Urinating every 2 hours through the night 1.5 years after Davinci

It seems I always have to pee. I have the urge to pee more now than when my prostate was swollen before the surgery. I've learned to live with it during the day but at night when I'm sleeping I wake up every 2 hours, sometimes less, with a strong urgency but just a partially full bladder. Any suggestions?


  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member
    Have you already tried FloMax or any other medication designed to address this problem?
  • recordal
    recordal Member Posts: 5

    Have you already tried FloMax or any other medication designed to address this problem?

    Isn't flomax for an enlarged prostate? My prostate was removed.
  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member
    recordal said:

    Isn't flomax for an enlarged prostate? My prostate was removed.

    Alpha Blocker Drugs
    Flomax and other "urinary frequency" drugs are "alpha blockers" which do not reduce the size of an enlarge prostate (BPH) but actually attempt to reduce the urge to urinate by lessening muscle spasms in the prostate and bladder which are associated with urinary urgency and frequency.



    FYI, I also still suffer form urinary urgency and frequency (about but not quite as severe as you do) after apparently successful radiation treatment and have taken a variety of alpha blockers in the past, none of which worked particularly well for me.

    My RO recommended FloxMax for my more recent symptoms but I passed on it and currently just live w/the problem. I carry a pee bottle w/me where ever I go in case I REALLY need to go. I disliked FlowMax (which actually seemed to work for me when I tried it) because it dried up my ejaculate, which is a well-documented side effect of the drug.

    I still have some ejaculate after radiation and call me silly or shallow if you like but I still associate my masculinity in part w/that ability and won't try FloMax again until my ability to ejaculate disappears on its own as a consequence of the radiation treatment. However, that should no longer be a concern of yours (if it ever was).

    Good luck!
  • SV
    SV Member Posts: 188 Member

    Alpha Blocker Drugs
    Flomax and other "urinary frequency" drugs are "alpha blockers" which do not reduce the size of an enlarge prostate (BPH) but actually attempt to reduce the urge to urinate by lessening muscle spasms in the prostate and bladder which are associated with urinary urgency and frequency.



    FYI, I also still suffer form urinary urgency and frequency (about but not quite as severe as you do) after apparently successful radiation treatment and have taken a variety of alpha blockers in the past, none of which worked particularly well for me.

    My RO recommended FloxMax for my more recent symptoms but I passed on it and currently just live w/the problem. I carry a pee bottle w/me where ever I go in case I REALLY need to go. I disliked FlowMax (which actually seemed to work for me when I tried it) because it dried up my ejaculate, which is a well-documented side effect of the drug.

    I still have some ejaculate after radiation and call me silly or shallow if you like but I still associate my masculinity in part w/that ability and won't try FloMax again until my ability to ejaculate disappears on its own as a consequence of the radiation treatment. However, that should no longer be a concern of yours (if it ever was).

    Good luck!

    My DaVinci surgery was two
    My DaVinci surgery was two years ago and although it was a success in that I was able to have sex right away and had no leakage, I continue to have the same urges to urinate through the night as cited above.

    I refuse to take meds so is there any holistic or dietary recommendations that would reduce those annoying urges? For instance, would Saw Palmetto have any effect?
  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member
    SV said:

    My DaVinci surgery was two
    My DaVinci surgery was two years ago and although it was a success in that I was able to have sex right away and had no leakage, I continue to have the same urges to urinate through the night as cited above.

    I refuse to take meds so is there any holistic or dietary recommendations that would reduce those annoying urges? For instance, would Saw Palmetto have any effect?

    Other Remedies?
    I've tried Saw Palmeto, Pomegranate juice and Pygeum which are all "supposed" to help w/urinary frequency/urgency. None of the had any noticeable effect on me BUT they "might" work on you.

    At the other end, you can stop drinking coffee, tea and other drinks containing caffeine (which is a diuretic) and reduce the intake of all other fluids to the minimum necessary to maintain you health.

    Other than that, I have no "bright" ideas and just continue to "suffer" w/the problem and go no where w/o my pee bottle or only where I know that I can find a place to do my business (indoors or out). LOL!!!

    Please let us know if you find the "miracle cure."
  • chitown
    chitown Member Posts: 90 Member

    Other Remedies?
    I've tried Saw Palmeto, Pomegranate juice and Pygeum which are all "supposed" to help w/urinary frequency/urgency. None of the had any noticeable effect on me BUT they "might" work on you.

    At the other end, you can stop drinking coffee, tea and other drinks containing caffeine (which is a diuretic) and reduce the intake of all other fluids to the minimum necessary to maintain you health.

    Other than that, I have no "bright" ideas and just continue to "suffer" w/the problem and go no where w/o my pee bottle or only where I know that I can find a place to do my business (indoors or out). LOL!!!

    Please let us know if you find the "miracle cure."

    my suggestion
    from my own experience from surgery 2.5 years ago 1) monitor closely your liquid intake, and type, and tweak it for improvement, 2) see another urolist for second opinion, 3) wait it out - it only gets better as time passes!
  • SV
    SV Member Posts: 188 Member

    Other Remedies?
    I've tried Saw Palmeto, Pomegranate juice and Pygeum which are all "supposed" to help w/urinary frequency/urgency. None of the had any noticeable effect on me BUT they "might" work on you.

    At the other end, you can stop drinking coffee, tea and other drinks containing caffeine (which is a diuretic) and reduce the intake of all other fluids to the minimum necessary to maintain you health.

    Other than that, I have no "bright" ideas and just continue to "suffer" w/the problem and go no where w/o my pee bottle or only where I know that I can find a place to do my business (indoors or out). LOL!!!

    Please let us know if you find the "miracle cure."

    One thing that does work for
    One thing that does work for me is taking an 800mg Motrin before bed. For some reason this calms or reduces the urges so I get a good night's sleep without interruptions. The problem is that from a long athletic career, I also have a variety of chronic injuries that had me taking these Motrin for the last thirty years. And a few years ago I was advised as to the dangers of kidney problems if I did not stop immediately. Several urologist said that I was lucky to have not incurred any damage yet to my kidneys.

    Subsequently, I read that a simple aspirin was possibly helpful in keeping any remaining cancer cells at bay post surgery so that is the only med I take anymore. The two don't mix so I opted for the aspirin unless I have a reason where I am in extreme knee or lower back pain or absolutely need a good nights rest.

    Reducing fluid intake for me is not an option either. Because of a low pH of 5.0, my body makes uric acid kidney stones at a phenomenal rate for which the best cure is to drink several liters of water per day. I try to do this early in the day but my body decides to release it when less convenient to me. Raising my pH would certainly help but so far none of the miracle diets produced any results.
  • lion1
    lion1 Member Posts: 241
    SV said:

    One thing that does work for
    One thing that does work for me is taking an 800mg Motrin before bed. For some reason this calms or reduces the urges so I get a good night's sleep without interruptions. The problem is that from a long athletic career, I also have a variety of chronic injuries that had me taking these Motrin for the last thirty years. And a few years ago I was advised as to the dangers of kidney problems if I did not stop immediately. Several urologist said that I was lucky to have not incurred any damage yet to my kidneys.

    Subsequently, I read that a simple aspirin was possibly helpful in keeping any remaining cancer cells at bay post surgery so that is the only med I take anymore. The two don't mix so I opted for the aspirin unless I have a reason where I am in extreme knee or lower back pain or absolutely need a good nights rest.

    Reducing fluid intake for me is not an option either. Because of a low pH of 5.0, my body makes uric acid kidney stones at a phenomenal rate for which the best cure is to drink several liters of water per day. I try to do this early in the day but my body decides to release it when less convenient to me. Raising my pH would certainly help but so far none of the miracle diets produced any results.

    Many Meds (Myrbetriq)
    After 6 yrs of leaking. I have trried all meds. Now I started the newest med on the market- Myrbetriq.

    It supposed to work on the receptors of the bladder--nothing to this point has worked on my OAB.

    7 days on Myrbetriq---no noticeable improvement yet???

  • tpelle
    tpelle Member Posts: 184 Member
    lion1 said:

    Many Meds (Myrbetriq)
    After 6 yrs of leaking. I have trried all meds. Now I started the newest med on the market- Myrbetriq.

    It supposed to work on the receptors of the bladder--nothing to this point has worked on my OAB.

    7 days on Myrbetriq---no noticeable improvement yet???


    Hi lion1: Did you ever try Imipramine? It's an anti-depressant. But in half the normal dose for depression, it acts to soothe the bladder and exercise the sphincter. It helped me early on, but it caused dry mouth, insomnia, jitteryness, constipation, etc. So, I quit it and live with the few more ounces of drippage every day.

    You may have read my recent posts. After ten years, an incontinence specialist showed me on the monitor where my sphincter is out-of-round and while most of it closes, one tail remains open allowing leakage. No amount of meds, kegels or even the AdVance would solve that problem. So I've decided to go for the AMS AUS800 per his recommendation. Feb 6 is the date. I recognize it's a gamble, but I'm going for it. tpelle
  • lion1
    lion1 Member Posts: 241
    tpelle said:

    Hi lion1: Did you ever try Imipramine? It's an anti-depressant. But in half the normal dose for depression, it acts to soothe the bladder and exercise the sphincter. It helped me early on, but it caused dry mouth, insomnia, jitteryness, constipation, etc. So, I quit it and live with the few more ounces of drippage every day.

    You may have read my recent posts. After ten years, an incontinence specialist showed me on the monitor where my sphincter is out-of-round and while most of it closes, one tail remains open allowing leakage. No amount of meds, kegels or even the AdVance would solve that problem. So I've decided to go for the AMS AUS800 per his recommendation. Feb 6 is the date. I recognize it's a gamble, but I'm going for it. tpelle

    Understand the reason for your decision
    Good Luck and I'll be praying for you.