Minimal rise in CA 125

Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
Had my doctor's appointment this week. It was 5 weeks since my last marker was done. It was 357 last time and 360 this time. I cold not believe it was such a small increase. My lab was not back yet when I saw the doctor. So he ordered a CAT scan to be done the end of January which would be three months from the last one, and repeat lab.

When I got the results the next day, I called t see if I really needed to have the CAT scan. I do not need one at that time. I will have a repeat CA 125 the end of Jan.

My daughter bought me bio cucurmin several years ago. Either I was on chemo, or nauseated, so I never took it. I tried it and it made me more nauseated. Well I started it when we came to Florida. I don't know if is one of the reasons for the small increase in theCA 125. I know many have talked about the advantage of tumeric. I'll see if the results are as good the next time.

I will continue the Aromasin and blood thinner shots. I also have several cups of green tea most days. Don't know what's woking, but I will continue doing what I am doing.

The doctor told me I will need t have chemo again, which I new. I asked him if he would recommend the Cisplatin/Taxol again. He said probably. Or we could do just Cisplatin alone, or Taxol alone, or try Doxil. I asked if Doxil was available now and approved for uterine cancer. He said yes it is available and got approved recently by NCCN guidelines. He said we could try Doxil and keep the cisplatin/taxol in the back pocket. Or do the cisplatin/taxol and keep Doxil in the back pocket.

I told him I would rather do the Cisplatin/taxol because I know it works. i am afraid of the side effects of Doxil. Fear of the unknown, not nowing what side effects I will have.

Hope you are all having a good day. In peace and caring.


  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    You are such a fighter, Ro,
    You are such a fighter, Ro, and a big inspiration. Keep it up.
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    ConnieSW said:

    You are such a fighter, Ro,
    You are such a fighter, Ro, and a big inspiration. Keep it up.

    I have no idea how "they" read a CA-125, but I'm going to interpret this a no rise at all. You've done so well keeping this monster in lock up. I hope you can stay off the ugly chemo for a long, long time because I know how you dread it.

  • norma2
    norma2 Member Posts: 479
    Glad you updated your progress RO
    Sounds promising that things are stable. Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers as well as all the ladies here.
  • Sisters three
    Sisters three Member Posts: 165 Member
    Thank you for the turmeric thoughts
    I just got back from a Whole Foods grocery store. I had read about the turmeric and then after remembering your post picked up a bottle today.
    Also purchased more juicing vegetables. I'm a little worried to wait another 30 days till the Oncologist sees me again we really don't know how far it has spread and even though I haven't been dieting I have lost some weight. Figured I better start doing some stuff on my own.
  • HellieC
    HellieC Member Posts: 524 Member
    Excellent news on the marker level
    That's so good that your CA125 has hardly changed, Ro. Whatever you are doing in terms of diet and supplements (and your hormone treatment) must be working to keep the beast in check. I SO hope that you can keep the chemo at arms length for a while longer and enjoy the continued break from it. The longer the better. Fingers crossed that the CA125 doesn't change much between now and the next test in January.
    Kindest wishes
  • daisy366
    daisy366 Member Posts: 1,458 Member
    HellieC said:

    Excellent news on the marker level
    That's so good that your CA125 has hardly changed, Ro. Whatever you are doing in terms of diet and supplements (and your hormone treatment) must be working to keep the beast in check. I SO hope that you can keep the chemo at arms length for a while longer and enjoy the continued break from it. The longer the better. Fingers crossed that the CA125 doesn't change much between now and the next test in January.
    Kindest wishes

    Super news, Ro
    Wonderful. I am very interested in you thoughts on what is helping. What type of curcumin are you taking - tablets?

    I hear you about fear of Doxil. I was in tears with fear before getting my first dose. But I had none of side effects except the fatigue which is quite depressing at times. But do what you think is best for you.

    Hang in there and enjoy your holidays. Many hugs, Mary Ann
  • laura25
    laura25 Member Posts: 181 Member
    Great News
    Since the summer I have been using tumeric and black pepper in my organic eggs... the infection that was in my lungs was gone at the 6 week follow up.
  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    daisy366 said:

    Super news, Ro
    Wonderful. I am very interested in you thoughts on what is helping. What type of curcumin are you taking - tablets?

    I hear you about fear of Doxil. I was in tears with fear before getting my first dose. But I had none of side effects except the fatigue which is quite depressing at times. But do what you think is best for you.

    Hang in there and enjoy your holidays. Many hugs, Mary Ann

    Thanks for all the encouraging comments
    Mary Ann I am taking Life Extension Super Bio-Curcumin 400 mg. once a day. I tried them before but they made my nausea worse. I tried tumeric spice, but could not tolerate that either. I have to make sure I take the pill with food. I do not know what is helping. The only change is adding the Curcumin and Co Q 10 since the last test. My primary care doctor suggested the Co Q 10 to help with my joint pain and fatigue.

    I hope your fatigue is not as bad this time, and the hand/ foot syndrome has stayed away.

    Hope everyone continues to do well. In peace and caring.
  • beila
    beila Member Posts: 97 Member
    Ro10 said:

    Thanks for all the encouraging comments
    Mary Ann I am taking Life Extension Super Bio-Curcumin 400 mg. once a day. I tried them before but they made my nausea worse. I tried tumeric spice, but could not tolerate that either. I have to make sure I take the pill with food. I do not know what is helping. The only change is adding the Curcumin and Co Q 10 since the last test. My primary care doctor suggested the Co Q 10 to help with my joint pain and fatigue.

    I hope your fatigue is not as bad this time, and the hand/ foot syndrome has stayed away.

    Hope everyone continues to do well. In peace and caring.

    I have the same experience with Doxil...only real side effect is fatigue
    But mine is probably worse because I already had post chemo fatigue from my Taxol/Carbo when I started the Doxil, so it was fatigue on top of already existing fatigue.
    Do you think the Co Q 10 is helping with your fatigue? What does your oncologist think of it?

    By the way your ca 125 is not a minimal rise, it is just unchanged

    Are you in Florida now?

  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    Ro10 said:

    Thanks for all the encouraging comments
    Mary Ann I am taking Life Extension Super Bio-Curcumin 400 mg. once a day. I tried them before but they made my nausea worse. I tried tumeric spice, but could not tolerate that either. I have to make sure I take the pill with food. I do not know what is helping. The only change is adding the Curcumin and Co Q 10 since the last test. My primary care doctor suggested the Co Q 10 to help with my joint pain and fatigue.

    I hope your fatigue is not as bad this time, and the hand/ foot syndrome has stayed away.

    Hope everyone continues to do well. In peace and caring.

    hi Ro! soooo glad the ca125
    hi Ro! soooo glad the ca125 only has a slight hic-cup! I took the Curcumin, same brand. The intergrative dr. took me off of it, but I am wanting to go back to it. Can you tell me if this had the Biopene in it already, if you took it seperatly, or not at all? Thanks, debrajo
  • HellieC
    HellieC Member Posts: 524 Member
    Ro10 said:

    Thanks for all the encouraging comments
    Mary Ann I am taking Life Extension Super Bio-Curcumin 400 mg. once a day. I tried them before but they made my nausea worse. I tried tumeric spice, but could not tolerate that either. I have to make sure I take the pill with food. I do not know what is helping. The only change is adding the Curcumin and Co Q 10 since the last test. My primary care doctor suggested the Co Q 10 to help with my joint pain and fatigue.

    I hope your fatigue is not as bad this time, and the hand/ foot syndrome has stayed away.

    Hope everyone continues to do well. In peace and caring.

    Study of curcumin and Letrozole
    I found this information about an in vivo study, which indicated that there is a synergy between curcumin and letrozole (an aromatase inhibitor), which might be of interest. I have a feeling that the hormone therapy that you are taking is one of the other aromatase inhibitors, rather than letrozole, but perhaps there is synergy with whatever AI you take? Let's hope so!
    Kindest wishes
  • daisy366
    daisy366 Member Posts: 1,458 Member
    laura25 said:

    Great News
    Since the summer I have been using tumeric and black pepper in my organic eggs... the infection that was in my lungs was gone at the 6 week follow up.

    turmeric (curcumin) needs black pepper
    Important to remember that curcurmin needs black pepper to work. the pepper makes it 2000 times more effective so if it is not already in the capsule remember to add to your food.

    Ro, I am also taking CoQ10 - recommended to prevent heart damage from doxil. But since I started taking it I have also heard from both Dr. Oz and Dr. Weil how important this supplement is. Take it with some fatty foods for best absorption.

    I'm still very fatigued - have to push myself daily. I will get scan in Jan.

    So happy for your good news. Enjoy the holidays, Hugs, Mary Ann
  • beila
    beila Member Posts: 97 Member
    daisy366 said:

    turmeric (curcumin) needs black pepper
    Important to remember that curcurmin needs black pepper to work. the pepper makes it 2000 times more effective so if it is not already in the capsule remember to add to your food.

    Ro, I am also taking CoQ10 - recommended to prevent heart damage from doxil. But since I started taking it I have also heard from both Dr. Oz and Dr. Weil how important this supplement is. Take it with some fatty foods for best absorption.

    I'm still very fatigued - have to push myself daily. I will get scan in Jan.

    So happy for your good news. Enjoy the holidays, Hugs, Mary Ann

    Mary Ann

    Please let me know if CoQ10 is helping you with your fatigue.
    Mine is is my 10th day in bed most of the day

    I am afraid of taking any supplements due to more possible GI side effects.
    But if you notice that it actually helps you, I will take it (?Health food store??)


    In addition to Doxil, I am also on Avastin, but no side effects except initial diarrhea
    I started my Doxil (now day 13 post 2nd dose) while I still had post chemo fatigue from my initial Carbo/Taxol, which I tolerated well (except for mild-mod fatigue), but which didnt work
  • nempark
    nempark Member Posts: 681
    Continue ...
    Ro continue with what ever you are doing since you are stable at this time. I hope it gets even better. love always and thank you for your comforting words.
  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379
    daisy366 said:

    turmeric (curcumin) needs black pepper
    Important to remember that curcurmin needs black pepper to work. the pepper makes it 2000 times more effective so if it is not already in the capsule remember to add to your food.

    Ro, I am also taking CoQ10 - recommended to prevent heart damage from doxil. But since I started taking it I have also heard from both Dr. Oz and Dr. Weil how important this supplement is. Take it with some fatty foods for best absorption.

    I'm still very fatigued - have to push myself daily. I will get scan in Jan.

    So happy for your good news. Enjoy the holidays, Hugs, Mary Ann

    Turmeric, olive oil and black pepper combo
    Any of us who've been on these message boards for a while remember Claudia touting the importance of this mixture. They all work together as have higher absorption rate as Mary Ann posted. I have a mixture of this most every evening in my dinner salad. Many do take it in pill form, but I've not gone that route as trying to rid of many of my supplements and get nutrients from more food.

    I as well have been taking CoQ10 for the past 3 years. Recommended by my therapist/nutritionist and as I see more postings on the positives of this nutrient, happy I started and have continued.

    Ro, happy for your news...keep the faith as you'll keep doing better every day. How's Florida, thinking that's where you hang out in the winter months???

    Take care,
  • txtrisha55
    txtrisha55 Member Posts: 693 Member
    Great news for you.
    Keep up what you are doing. I do take the supplement form of cucurmin everyday and I eat a ton of black pepper and only use Olive oil. However it is not taken all at the same time. I guess I need to work on that. I am happy to hear of such a small increase in your numbers. My dr told me that signle digit rise is nothing and only when it goes up by double digits will she worry. The CA125 is not a real good marker for me anyway as it has never been high and continues to go down even after a year on no chemo. Enjoy your winter in Florida. Prayers for you. trish
  • plantlady2012
    plantlady2012 Member Posts: 49
    jazzy1 said:

    Turmeric, olive oil and black pepper combo
    Any of us who've been on these message boards for a while remember Claudia touting the importance of this mixture. They all work together as have higher absorption rate as Mary Ann posted. I have a mixture of this most every evening in my dinner salad. Many do take it in pill form, but I've not gone that route as trying to rid of many of my supplements and get nutrients from more food.

    I as well have been taking CoQ10 for the past 3 years. Recommended by my therapist/nutritionist and as I see more postings on the positives of this nutrient, happy I started and have continued.

    Ro, happy for your news...keep the faith as you'll keep doing better every day. How's Florida, thinking that's where you hang out in the winter months???

    Take care,

    Question for jazzy1
    You mentioned that you make a salad dressing with turmeric. Can you tell me the recipe, please? I am trying to incorporate more turmeric into my diet!

  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379

    Question for jazzy1
    You mentioned that you make a salad dressing with turmeric. Can you tell me the recipe, please? I am trying to incorporate more turmeric into my diet!


    Yes I basically have the mix of turmeric (organic) spice, extra virgin olive oil, black pepper. Just eye it so can't really give you specifics of measurements. Add it to my cabbage salad with lots of raw veggies such as broccoli, carrots, onions, and avocado/artichoke slices. Yummie! Takes a while to get used to the harsh taste of the dressing, but I've been at it for a few years, so not too bad.

    As well, put turmeric mix in soups and sauteed veggies.

    My husband tells people I could eat bark off a tree...hee hee!

  • Shell bug
    Shell bug Member Posts: 76
    Hi Ro,
    I am so happy the

    Hi Ro,

    I am so happy the increase was so minimal. That is a huge positive.

    I just want to tell you how much I appreciate you and your fight with this thing. You just keep on livin' as best you can and that sets such a wonderful example. You have helped me through this ordeal.

    I think and pray for you every day and hope that you continue to get good news. I hope you are in Florida. I am completely envious. My sister lives in FL and I couldn't be farther away and still be in the continental US. Some day I hope we can have a place in FL too, is it crazy to have those dreams that are so far away?

    Anyway, I hope you have a great Holiday Season and you have at least one person in the Great Northwest pulling for you!

    Take care,
  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    Shell bug said:

    Hi Ro,
    I am so happy the

    Hi Ro,

    I am so happy the increase was so minimal. That is a huge positive.

    I just want to tell you how much I appreciate you and your fight with this thing. You just keep on livin' as best you can and that sets such a wonderful example. You have helped me through this ordeal.

    I think and pray for you every day and hope that you continue to get good news. I hope you are in Florida. I am completely envious. My sister lives in FL and I couldn't be farther away and still be in the continental US. Some day I hope we can have a place in FL too, is it crazy to have those dreams that are so far away?

    Anyway, I hope you have a great Holiday Season and you have at least one person in the Great Northwest pulling for you!

    Take care,

    Thanks for all the encouragement
    I continue to try to keep on "living large". I remeber Linda P saying how important that was. We just returned from a 7 day cruise to the Western Caribbean. We went to Honduras, Belize, Costa Maya and Cozmel. We saw Maya Ruins in Belize and Costa Maya. They were very impressive. What a culture that must have been. We had great weather as it did not rain and it was cloudy, so it was not so extremely hot. The humidity was 100 per cent everyday, so it did not take any exertion to work up a sweat.

    We have returned to Florida and are glad to be back home. The sun is shining and the humidity is not so high.

    When I started my cucurmin, I also started Vit D3 daily. When I was reviewing the Anti Cancer book, I read that Vit D3 can slow the progression of cancer. So maybe the combination of the cucurmin, vit D and Aromasin are slowing my recurrence. I guess the end of January I will see if the progression is still slow.

    I continue to feel good. My hair growth is so much slower than all the other times. My last chemo was the end of May and my hair is still less than one inch long. My hair always grew so fast before. I would go for haircuts about every 4 weeks before I got cancer. I had natural curl before, but it is pretty straight now.

    You all remain in my thughts and prayers. In peace and caring.