
My father is day 15 out from his first rchop treatment. He is exhausted but in no pain and has had no nausea. Yesterday he started with uncontrollable diarrhea a d very foul burps. Is this normal for this type of chemo? Any ideas how to control either


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Time to call...
    Call doctor! As to the burping, this may be acid reflux, which needs controlling so that a pre-cancerous condition in the esophagus does not develop (Barrett's esophagus).
  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Yup ! Call !
    Yes, do call the doc.

    The diarrhea in a chemo patient can lead to very rapid dehydration.

  • epicc
    epicc Member Posts: 137

    Yup ! Call !
    Yes, do call the doc.

    The diarrhea in a chemo patient can lead to very rapid dehydration.


    My mom is experiencing similar
    My mom is day 21 after RChop and will be getting her second round in a few days. The last couple of days she has had uncontrollable diarrhea also. she has her regular appointment tomorrow. she also has started a new antibiotic called ZyVox to clear up an infection. Can't figure out if the diarrhea is from the chemo or the Zyvox.
