weird transitions

Hello guys and gals,

It's been a few weeks since my hospital stay and I'm physically getting stronger.  Some days I sound like a tea kettle going off on the stove top.....lung squeeling at me.  I don't use the O2 as much....but still am hanging on to it to get through home based PT.  I have my first recheck w/my primary this a.m.  Cold morning, around -5 but should get a bit the teens today.  (so I'll be using my mask ...) Not a bad idea to use it at the clinic too with all the flu warnings out there again.  So anyway I'm losing track here....I read a wonderful article on the term NED in a magazine the other day.  Until I joined ACS I had never heard the term....or truely understood it's meaning until battling the demon.  I would love to hear from some of our long term survivors, and the gang I started with on what these 3 letters mean to you.  To me their HOPE, Hard won HOPE of a brighter future for others following us.  I also am in total  awe of the survivors in TRIALS.....they are the true pioneers that are breaking the ground in the discovery of new treatments and maybe even a cure to be found.   Just thought I would throw all of this out there.....just ideas and thoughts I've been pondering.   Thanks for reading....I feel like its relevant to what some of us are living.   Katie  


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    NED ~

    Clean and clear baby...

    For someone that doesn't completely understand, (or at least my abi-normal thinking)... Is that some people associate that term as being cured. I even hear MD's saying cured.

    It does actually mean (as we know), No Evidense of Disease. Meaning at the time of the exam, there is just that, No Evidense of Disease detected...

    I'm not sure if I'll ever be comfortable with the term cured....

    But I can definitely live with No Evidense of Disease, and hopefully for a long time.



  • blackswampboy
    blackswampboy Member Posts: 341
    hurray for your strength and progress

    I'd love to read that article on NED, if you can point us in the general direction. gracias!

    I've had multiple followup scans and scopes from 3 different oncs and my ENT--and none have pronounced the term. so far "negative" on recurrence, but I have yet to hear the magic acronym.

    by the way, there is a group of cancer survivors who have a band callled N.E.D. Susan Gubar wrote about them in her cancer blog at the NY Times.

    best wishes for your continued progress.

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912

    hurray for your strength and progress

    I'd love to read that article on NED, if you can point us in the general direction. gracias!

    I've had multiple followup scans and scopes from 3 different oncs and my ENT--and none have pronounced the term. so far "negative" on recurrence, but I have yet to hear the magic acronym.

    by the way, there is a group of cancer survivors who have a band callled N.E.D. Susan Gubar wrote about them in her cancer blog at the NY Times.

    best wishes for your continued progress.

    CURE Magazine (winter issue)


    It's one that we can get free (always good) and sometimes have excellant advice.  The exact article was entitled MIND GAMES.  I don't know for sure but maybe can find it on the net also under ?   Katie

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    weird days

    Good Morning Katie,


    That cup of tea sounds good and just a spot of O2 for me.


    I don’t know about the rest of you, but -5 degrees is not persuading me to wear my mask.  It wouldn’t be very warm, but it does have eye holes.


    I am not a Long Term Survivor, but some young chippie on the H&N forum called me old (woe is me).   If these tired old bones of mine hold out I will be happy to give you a NED definition in 1 year and 3 months or 4 years and 3 months (what ever qualifies me).


    Well, I checked you out and minus the tea kettle sound you appear to be in true Katie form, keep it up.





  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member

    popping you back on top

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    CivilMatt said:


    popping you back on top

    I feel like we are playing tag !


    Good job on trying to fix what that idiot did with his/her spam.  But I feel like instead of saying popping I want to say're it !   Katie

  • blackswampboy
    blackswampboy Member Posts: 341

    CURE Magazine (winter issue)


    It's one that we can get free (always good) and sometimes have excellant advice.  The exact article was entitled MIND GAMES.  I don't know for sure but maybe can find it on the net also under ?   Katie


    thanks Katie! I've been going through a lot of good articles at that site.

    found one called 'mind games', but it seems to be about chemo brain. interesting anyway.

    Mind Games

    best wishes.

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912


    thanks Katie! I've been going through a lot of good articles at that site.

    found one called 'mind games', but it seems to be about chemo brain. interesting anyway.

    Mind Games

    best wishes.

    LOL...sounds like me !


    The one I'm referring to is about a persons personal feeling about NED and how other's relate to hearing the term....and not understanding what it means.  Article is by Gina King if this the magazine it's on page 70.  Wondering if Mind games is the main format ?  And other articles get printed under this ?  Katie

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    I feel like we are playing tag !


    Good job on trying to fix what that idiot did with his/her spam.  But I feel like instead of saying popping I want to say're it !   Katie


    Never Again Dear

    No Evidence of the Demon

    Not Entertaining Disease (as in this body)

    but my favorite NED definition is "More Time w/ those I Love"   ;)


    Of course I am just "funin" but NED to me is I won this round, in my case with the help of my faith, prayer buddies, God, Doctors / Nurses, and my online family here at CSN :)




  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member

    opps i missed this original post some how, now happy to share my thoughts


    NED  =     No Evidense of Disease in the area's we have looked at and samples we have taken


    my doctors taught me with this statement....    " can not find anything, just keep having fun"


    with the new normal that changes often for survivors the word Cure is not something i support. after year after year of wondering when and if it will show it's ugly head again it has taught me their is no cure.   fyi, i do not dwell on weather it will or if it will come back..... just little things remind me from time to time, like hacking up phlem. 


    NED is wonderful and very much having him/her/it around. when anyone report's NED i am so excited!


    to all you NED's just keep having fun each and every day and accept the NEW NORMAL during all your FUN times

