Yesterday was a good day

David had a much better day yesterday. No vomiting, fever or much blood loss. He talked to several people and ministered to anyone who crossed his path. He said yesterday was the first day he woke up and thanked God for giving him one more day. He realized the scope of his diagnosis and so does his church now. The whole church had a day of fasting for David. It is amazing how many people are now rallying around him. It is weird though that when he had Stage IV oropharyngeal cancer people seemed unconcerned. They went along with their lives and didn't even send him a card. It is unfortunate he had to be so ill before people stepped up. He had a good day yesterday and I am thankful for that. We even got to watch Monster's Inc. while holding hands as he started his 96 hours of continuous 7 medication chemo. It is called Vdt pace very aggressive and really hard on the body. I thank God I woke up this morning and he is still here.


  • Ladylacy
    Ladylacy Member Posts: 773 Member
    So glad to hear that yesterday was a good day for you and your husband and hope and pray that it continues. Too many people don't really understand cancer and especially the types that you don't hear much about. This includes family members who think that just because treatment is finished, everything is okay not realizing that it isn't okay for the person or caregiver.

    Continued thoughts and prayers for you and your husband.

  • meaganb
    meaganb Member Posts: 244 Member
    Vivian, I love your
    Vivian, I love your attitude. It is so hard to be thankful especially when things seem to be going so badly. I think about and pray for you and David often. I am so sorry things have been so hard but I am praying for more good days than bad and for the clarity to appreciate those sweet moments the two of you have together.
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I am SO happy that David finally got a good day...happy for you, and so very relieved for him. I loved hearing about you two holding hands, and watching a program...quality time together for the first time in ever so long.

    His fellow church people probably have no idea what OPC is...but say the word leukemia, and everybody knows this is deadly serious. It's heartening that they are gathering around him need their strength as well as he does.

    You are both in my head and heart....I think about you so many times every day, knowing I won't hear an update until either late at night or in the am....but always looking for one.

  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898

    I am SO happy that David finally got a good day...happy for you, and so very relieved for him. I loved hearing about you two holding hands, and watching a program...quality time together for the first time in ever so long.

    His fellow church people probably have no idea what OPC is...but say the word leukemia, and everybody knows this is deadly serious. It's heartening that they are gathering around him need their strength as well as he does.

    You are both in my head and heart....I think about you so many times every day, knowing I won't hear an update until either late at night or in the am....but always looking for one.


    I've been thinking about you both and patiently waiting for an update. I'm so thrilled that David had a good day yesterday and that for a bit you were able to "just be" and watch tv together. So happy his church is behind him now and that so many are praying. As for me, I'm praying that for today David feels well and the two of you can have more quality time. I will continue to pray each day accordingly as it seems that each day brings something new to the table. Sending you big hugs and praying for your peace and comfort today too.
    Have a great day Vivian!
  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    Me Too
    I also had a great day. I had to replace an electric heater in the wall. The old one started to smell. Luckily my wife (caregiver) was around. I have lost my sense of smell since I don't breathe thru my nose/mouth. I had replaced the heater once before, so it was a breeze. Turn off power; detach the wires, unscrew and remove the heater, screw the new one in place, reattach the wire. The first time I replaced the heater there were some sparks and smoke. This time, no problems at all.

    It's great that David had a great day. (How about that for a bad sentence!) We all deserve great days; but David is a little bit more deserving. Rick.
  • VanessaSLO
    VanessaSLO Member Posts: 283

    Me Too
    I also had a great day. I had to replace an electric heater in the wall. The old one started to smell. Luckily my wife (caregiver) was around. I have lost my sense of smell since I don't breathe thru my nose/mouth. I had replaced the heater once before, so it was a breeze. Turn off power; detach the wires, unscrew and remove the heater, screw the new one in place, reattach the wire. The first time I replaced the heater there were some sparks and smoke. This time, no problems at all.

    It's great that David had a great day. (How about that for a bad sentence!) We all deserve great days; but David is a little bit more deserving. Rick.

    Sooo happy to hear this!
    Wow, Vivian, I was really happy to read how you two had a good day. I sincerely hope that you two can have many of days like this in the future. Maybe this is a sigh that things will finally turn to better! I strongly pray for that!
    Virtual hug,

  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344

    Sooo happy to hear this!
    Wow, Vivian, I was really happy to read how you two had a good day. I sincerely hope that you two can have many of days like this in the future. Maybe this is a sigh that things will finally turn to better! I strongly pray for that!
    Virtual hug,


    Glad David had a good day
    Glad David had a good day and when he has a good day I know that means you are having a good day. They go hand in hand, literally just like you holding your husbands hand. It truly is the little things that mean so much, isn't it? Especially when you are faced with a life threatening illness. All the other problems in life and the world just seem to not matter.

    Thinking and praying for you guys.

  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Good days...
    Glad you hit a good day finally. Also very nice to hear David is more alert of his surroundings...this makes thing much easier for you both. As far as his church folks, I'm sure they have always cared. Sometimes people don't know when to step up...where their place is. Please keep in mind that they were always praying for David and thinking of you both. They have now heard that you are desperate for support. Now let them wrap their loving hands around you both. Keep the peace and know we're thinking of you both.

    NEVER STOP....

    ~ Cris
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    Good days...
    Glad you hit a good day finally. Also very nice to hear David is more alert of his surroundings...this makes thing much easier for you both. As far as his church folks, I'm sure they have always cared. Sometimes people don't know when to step up...where their place is. Please keep in mind that they were always praying for David and thinking of you both. They have now heard that you are desperate for support. Now let them wrap their loving hands around you both. Keep the peace and know we're thinking of you both.

    NEVER STOP....

    ~ Cris

    I'm so glad...
    That made my day ...I know we are not out of the woods so I will continue to pray. Tomorrow I will submit David and you on my church's prayer team list!!!

    Big hugs to you Vivian....


  • KareGiver
    KareGiver Member Posts: 301 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    I'm so glad...
    That made my day ...I know we are not out of the woods so I will continue to pray. Tomorrow I will submit David and you on my church's prayer team list!!!

    Big hugs to you Vivian....



    So, so happy
    it was a great day! I know you and David will take it!

  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Sorry it took a bad turn for David's church family to realize it's time to help lift David up, but glad the message finally got through. Very glad to see you two had such an improvement Friday.

    You guys are starting to remind me of ChefDaddy - ever read about him? We all talked about the dictionary defination of "Murphy's Law" having his picture next to it. He was written off by pros more than once - and made it through. Hoping that later, I'll be saying to someone else "Have you read about VivianLee's husband, David . . . ?".
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    good day

    Nice day, I am glad you were there to share it with him.

    Family and friends, good luck figuring out what makes them tick.

    I’ll be hoping for the chemo cocktail to turn the tide.


  • yensid683
    yensid683 Member Posts: 349
    I'll join the group
    With my sentiments of happiness for you and David and a great day. Celebrate them all.

    I too keep watching for reports on David and his progress. I am so glad he had a great day and you both had some normalcy.

    The 96 hours will seem long, I had a similar experience with induction chemo and 3 agents, David may not be all that chipper afterwards, but he'll have the love and support of his wife, his friends, his church and all of his and your cyber family!

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Prayers for more good days....

    It's the good days that help with the not so good days. Give me strength, give me courage, power of prayer, knowledge in belief....

    Prayers for you and David...

  • AJW1966
    AJW1966 Member Posts: 68
    and happy that you had a great day. I pray there will be more of those.
    I like to remind myself of 1st Peter 6, probably one of my favorite verses...."So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead (Heaven), even though you have to endure many trials for a little while."
    God Bless
