PET Scan

I finished my RCHOP chemotherapy (six treatments) on October 30th. Now I am set to have a PET scan, MUGA heart exam, and echocardiogram. I saw my oncologist on November 15th and he wants the PET scan four weeks from the time I saw him. The scan is scheduled for December 18th and the other two exams for December 20th. The oncologist chose six treatments instead of eight because my last PET scan showed a remission situation.

My question is how soon after the end of chemotherapy is the PET scan usually performed? I thought it would be sooner but apparently not in this situation.

Thank you!


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Chemo Done - YAY!

    Hi Gina,

    I'm not sure when a Pet scan is normally done after completion of chemo
    but a month sounds about right. They probably want to check all your blood work
    as well so will do it at the same time.

    Congratulations on completing chemo and showing remission!
    Sending positive thoughts that you get a wonderful Christmas
    present on you next scan!

    Hugs and keep us posted,

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    Sounds right...
    Hi Gina,
    Congratulations on finishing your chemo treatment! I know how relieved you must be feeling. When I finished my treatment, it was about a month later when I had my CT scan done to see if I was in remission. One to 2 months seems to be the normal time to scan after treatment. My scan showed I still had some activity so instead of hearing "remission", I was deemed "stable". I started my 2 year Rituxan maint one month following completion of my chemo..(CVP-R)and will be finishing my R-maint the last week of February 2013. CT scan will be done the first of March and then we will find out if I'm in total remission. I'll keep good positive thoughts for you to have clean scan results. Let us know what you find out. Best wishes...Sue (FNHL-2-3a-6/10)
  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    Hi Gina
    Hi Gina,
    So glad to hear that you're done with chemo! I did Rituxan for treatment and my last treatment was in Aug. and I just had a Pet/Ct scan in Nov. I thought he would have ordered one sooner but it was 3 months later for me. I also had another BMB just last week and I will see my Onc. on Dec. 6 to hear my results. I will keep you in my prayers that you and I will be in complete remission. Take care and please let us know the results.

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member

    Hi Gina
    Hi Gina,
    So glad to hear that you're done with chemo! I did Rituxan for treatment and my last treatment was in Aug. and I just had a Pet/Ct scan in Nov. I thought he would have ordered one sooner but it was 3 months later for me. I also had another BMB just last week and I will see my Onc. on Dec. 6 to hear my results. I will keep you in my prayers that you and I will be in complete remission. Take care and please let us know the results.


    Good luck Liz...
    Hi Liz,
    My prayers and positive thoughts are with you for "good" results on your scan and BMB. I hope the procedure went ok with no pain! Did you have sedation with it? Be sure to let us know what both results show, and try not not to worry between now and then..(I's soooo hard not to)... Take care sweetie.
    Much Love...Sue (FNHL-2-3a-6/10)
  • ROF
    ROF Member Posts: 12
    I had Pet Scans before,
    I had Pet Scans before, midpoint, and after R-CHOP. My oncologists told me I needed to wait at least 2 weeks after my last treatment. I waited 3 weeks and the report was that I was in remission but the report stated my bone marrow showed hypermetabolic activity consistent with R-CHOP.
  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    allmost60 said:

    Good luck Liz...
    Hi Liz,
    My prayers and positive thoughts are with you for "good" results on your scan and BMB. I hope the procedure went ok with no pain! Did you have sedation with it? Be sure to let us know what both results show, and try not not to worry between now and then..(I's soooo hard not to)... Take care sweetie.
    Much Love...Sue (FNHL-2-3a-6/10)

    Hi Sue
    Hi Sue,
    Well I would love to tell you that I wasn't in any pain, but that would be a lie. I think this BMB hurt more than my first one back in July of last year. They did numb the surrounding area but I don't know why I was having really bad pain that would travel down to my toes. I did let the doc know about it and she said that some patients get that pain and doesn't know why since we don't have any nerves in that area. Well whatever it is it hurt like hell hahaha! Thank you for your prayers Sue it means a lot! (((HUGE HUGS TO YOU)))!!! Take care

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    I began chemo staged at 3, and had infusions for six months. I received my PET about two weeks after my last infusion. The impression I got was that the doctor wanted to see a "final results" view of everything after all treatment had been given. It sounds like your doc has similiar reasoning.

    During treatment, I had a couple of CATS, to track how the medicines were working, but no PETS while in treatment.

    Our frind Arron here got a PET 2/3 through his scheduled treatment (after 8 of 12 planned infusions) for some reason, so there can be variations, based upon the doctor's thinking.

    But I do believe that, in most cases, a PET comes mostly after the last infusion, at least if things seem to be going well. The difference between one week after the last infusion and a month is probably not "clinically significant."

    Bless your results when they arrive,


  • Gina 1009
    Gina 1009 Member Posts: 14


    I began chemo staged at 3, and had infusions for six months. I received my PET about two weeks after my last infusion. The impression I got was that the doctor wanted to see a "final results" view of everything after all treatment had been given. It sounds like your doc has similiar reasoning.

    During treatment, I had a couple of CATS, to track how the medicines were working, but no PETS while in treatment.

    Our frind Arron here got a PET 2/3 through his scheduled treatment (after 8 of 12 planned infusions) for some reason, so there can be variations, based upon the doctor's thinking.

    But I do believe that, in most cases, a PET comes mostly after the last infusion, at least if things seem to be going well. The difference between one week after the last infusion and a month is probably not "clinically significant."

    Bless your results when they arrive,



    PET Scan
    Thank you so much to everyone who kindly replied and gave their comments. I so appreciate your support. I will update you after I have my scan on December 18th and have the results. Again, thanks so much. I learn a lot from all of you and wish you prayers and my thoughts for your health and well being!
  • PET
    I finished my initial 8 weekly treatments in January and had a PET iin March. Sounds about right.