colds or flu?

Have any of you had the flu since completing treatment?  Did you get the flu shot vaccine? 



  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    Got Flu Shot

    I got the shot early this year. Pretty free of cold and flu this year, knock on wood. Rick.

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Great question !


    I have been trying to get the darn flu shot since last October....seriously.  Every time I think I can safely get it immune system is down and they wouldn't give it to me.  So now I'm hanging out at home staying away from the general public because our area is being hit pretty hard with the flu.  Not uncommon this time of year.  I think it's a good idea and usually get mine every year.  Thank you for bringing this topic up !  Katie 

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Hubby and I keep saying

    "we gotta get that flu shot" far we're still forgetting to stop and get one.  I've only had one in my life, so it's not something that is on the forefront of my thinking.  It's still in the plans tho for the near future.


  • George_Baltimore
    George_Baltimore Member Posts: 303

    Hubby and I keep saying

    "we gotta get that flu shot" far we're still forgetting to stop and get one.  I've only had one in my life, so it's not something that is on the forefront of my thinking.  It's still in the plans tho for the near future.


    Working on 9 years post treatment

    and every year all my doctors (cancer and regular) say get the flu shot.  Every year I have with no problems at all.  Better to be safe than sorry.

  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    had mine a month ago


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Flu Shots..

    I'm going on four years post Tx, and have gotten one every year also..., no problems.

    I actually tried to get one yesterday, but the lady giving them wasn't feeling well so she wasn't doing it, I'll go back though.

    Either 2009, or 2010, can't remember which now... They were giving an additional flu shot, can't rememebr..bird or swine maybe.

    Anyways, on that one, my onco suggested that I didn't get that one as there were know side effects to show up years later.

    Best ~ John

  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    year I found out

    September 2011, I was sitting in ENT waiting room, the results of my scan were going to be revealed...a nurse came along with her cart and asked, want a flu shot..first I'd ever one this year too, while shopping for groceries :) I also got pnenomia vacine last year while in the hospital with it. It's good for 5 years. Right now, I'm fighting a cold, but not feeling bad, just sneezy. 

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member



    Got a flu shot along with a Shingles shot.



  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member
    Yes, for many years...

    We both got them just before we learned of my husbands cancer at the end of September. Last week we moved out of the hope lodge when one of our new friends there got the flu.. Couldn't take the risk that it was a virus, or that the shots would work. This years flu season seems to be an epidemic. My husband dawns a mask or I block doors.. To get to week 5 of treatments, I can't imagine what issues it would cause. Of course a hotel is nice, but he's regulated to the room, and the ventilation system here is independent inside the rooms. At least it's tax deductible.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    NJShore said:

    Yes, for many years...

    We both got them just before we learned of my husbands cancer at the end of September. Last week we moved out of the hope lodge when one of our new friends there got the flu.. Couldn't take the risk that it was a virus, or that the shots would work. This years flu season seems to be an epidemic. My husband dawns a mask or I block doors.. To get to week 5 of treatments, I can't imagine what issues it would cause. Of course a hotel is nice, but he's regulated to the room, and the ventilation system here is independent inside the rooms. At least it's tax deductible.


    Got a flu shot, no side effects and also my 1st pnemonia shot. Docotor says 1 pnemonia shot before age 65 and one after is all you'll ever need but I've also heard every 5 years. 

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    hwt said:


    Got a flu shot, no side effects and also my 1st pnemonia shot. Docotor says 1 pnemonia shot before age 65 and one after is all you'll ever need but I've also heard every 5 years. 

    I better get on it ...

    I finished treatment 1/21/11 ....have not gotten a flu, or shingles shot yet....but looking at all these posts I think I better get taht done.

    Sorry no help with your question .... 



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    I better get on it ...

    I finished treatment 1/21/11 ....have not gotten a flu, or shingles shot yet....but looking at all these posts I think I better get taht done.

    Sorry no help with your question .... 



    Flu Shot...

    Not a bad idea Tim....

    Reports say this flu going around is pretty brutal, not that any seems mild.

    Plus the fact you have many children, unless their's are already taken care of...


  • staceya
    staceya Member Posts: 720

    Hubby and I keep saying

    "we gotta get that flu shot" far we're still forgetting to stop and get one.  I've only had one in my life, so it's not something that is on the forefront of my thinking.  It's still in the plans tho for the near future.


    Yes. You do.

    Yes. Yiou do.

  • alligatorpointer
    alligatorpointer Member Posts: 131
    Elderberry might be worth a try

    Seems to have some studies backing up the use of elderberry for flu symptoms & shortening duration ... link to article:

  • jtl
    jtl Member Posts: 456
    Got both flu and shingles

    Got both flu and shingles yesterday.  I'm not sure how much good the flu shot is but it won't do any harm.  First time for me.  The shingles vacination is about 50% effective according to my doc.  I recently had shingles and I can say without reservation that I do not ever want it again and I had a mild case.  I still have nerve damage and it may never improve.  Nasty stuff no doubt caused by a compromised immune system. 


  • jtl
    jtl Member Posts: 456
    Got both flu and shingles

    Twitchy finger=double post

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    jtl said:

    Got both flu and shingles

    Twitchy finger=double post


    Sounds like a song....

    Double Post, by Twitchy Finger.....thumbup

  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member

    Always get a flu shot- been doing that for decades, and can't say that I've had what I knew was the flu for just as long.


    Colds, however, are another matter. Had been an annual event for many years before tx. The irony is that on the day of my last rad, one of the techs clearly had a cold, and within 24 hours of that last rad- yep, I caught her cold. Made the first couple weeks of post-rads even more difficult, but I'm still here. And, have gotten a couple colds since tx, but can honestly say none of them have hit me near as hard as the colds I remember in the ten years before treatment, which is strange. Very careful to limit my exposure to the seasonal viruses, but still get a cold at least once a year.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    Great question !


    I have been trying to get the darn flu shot since last October....seriously.  Every time I think I can safely get it immune system is down and they wouldn't give it to me.  So now I'm hanging out at home staying away from the general public because our area is being hit pretty hard with the flu.  Not uncommon this time of year.  I think it's a good idea and usually get mine every year.  Thank you for bringing this topic up !  Katie 

    Hubby taking me

    kicking and screaming to get mine today....he's absolutely insistant that I get one....He got his the other day, and I was hoping that would be the end of it for me, too....but NOOOOoooo...LOL.
