Anyone in there 20s that has survived bone/child cancer

I am a nine year survivior and am dealing with survivors guilt. I am going through alot of mental stuff and was just wondering if there was anyone who has survived this form of cancer that is a young adult. If someone would respond to this I would greatly apperciate it.


  • FunnyFace
    FunnyFace Member Posts: 15
    I know how you feel...
    Hi! Well I am in my mid 30s now but I was diagnosed the summer of my 13th Bday w/ Telangieltatic Osteosarcoma of the femur. And happy and very luck to say I have been cancer free ever since. I have had up & downs since then too. And survivor guilt is one of them. Feel free to send me a private message if you like to share your thoughts or have any questions. One thing I wish I had done earlier was contact people going or have gone through what I did (w/cancer). Because it helps to hear someone say "I know what you are going through" and really mean it.

    Hang in there..I know it gets tough sometimes but you will be fine. Believe I know :)
  • crazy98
    crazy98 Member Posts: 25
    14 year survivor

    I found out I had Osteosarcoma 3 weeks into my freshman year of high school. I was 15 years old. I have had 3 full knee repalcements. I started a blog a few years ago. survivors guilt is pretty common amoung survivors. I would love to talk if you need to!!  -Tiffany

  • arizonaspirit10
    arizonaspirit10 Member Posts: 2
    hey, I didnt exactly have

    hey, I didnt exactly have bone cancer but I did have childhood leukemia. And I'm 3 years off chemo and was diagnosed at age 15, and I am now 20. I have survivors guilt and i'm still going through a lot of mental things as well! i'm here to talk too!