"On The Road Again"

wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member

Just not sure of the direction we'll be taking. Hubby has been to Wound Clinic and now has a special $50 shoe to wear to relieve pressure on a foot ulcer. Next stop was the Nephrologist. His kidneys are slowly improving, but due to damage done in Emg. room while the idiots tried to insert a catheter, he must now see a Urologist.

Today, we met with the onc at MDA. He is a head/neck and lung specialist. He is very straightforward, which we appreciate. Next week, insurance permitting, hubby will have a second PET/CT(no contrast, thank you) to determine the status of his tumors at this time.(Last one was 2 months ago). He'll then have a lung biopsy to determine if this tumor is a met.

So far, what we've been told is that if the lung tumor is a met, he'll probably receive chemo only, no rads and no surgery. If the lung tumor is a separate cancer, he'll probably receive chemo and possibly rads for H/N, and if feasible, VATS surgery for the lung. In any case, his treatment plan will have to be geared to whatever his heart, diabetes, and compromised kidneys can withstand. We both know there are not a lot of options, so we'll take it one day at a time.

I just know he's very ill and I can do nothing more. There's not much more to say right now, just each of you hug that special person and "Never, Ever Give Up".




  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    One day at a time


    Well it sounds as if things are moving slowly in the right direction.  I too am with specialists that shoot from the hip.  And you know I am very satisfied with it.  I'm hoping things continue in this direction for him.  You'd be very surprised what our bodies can handle if there is no other choice.  I will keep you all in my prayers and thoughts !   Katie 

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Yes, things are way more difficult

    when other parts of the body are not in tip top shape...but it sounds to me like they are covering their bases, for "just in case".....The Dr.'s at MDA are smart people, and you know there is darn little in this world they haven't seen.  It's a balancing act, and he's in good hands.  Sending prayers your way....that he can get down this road with the least amount of side trips.


  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member
    Not giving up..


    you and your husband are in my prayers, and I hope your pet scan goes off without a hitch this week as planned.

    not knowing and patiently waiting are not easy places to be, but often a good time to do something nice for yourself.

    i hope you get a chance to..


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    step on the gas, put on the brakes, no .........



    I don’t know what to say.  I hope all this run-up to treatments pays dividends down the road.  My word you have both been busy and run through the wringer and you are just getting stated.


    Let’s hope they funnel you in a healing direction.


    Best always,

