ct, bone and colonscopy are in my future
17 months from last treatment and NED. Now I have some hip pain with swelling. I think it is nothing but my sister insisted I send a message to the dr. I did. Now I go next week for a ct scan then a bone scan with injections and the dr wants me to have a colonascopy. All of this without seeing her first. I have an appointment with her on Jan 21. Oh well, at least the results will be back by then and it will show if anything is going on. If it is I will deal with it but I cannot have any treatment till after 26 Jan as my daughter is getting married then. Just wait and see. Best wishes and prayers to all. trish
Your sister is the best!NorahS said:You have a good sister...
...best to have it all checked out - so good for your sister for giving you a loving nudge.
You should give her an extra big hug next time you see her.
Tell her the only thing an even better sister would do is get a colonoscopy along side you!!!!!
I have been pushing and pushing both of my sisters to go and get paps and for the heck of it a uterine cell test due to my recent diagnosis. Hopefully with my brother dying from esophageal cancer, Mom from breast cancer me diagnosed with this crap the insurance would pay for a uterine biopsy For both of them.
They have been dragging their feet, darn them!
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Nah!NorahS said:You have a good sister...
...best to have it all checked out - so good for your sister for giving you a loving nudge.
You should give her an extra big hug next time you see her.
I did say thank you to her but very sarcastically and yes I did not have to do it but I figured that I needed to so I did. My sister is 60 and refuses to have the colonoscopy because she does not like the idea of being put under and not knowing what someone will do or is doing to her. She is also a germaphobe. This will be my 2nd one so I told her that she should do this for me, since she made me contact the dr. She said sorry but not going to happen. The thing that is scary to me is the radiation injection for the bone scan. Never had that done yet and it may be a piece of cake but it still is scary right now. anyway, it is what it is and this too shall pass. trish
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dragging feetSisters three said:Your sister is the best!
Tell her the only thing an even better sister would do is get a colonoscopy along side you!!!!!
I have been pushing and pushing both of my sisters to go and get paps and for the heck of it a uterine cell test due to my recent diagnosis. Hopefully with my brother dying from esophageal cancer, Mom from breast cancer me diagnosed with this crap the insurance would pay for a uterine biopsy For both of them.
They have been dragging their feet, darn them!
I tell all the women I come in contact with to make sure if anything weird happens get to a dr. Do not put it off. Make the dr listen to you and have at least a sonograph of the uterus since a pap does not test that area. It will measure the thickness of the wall. I even saw my old boss and his wife, he retired several years ago, at my cancer center and we both asked what are you doing here. She has breast cancer and going through treatment now. Told them I had uterine cancer and through with treatment in Aug 2011. I told her to watch out if they put her on Tamoxifin? because it could cause thickining of the uterine wall then it might lead to uterine cancer. I told her to talk with her dr about it. My sister does go to her dr every year and gets the pap and breast mamo but as far as anything that might put her to sleep she will not do it. Our mom passed away in 1992 (this will be 21 years ago) from a soft tissue sarcoma that started as a lump on her leg. By the time they did something it had already spread and a stage 4. Another tumor was growing around her spinal cord and they put her trhough chemo/radiation and she had no quality of life for the last 3 months of her life. Had we know, we would not have approved of them doing all that. It was hard on my sister, me and my 6 year old daughter at the time. She did not understand why her Gran was gone and she wanted to go with her. I had to put my daughter in counseling after that. She is older now but I fear for my grandson who is 4 now and what he would go through if something happended to his Pepper (my grandmother name). I do not want history repeating itself with him. So if it turns out to be something, I will fight till I have no breath left in me. There have been such strong women on this site and I take courage from all of them. I have faith in my dr, even though she asked for all these test, I know that she is doing it because she wants to know what is going on inside of me. This to shall pass and if it my time, it is my time. I am comfortable with that, just after my daughter gets married on the 26th. I am praying that it does not happen till I am old but then no one can tell when the time it up only God knows that and I could be hit be a train this afternoon, so I just keep on keeping on and keep the faith. Prayers to all. trish
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Bone Scantxtrisha55 said:Nah!
I did say thank you to her but very sarcastically and yes I did not have to do it but I figured that I needed to so I did. My sister is 60 and refuses to have the colonoscopy because she does not like the idea of being put under and not knowing what someone will do or is doing to her. She is also a germaphobe. This will be my 2nd one so I told her that she should do this for me, since she made me contact the dr. She said sorry but not going to happen. The thing that is scary to me is the radiation injection for the bone scan. Never had that done yet and it may be a piece of cake but it still is scary right now. anyway, it is what it is and this too shall pass. trish
I had a bone scan halfway through my treatment. It was easy. I had no discomfort or adverse reactions to it at all. It also turned out to be a false alarm. Hope yours is the same!
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If my memory is working today, you and I both have the same aggressive MMMT, stage 3c???
When I completed treatments '09 (chemo and external radiation), I started with some lower back pain which ended up going down the leg over the last few years into sciatica. Each time my oncologist told me NOT CANCER, per my marker. As well, it was doable with not much pain until early summer of last year '12. I was approved for an MRI which showed bulging disk, pinching nerve on sciatica. I found a new chiropractor who used a few machines and some good adjustments that allow me today HAVE NO PAIN!!!! As well, I did have lots of swelling in the hip area, which was simply due to the disk bulging and chiro couldn't adjust until all inflammation was under control.
I'm hoping this is nothing for you as was for me...plus don't think our cancer "generally" goes to the bones does it? One thing which was brought to my attention, radiation (assuming you had it) just dries up our ligaments, joints and bones, as this might be an issue here. If you go to our site here, look on the left for long term side affects and you'll see some postings over the years of people having back and hip pain.
CT scan your doc is requesting? These don't show up the small tendons, etc, as to why I had MRI. Guess he's assuming it's some cancer floating around...ya think? I'm curious why your doc would start you on all these steps without even seeing you? Guess why wait is what he's thinking.
Colonoscopy? You ever had one before? I had my first one in '09, right after completion of treatments and nothing was found...yippee!!! Wondering why this is suggested, possibly you're 50 yrs+, as general time the industry suggests this procedure? The prep is much worse than the procedure...so don't fret it's not all that bad. I got thru it and don't like any procedures.
You sound like me, already was thinking cancer is back with my pain, but doc kept hitting on my head with NO CANCER. MRI was conclusive it's was something entirely different and today I'm pain free and in somewhat better working order. Don't get the cart before the horse as it's probably sideaffects from treatments....I'm being optimistic here girlfriend, as you should too~
Hugs and keep us posted,
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yes, the same type, grade, & stagejazzy1 said:Trish
If my memory is working today, you and I both have the same aggressive MMMT, stage 3c???
When I completed treatments '09 (chemo and external radiation), I started with some lower back pain which ended up going down the leg over the last few years into sciatica. Each time my oncologist told me NOT CANCER, per my marker. As well, it was doable with not much pain until early summer of last year '12. I was approved for an MRI which showed bulging disk, pinching nerve on sciatica. I found a new chiropractor who used a few machines and some good adjustments that allow me today HAVE NO PAIN!!!! As well, I did have lots of swelling in the hip area, which was simply due to the disk bulging and chiro couldn't adjust until all inflammation was under control.
I'm hoping this is nothing for you as was for me...plus don't think our cancer "generally" goes to the bones does it? One thing which was brought to my attention, radiation (assuming you had it) just dries up our ligaments, joints and bones, as this might be an issue here. If you go to our site here, look on the left for long term side affects and you'll see some postings over the years of people having back and hip pain.
CT scan your doc is requesting? These don't show up the small tendons, etc, as to why I had MRI. Guess he's assuming it's some cancer floating around...ya think? I'm curious why your doc would start you on all these steps without even seeing you? Guess why wait is what he's thinking.
Colonoscopy? You ever had one before? I had my first one in '09, right after completion of treatments and nothing was found...yippee!!! Wondering why this is suggested, possibly you're 50 yrs+, as general time the industry suggests this procedure? The prep is much worse than the procedure...so don't fret it's not all that bad. I got thru it and don't like any procedures.
You sound like me, already was thinking cancer is back with my pain, but doc kept hitting on my head with NO CANCER. MRI was conclusive it's was something entirely different and today I'm pain free and in somewhat better working order. Don't get the cart before the horse as it's probably sideaffects from treatments....I'm being optimistic here girlfriend, as you should too~
Hugs and keep us posted,
Yes we both have the same type. grade and stage 3c1. Mine was o.3cm so did not go half way through the myeterium? but had 2 microscopic cells in 1 lymph node on the left side. I had 6 rounds of carbo/taxol but I had NO radiation as my dr wanted to save that if it came back. The tumor in the uterus was a stage 1a according to the path report. While I have tried to eat better I still am not following a complete vegan diet nor the anti cancer diet. I have a surgerical hernia from the hystorectomu that I have not had the operation for. The reason for the colonscoipy is that I made the mistake
in telling her that I had a BM tht had a bit of fresh blood in it that I assume came from my hemmroid but that it had only happened once and taht I was watching it. Yes I had a clean one back in Sep 2010 before I was DX with uterine cacner in April 2011. It was completely clear and clean. No polyps. So I have been through it once and yes the prep is the worst. I was just worried about the bone scan and the dye used for it. My dr does like ct scans as it shows what is going on inside. She says there is nothing left inside and so there is no symptoms to tell me to look for. I guess I could have gone to my reg dr but I thought I would email her first to see what she said. She is one of the top drs at UT Southwestern in gyn onc field and is very causiuos and through, which is way I did what my sister said and sent her an email. I hve agreed to do the ct scan and bone scan as they are both set up for the same day. They called my about the colon thing today and I tole them to call me back in feb because of my daughter's wedding. To me some things are more important than having that done. Iam very optomistic that it is not cancer and just a pulled muscle but since I have not exercised or cannot remember doing anything to cause it to hurt, I favored that side a bit to much which called attention to it by my sister and daughter which freaked them out. Know I am having the pracedures done now so that the dr will have the results by the 21st when i see her. Thanks for the supporting words of encouragement. It is appreciated. trish
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Yeah!. Spent all day at the hospital. First CT scan, then went to a different area of the hospital complex and had the injectetion of the isotopes (?) then had to wait 3 hours and drink lots of fluid. Then had the bone scan. Well, the results were posted on My Chart internet site of the hospital this morning. Yes there is some concerning issues of old age like degenerative bone changes but it was negative for osteoblastic (bone) metastases. Lymph nodes are normal in size and No evidence of metastatic disease in the chest. Liver, kidneys are ok, still have my hernia, but there is no evidence for recurrent or new metastatic disease in the abdomen or pelvis. Still have the pain in my hip but it is not due to cancer. I have an appointment with my Onc dr on Monday and will ask if she thinks it is just old age that is causing the pain. It is strange that the bone scan talked about my right knee and ankles and feet having degenerative changes but it did not talk about the spine. However, the CT chest stated there was minimal degenerative chagnes of the thoracic spine. Maybe I will ask about going to a chiropractor and maybe they can help and maybe that is the problem with the hip pain. Anyway bottom line I do not have any metastatic disease so that is not causing the problem. Now to find out what is causing the problem. Prayers to all. trish
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Trish am so happy for your good reporttxtrisha55 said:Yeah!. Spent all day at the hospital. First CT scan, then went to a different area of the hospital complex and had the injectetion of the isotopes (?) then had to wait 3 hours and drink lots of fluid. Then had the bone scan. Well, the results were posted on My Chart internet site of the hospital this morning. Yes there is some concerning issues of old age like degenerative bone changes but it was negative for osteoblastic (bone) metastases. Lymph nodes are normal in size and No evidence of metastatic disease in the chest. Liver, kidneys are ok, still have my hernia, but there is no evidence for recurrent or new metastatic disease in the abdomen or pelvis. Still have the pain in my hip but it is not due to cancer. I have an appointment with my Onc dr on Monday and will ask if she thinks it is just old age that is causing the pain. It is strange that the bone scan talked about my right knee and ankles and feet having degenerative changes but it did not talk about the spine. However, the CT chest stated there was minimal degenerative chagnes of the thoracic spine. Maybe I will ask about going to a chiropractor and maybe they can help and maybe that is the problem with the hip pain. Anyway bottom line I do not have any metastatic disease so that is not causing the problem. Now to find out what is causing the problem. Prayers to all. trish
Sorry to hear that you still have the pain in your hip though. Hope you can find some relief for the pain. Celebrate the report of "no metastasis". In peace and caring.
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It's good news when you hear...Ro10 said:Trish am so happy for your good report
Sorry to hear that you still have the pain in your hip though. Hope you can find some relief for the pain. Celebrate the report of "no metastasis". In peace and caring.
...that it is, in all probability, just old age. Yep, how happy we are for you that it's not a reoccurance!
Of course, you still have some pain/discomfort in your hip - but we're all hoping that you can find relief from that soon.
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HOW EXCITING TO HEAR THIS NEWS!txtrisha55 said:Yeah!. Spent all day at the hospital. First CT scan, then went to a different area of the hospital complex and had the injectetion of the isotopes (?) then had to wait 3 hours and drink lots of fluid. Then had the bone scan. Well, the results were posted on My Chart internet site of the hospital this morning. Yes there is some concerning issues of old age like degenerative bone changes but it was negative for osteoblastic (bone) metastases. Lymph nodes are normal in size and No evidence of metastatic disease in the chest. Liver, kidneys are ok, still have my hernia, but there is no evidence for recurrent or new metastatic disease in the abdomen or pelvis. Still have the pain in my hip but it is not due to cancer. I have an appointment with my Onc dr on Monday and will ask if she thinks it is just old age that is causing the pain. It is strange that the bone scan talked about my right knee and ankles and feet having degenerative changes but it did not talk about the spine. However, the CT chest stated there was minimal degenerative chagnes of the thoracic spine. Maybe I will ask about going to a chiropractor and maybe they can help and maybe that is the problem with the hip pain. Anyway bottom line I do not have any metastatic disease so that is not causing the problem. Now to find out what is causing the problem. Prayers to all. trish
I know your relieved! Enjoy your day and CELEBRATE that this is not a cancer issue!!!!!
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CongratulationsSisters three said:HOW EXCITING TO HEAR THIS NEWS!
I know your relieved! Enjoy your day and CELEBRATE that this is not a cancer issue!!!!!
I am delighted for you!
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So glad you don't have metstxtrisha55 said:Yeah!. Spent all day at the hospital. First CT scan, then went to a different area of the hospital complex and had the injectetion of the isotopes (?) then had to wait 3 hours and drink lots of fluid. Then had the bone scan. Well, the results were posted on My Chart internet site of the hospital this morning. Yes there is some concerning issues of old age like degenerative bone changes but it was negative for osteoblastic (bone) metastases. Lymph nodes are normal in size and No evidence of metastatic disease in the chest. Liver, kidneys are ok, still have my hernia, but there is no evidence for recurrent or new metastatic disease in the abdomen or pelvis. Still have the pain in my hip but it is not due to cancer. I have an appointment with my Onc dr on Monday and will ask if she thinks it is just old age that is causing the pain. It is strange that the bone scan talked about my right knee and ankles and feet having degenerative changes but it did not talk about the spine. However, the CT chest stated there was minimal degenerative chagnes of the thoracic spine. Maybe I will ask about going to a chiropractor and maybe they can help and maybe that is the problem with the hip pain. Anyway bottom line I do not have any metastatic disease so that is not causing the problem. Now to find out what is causing the problem. Prayers to all. trish
Hur.ray!! Great news. Prayers for your continued NED
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