Rad starts tomorrow

Jeff starts his radiation tomorrow, the journey with the beast starts for real now. The last 2 weeks have just been full of readyness, but reality sets in now. God help me keep it together for him, please.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    get ready

    I guarantee he will zap right through it.

    Got your music?


  • VivianLee5689
    VivianLee5689 Member Posts: 546
    CivilMatt said:

    get ready

    I guarantee he will zap right through it.

    Got your music?



    Luck to you and Jeff
    Good luck on your journey. It won't all be easy, but it doesn't last forever. Soon you will come out on the other side cancer free.
  • sassysrice
    sassysrice Member Posts: 117
    CivilMatt said:

    get ready

    I guarantee he will zap right through it.

    Got your music?



    Very Funny
    that made me laugh thanks
    I don't know if they have music.
  • sassysrice
    sassysrice Member Posts: 117

    Luck to you and Jeff
    Good luck on your journey. It won't all be easy, but it doesn't last forever. Soon you will come out on the other side cancer free.

    TKS Vivian
    I don't know if my reply to hot potato went thru this site has been acting up alot. Cut I said I pray and think about u and David throughout the day and hope for the best for you two as your life together is just starting.
  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503

    Very Funny
    that made me laugh thanks
    I don't know if they have music.

    Good Luck
    I start a week from today (17th) so I know just what you are feeling.

    We'll both make it though.

    God Speed.

    Joe Cortney
    Dallas, TX
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    YES!!! The journey begins....
    I'm hoping you find it a little easier than all the hurry up and wait you've been doing. Wanting to start the battle, yet having to wait for everything to be lined up...make sure he eats as much as he can when he first starts rads...(I wish I would have eaten more than I did)...he'll need the weight, and he can still taste...aprreciate that part while it is still possible.

    John (Skiffin)calls the next stage "ground-hog" days. When I first heard that I didn't get it really...but once I got started it was the perfect title for doing the rads...every day the same thing...same time, same station...it will go by faster than you think.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    YES!!! The journey begins....
    I'm hoping you find it a little easier than all the hurry up and wait you've been doing. Wanting to start the battle, yet having to wait for everything to be lined up...make sure he eats as much as he can when he first starts rads...(I wish I would have eaten more than I did)...he'll need the weight, and he can still taste...aprreciate that part while it is still possible.

    John (Skiffin)calls the next stage "ground-hog" days. When I first heard that I didn't get it really...but once I got started it was the perfect title for doing the rads...every day the same thing...same time, same station...it will go by faster than you think.


    wishes for an easy journey
  • lts
    lts Member Posts: 75
    good luck
    I can relate to the readyness. I start on the 17th as well.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    More than likely it's going to be rather uneventful for a week or two...

    Bring comfy clothes, and bring a CD....

    Word of caution on the CD though.

    I bought the newest James Taylor CD at the time. I left it the facility and they played it each day during rads.

    When treatment was finished, I took the CD back.

    LOL, I have never listened to that CD again...

    I'm not sure I even could without feeling nauseous, LOL...

  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    Welcome Aboard
    I wish you well on your journey. I'll give you my little piece of advice. But I warn you that no one else seems to like it. When my throat started to hurt, I started drinking/eating everything at body temperature. Like the temperature one would give formula to a baby. It seemed to help me at least. But everyone must find his/her own little tricks. Rick.
  • sassysrice
    sassysrice Member Posts: 117
    jcortney said:

    Good Luck
    I start a week from today (17th) so I know just what you are feeling.

    We'll both make it though.

    God Speed.

    Joe Cortney
    Dallas, TX

    Good luck
    Good luck next week looking foward to seeing how you do and swaping notes
  • sassysrice
    sassysrice Member Posts: 117

    YES!!! The journey begins....
    I'm hoping you find it a little easier than all the hurry up and wait you've been doing. Wanting to start the battle, yet having to wait for everything to be lined up...make sure he eats as much as he can when he first starts rads...(I wish I would have eaten more than I did)...he'll need the weight, and he can still taste...aprreciate that part while it is still possible.

    John (Skiffin)calls the next stage "ground-hog" days. When I first heard that I didn't get it really...but once I got started it was the perfect title for doing the rads...every day the same thing...same time, same station...it will go by faster than you think.


    I love that Ground Hog day, that so is what it's going to be like
  • AJW1966
    AJW1966 Member Posts: 68
    its rough
    but you will make it through! I'm 11 days post rad and it was no picnic but i am on the other side now working on the healing process. Hang in there, stick around here and follow the advice. I think people here know more than the doc's do : )
    I know i've learned so much from everyone here and it was very beneficial.
    All the best,
    God bless

  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    AJW1966 said:

    its rough
    but you will make it through! I'm 11 days post rad and it was no picnic but i am on the other side now working on the healing process. Hang in there, stick around here and follow the advice. I think people here know more than the doc's do : )
    I know i've learned so much from everyone here and it was very beneficial.
    All the best,
    God bless


    Glow treatments
    That is what my friend who is a survivor told me when I went thru treatments. She always referred to it as her glow treatment and I thought it was funny. Anyway, for the first couple of weeks it will just be boring and redundant....same thing every day. Most places do have a cd player or radio of some sort. Mine had a bunch of CDs on hand or you could bring your own. It really helps to pass the time and once I started not feeling well it made it a lot more doable. Also be gentle with your skin from here on out. Mild soap and no scrubbing. And after (never before) rads put some aquaphor or something similar on your neck and other areas radiated. I did that and didn't get the burns until almost the very end. My onc and the nurses were amazed.
    Keep us posted
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    GroundHog Days
    Like the movie....

    Same thing every day, after day, after day, .......

  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    The only way to finish is to start
    So glad you are on your way. It will go faster than you will imagine. Tough but doable. See ya at the finish line.