Candle lit tree tonight

Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

Tonight I will be lighting my candle lit tree at about 6 pm MST if Hubby is home (or as soon as he gets home).  This year rthere will be another dozen candles on it as it has grown and there are so many more to remember - not just here but everywhere.  Have to get hot cider ready as there are several neighbors who are bringing their kids over to see it even though it's now 7F - at least no wind.  Have hay ready and the sign for 'reindeer fuel' ready.  Reindeer are really good about eating all that is out for them.

Wanikiya tonpi wowiyuskin

Joyeaux Noel

Merry Christmas




  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    Merry Christmas from Northern California

    Merry Christmas, Susan. Everybody remembers the cookies and milk for Santa but as an animal lover I appreciate you putting out "reindeer fuel." Sounds like you will be having a wonderful evening.