Had to stop radiation...weeping blood in mouth

Sorry for being so explicit, but my dad had to stop rad treatment for at least one week due to some mouth issues the rad-onc had not seen/expected so soon.  Cancer and site of tomo-radiation is floor of mouth, however, this bloody weeping is over the entire roof of mouth with bloody sores on lips and inside cheeks. This reaction is not in the treatment zone.


Dad is taking it as well as he can.  Disappointed this setback postpones getting healed and he's just overall taken with malaise.


I'm disappointed, too.  I hate he has to go through this.  It's nonsense, but I feel like I let him down.  I had "prepared" as best as I could with mouthrinses, Mugard (which they insisted we stop since we are the first ones using it and they hadn't seen this type of reaction before), swish and spit and everything else.  I had this "not on my watch" approach and I was damned determined my dad would get through this and say, "Yeah, I had mouth radiation.  It didn't get me like it did others." 


Not to be.


It still came.


I keep in mind that a break in treatment is not the end of the world.  This week off may let him get a bit stronger.  Any input is always appreciated...


Thank you all.





  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    stay positive



    These things happen, it most likely wasn’t anything you did, and it is just the (unpredictable) side effects of treatment.  As you said, this break will give him some time to heal and gain strength, and then he can resume treatments.


    Don’t beat yourself up, keep your mental and physical strength, there is more to this battle and we are in it to win.





  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Sorry to Hear

    How frustrating!  Sorry your father's having problems.  My rads were "pushed back" twice - each time for one day because my machine was down - I was nearly beside myself for the one day delay - a week must be maddening - I just wanted to get it over with (but I did not have issues like your dad is dealing with).

    Hoping this week brings quick progress for his mouth, and he can get back on track.

  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    Pam M said:

    Sorry to Hear

    How frustrating!  Sorry your father's having problems.  My rads were "pushed back" twice - each time for one day because my machine was down - I was nearly beside myself for the one day delay - a week must be maddening - I just wanted to get it over with (but I did not have issues like your dad is dealing with).

    Hoping this week brings quick progress for his mouth, and he can get back on track.


    V- I know your Dad is 94, and with the thinner skin age has brought on, reckon it might not be so unexpected that this has happened. Think the rads might do so travelling from where they are applied. Wish I could offer some help on this, but cannot.


    I did get no rads in weeks #5 and #6 of my treatment, as I got very sick (spent the first 4 nights of #6 in the hospital), so taking a break from the rads was not a major negative for me. Rad machine also broke down twice, including a Friday(!). And, yes, my mouth sores got to the point they extended to the skin just below my bottom lip, but your Dad's predicament is very different, due to his age and history. No way you should feel you have let him down, V. This is C. Just keep your Dad in the fight to get all the rads he and the Drs can handle, and please keep us updated. 



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Hang In There V

    As mentioned, stuff happens, totally not a reflection on your preparation...

    It is what it is...no more.

    They'll get everything under control, and proceed...

    Have faith, trust and believe (my buddy Kent's favorite word)...

    Best ~ John

  • lts
    lts Member Posts: 75

    I hope yor Dad feels better soon. When he does, slap him on the rear and get him back in the game.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    The worst part of having to stop

    rads for a while, is that it's like "snow days" at school....you still have to make them up.  The rest from rads will pay off.  My rad machine broke down for 3 days, right before the weekend....5 days of no rads really disappointed me....however, at that time my neck was really taking a beating.  Those 5 days off put my neck back in line, and I never had to take any time off for that...it worked out perfect. 

    Radiation is at it strongest where they aim it, but it still "leaks" out around the area....that's why people have trouble with salivary glands, their spines, ears, etc....residual spread of rads....I'm surprised that they are surprised.

    When all is said and done, tho....your dad will be glad for this little respite from the radiation...sometimes a little rest from it is the best possible thing.


  • Vee1
    Vee1 Member Posts: 59

    The worst part of having to stop

    rads for a while, is that it's like "snow days" at school....you still have to make them up.  The rest from rads will pay off.  My rad machine broke down for 3 days, right before the weekend....5 days of no rads really disappointed me....however, at that time my neck was really taking a beating.  Those 5 days off put my neck back in line, and I never had to take any time off for that...it worked out perfect. 

    Radiation is at it strongest where they aim it, but it still "leaks" out around the area....that's why people have trouble with salivary glands, their spines, ears, etc....residual spread of rads....I'm surprised that they are surprised.

    When all is said and done, tho....your dad will be glad for this little respite from the radiation...sometimes a little rest from it is the best possible thing.


    thank you...thank you...thank you

    The blood has lessened today and that's a good sign.  I also thought/knew that rads "leaked" and I was surprised to think that a reaction was a "surprise", but who knows.  You have all given such great input...it is as though I have one helluva cheering section or the best new siblings on earth.  Maybe even a "two-fer!"  You'll never know how much your words of encouragement meant.  I read your responses to Dad and he wanted me to thank you all AND let you know that he might have been "down" yesterday, but that was yesterday.  "Let 'em know I am feeling fine today!"  So, there you have it. 

    When something like this happens and I see my reaction I find myself thinking, now what is it cancer is teaching me today?  Is it a lesson about control?  patience?  strength from strangers?  Funny, it was this morning that I allowed myself to sit outside with a coffee and read a bit and feel the sun and breeze.  Finally took a deep breath for myself.


    We will continue the fight...




  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695

    Blame is usually not very productive; that is, unless you blame the right parties. My suggestions for a target to blame: Congress, Global Warming, and Aliens. Of these, aliens is my favorite. Think of it. Either aliens do not exist OR they are so advanced that they would not be disturbed by you blaming them. Either way, blaming aliens will do little harm. Which is a far better route than blaming yourself. Rick.

  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695

    Blame is usually not very productive; that is, unless you blame the right parties. My suggestions for a target to blame: Congress, Global Warming, and Aliens. Of these, aliens is my favorite. Think of it. Either aliens do not exist OR they are so advanced that they would not be disturbed by you blaming them. Either way, blaming aliens will do little harm. Which is a far better route than blaming yourself. Rick.

  • Vee1
    Vee1 Member Posts: 59


    Blame is usually not very productive; that is, unless you blame the right parties. My suggestions for a target to blame: Congress, Global Warming, and Aliens. Of these, aliens is my favorite. Think of it. Either aliens do not exist OR they are so advanced that they would not be disturbed by you blaming them. Either way, blaming aliens will do little harm. Which is a far better route than blaming yourself. Rick.


    aliens it is!


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Vee1 said:


    aliens it is!


    Vee...say hi to Dad!!!!

    And make sure he knows he is on the prayer list.  :)Sealed


    I can totally relate to your feelings....I could do nothing for my brother when he was going through his brain tumor (cancer) and when my father was dx with acute Leukemia...I felt so hopeless.  Your with yoru dad and boy is he one blessed man to have you by his side...you two are a tag team and by golly if he is 94 there is no way he is not one tough cookie already...

    Sorry for the setback.....tell Dad we are thinking of him...





    Wow...great night for getting online....I have been zipping from post to post for a change instead of getting thrown off :)

  • Vee1
    Vee1 Member Posts: 59
    Tim6003 said:

    Vee...say hi to Dad!!!!

    And make sure he knows he is on the prayer list.  :)Sealed


    I can totally relate to your feelings....I could do nothing for my brother when he was going through his brain tumor (cancer) and when my father was dx with acute Leukemia...I felt so hopeless.  Your with yoru dad and boy is he one blessed man to have you by his side...you two are a tag team and by golly if he is 94 there is no way he is not one tough cookie already...

    Sorry for the setback.....tell Dad we are thinking of him...





    Wow...great night for getting online....I have been zipping from post to post for a change instead of getting thrown off :)

    I'll let him know!

    And, thanks.  You are right about the "tough cookie" part.  He is a great guy. (Hmmmm....I sound prejudiced!)


    And, another bonus?  I had no trouble logging on as well.  It is good!




  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member

    excuse me, resorting threads