773 Member
    Pain Level

    Sorry to hear about your pain.  I know my Aunt told me that my 85 year old Uncle had shingles and that he said the pain was horrible so I hope it is not shingles.  They say that shingles is horrible and that we should get the shot for shingles if we had chicken poxs as a child.  I keep putting off getting the shot and don't know if my husband should get it due to his cancer.  Guess I need to ask the doctor this week about that.

    As far as not being able to sleep due to the pain, my husband is going thru some now in his shoulder and chest which we think is due to the muscle in his chest used to reconstruct his throat and the radiation damage to his spine.  He says it wakes him up at night and the only way he can get some rest is to go sleep in his recliner.  He does have pain medication to help.  He is also a neck breather but is able to sleep on his side.

    Hope you get to feeling better soon.


  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    beyond the expertise of your PCP

    No offense to the professional involved, but you need to pursue this beyond the PCP level.  Shingles isn't likely, though it is possible without the telltale rash.  It would be one area, not two, and it would follow a specitif dermatome.  On your back, that would be the course of cutaneous sensation for one spinal nerve.  You can look the chart up on the internet.

    With pain as severe as you describe you really need seen and examined by someone with experience at this.  That exam might be initiated at your oncologist's office, but may have to involve a neurologist, etc.  You need relief and that requires proper diagnosis early on. 


    Sorry for the problem. 




  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I saw your post in another thread

    that you were having extreme pain....Shingles is something I never want to face......tho after reading LTS's post, I'd be getting it checked out to make sure that is what you're facing.  I sure do feel for you on this set back.


  • corleone
    corleone Member Posts: 312 Member
    I second Pat, his suggestions

    I second Pat, his suggestions are very good. Your PCP might be able to help, or maybe not. A neurologist is probably the best option. Your description is rather vague though, one can’t tell exactly what it is without a physical exam. Need to know the exact location, where is referred (starts from one place and goes where) when is triggered (is it continuous pain, or accentuated with movement, respiration, etc.). An X ray would also probably help, to see if there is no herniated disc, etc.

    You can provide all this info to the physician, during the medical consult.

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Pain level of 8


    Did this pain begin before your biopsy of your lung ?  Did your pcp do an xray of your lungs ?  If not please get in asap.  Are you having any problems with breathing ?  My lungs have enlarged due to my condition....and I experience pain at times that bring me to my knees.  My husband had a blood test done to confirm shingles....did your pcp do this ?  I am so sorry you are in this much's undescribable to others that haven't had it.  I pray that things resolve very soon Rick.     Katie 

  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    Rads! Rads!

    Have an "urgent" appointment with radiology oncology at UW to help resolve the back pain. In too much discomfort to post very many of the details. My primary emotion? Anxiety. Rick.

  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member

    Rads! Rads!

    Have an "urgent" appointment with radiology oncology at UW to help resolve the back pain. In too much discomfort to post very many of the details. My primary emotion? Anxiety. Rick.

    Glad your getting to the bottom of it


    glad to hear your pain is getting attention it deserves.

    best of luck, and my prayers are with you!


  • Mrs. Sarge
    Mrs. Sarge Member Posts: 206 Member
    NJShore said:

    Glad your getting to the bottom of it


    glad to hear your pain is getting attention it deserves.

    best of luck, and my prayers are with you!



    So glad you're getting in to see someone.  I can't imagine what you're going through and it indeed sounds like shingles might be going on but you have to know!!  Let us know.  We care.

  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196

    Rads! Rads!

    Have an "urgent" appointment with radiology oncology at UW to help resolve the back pain. In too much discomfort to post very many of the details. My primary emotion? Anxiety. Rick.

    Hope "Urgent" Means Tuesday Morning

    What a nightmare.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    feel better soon



    I wanted to add my support to you feeling better and pain free.  Here’s hoping your doctors can help this situation and quickly.



  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Wow! I feel for you. I am

    Wow! I feel for you. I am praying this resolves really quick.

    God's Peace. Debbie

  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    Radiation Tx

    I start 5 days of radiation treatment later today. The idea is to shrink the tumor and reduce the pain. Chemo, to be started later, will "really" address the tumor. I don't know if the chemo will start Friday as planned or whether it will be postponed for a week or so.

    I got a Fenatyl Patch yesterday. To handle the pain until the radiation becomes effective. I got the first good night sleep in weeks. The patch brings the pain down from an 8 to a 3, and a heat pad brings it down further.

    Luckily, I am able to eat and keep my hydration up. I am still attempting a healthy diet with lots of fruits and veggies. Thanks for all your support. Rick.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Radiation Tx

    I start 5 days of radiation treatment later today. The idea is to shrink the tumor and reduce the pain. Chemo, to be started later, will "really" address the tumor. I don't know if the chemo will start Friday as planned or whether it will be postponed for a week or so.

    I got a Fenatyl Patch yesterday. To handle the pain until the radiation becomes effective. I got the first good night sleep in weeks. The patch brings the pain down from an 8 to a 3, and a heat pad brings it down further.

    Luckily, I am able to eat and keep my hydration up. I am still attempting a healthy diet with lots of fruits and veggies. Thanks for all your support. Rick.

    A Toast....

    Here's to frying that sucker and then smacking it around with some poison.....

    Shrink it up and spit it out....

    Hope you have a mild week-end Rick..., will be thinking of you and your journey,



  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    A Toast....

    Here's to frying that sucker and then smacking it around with some poison.....

    Shrink it up and spit it out....

    Hope you have a mild week-end Rick..., will be thinking of you and your journey,




    For some reason, I want to say I was told not to use a heating pad with the patch...maybe I'm confused but you might want to ask at the pharmacy. Sorry for your pain, wishing a speedy recovery for you.

  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    Vomit and More Vomit

    Not a good night after first treatment. Everytime I drank anything, I vomited within 10 minutes. However, I've modified my intake, so as to take a sip every 10 minutes. AND I MEAN A SIP. That I've kept down so far. Going in for electrolyte check and more rads. I am way too sick to participate in board conversations in any meaningful manner. Rick.

  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member

    Vomit and More Vomit

    Not a good night after first treatment. Everytime I drank anything, I vomited within 10 minutes. However, I've modified my intake, so as to take a sip every 10 minutes. AND I MEAN A SIP. That I've kept down so far. Going in for electrolyte check and more rads. I am way too sick to participate in board conversations in any meaningful manner. Rick.

    anti-nausea meds

    Seem to be in order at this point, Rick.  Check with your doctor.

  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660


  • VivianLee5689
    VivianLee5689 Member Posts: 546
    ditto1 said:



    Sorry to hear

    Sorry to hear you are in so much pain Rick.  I don't know which is worse though, pain or nausea.  They both suck.  I hope you start getting relief soon.  I worry about you becoming dehydrated.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    Vomit and More Vomit

    Not a good night after first treatment. Everytime I drank anything, I vomited within 10 minutes. However, I've modified my intake, so as to take a sip every 10 minutes. AND I MEAN A SIP. That I've kept down so far. Going in for electrolyte check and more rads. I am way too sick to participate in board conversations in any meaningful manner. Rick.

    Well, this is the pits.....

    There are enough good nausea meds out there that I'm hoping they'll give them all a try in order for you to get the nausea under control.  Puking every time you so much as swallow a little water would not only be hell, it's a direct route to dehydration.  If they didn't send you home with a script for Emend, prod's great stuff!!
