Advice please

My last chemo was the last of August but for the last few weeks I have had a bad case of acid reflux. The doctor has prescribed Zantac, Prilosec and Protonex (Pantoprazole) Nothing has worked. What has worked for you? Advice please. Cannot even have a decent taste for THanksgiving..Happy THanksgiving everyone.


  • Tethys41
    Tethys41 Member Posts: 1,382 Member
    Acid Reflux
    There are a variety of altrenative things that work for acid reflux. Acid reflux is actually due to too little acid in your stomach, which allows the sphincter muscle between your stomach and esophagus to relax and let what acid that is in the stomach enter into the esophagus. Therefore, proton pump inhibitors, like Prolosec and Zantac, will never resolve the issue, just reduce your stomach acid, which eventually leads to other issues, such as autoimmunity. That is why doctors say you have to take them forever.
    I took orange peel extract (1 capsule) every other day for a month and also took two DGL tablets with each meal, during that time, and the acid reflux I was experiencing 12 years ago was resolved. It has never come back.
    Another option is to take Super Papaya Enzyme and the homeopathic #10 Cell Salts. This takes some tweaking to find the dosage that works best for you, but once you find it, the acid reflux will be controlled.
    A third option is to add acid to your diet, such as diluted vinegar, with meals, to help keep the stomach acidified. Also adding raw feremented foods, such as sauerkraut and pickles is said to help. The emphasis is on the RAW. Pasturized fermented foods do not have the same effect.
  • ptharp
    ptharp Member Posts: 190
    I am having that now. I take
    I am having that now. I take Zantac extra strength and it works for me.
  • ptharp
    ptharp Member Posts: 190
    I am having that now. I take
    I am having that now. I take Zantac extra strength and it works for me.
  • Green Leaf
    Green Leaf Member Posts: 24
    Tethys41 said:

    Acid Reflux
    There are a variety of altrenative things that work for acid reflux. Acid reflux is actually due to too little acid in your stomach, which allows the sphincter muscle between your stomach and esophagus to relax and let what acid that is in the stomach enter into the esophagus. Therefore, proton pump inhibitors, like Prolosec and Zantac, will never resolve the issue, just reduce your stomach acid, which eventually leads to other issues, such as autoimmunity. That is why doctors say you have to take them forever.
    I took orange peel extract (1 capsule) every other day for a month and also took two DGL tablets with each meal, during that time, and the acid reflux I was experiencing 12 years ago was resolved. It has never come back.
    Another option is to take Super Papaya Enzyme and the homeopathic #10 Cell Salts. This takes some tweaking to find the dosage that works best for you, but once you find it, the acid reflux will be controlled.
    A third option is to add acid to your diet, such as diluted vinegar, with meals, to help keep the stomach acidified. Also adding raw feremented foods, such as sauerkraut and pickles is said to help. The emphasis is on the RAW. Pasturized fermented foods do not have the same effect.

    Stomach upset not always due to too much acid
    Hi, Tethys41. I agree with you that it can be "not enough acid" that upsets the stomach. When I told my doctors that I had stomach pain or bloating, they usually prescribed me medicines to reduce stomach acid, such as, Pantoprazole, Nexium and Ranitidine (same as Zantac). I found these medicines did not always work. Somehow I find eating a little bit sweeties help reducing stomach upset or indigestion. It may be due to the fact that sweeties is acidic. So, many times, after meals, I eat a small piece of chocolate or biscuits. I find sweeties help my digestion.

    I also find fermented tea is better than the non-fermented tea to the stomach.
    For me, drinking non-fermented tea can cause me stomach pain while drinking fermented tea help my digestion.
  • gloriamdeo
    gloriamdeo Member Posts: 8
    hope this helps you
    Can acid reflux be a side effect from chemo? I think I have occasional reflux now although before chemo I don't recall ever experiencing it. That and a constantly stuffyish nose..

    Anyway, I've found that munching soda crackers can help, as well as ginger tea. I make the tea from scratch with about a 1-inch piece of ginger root. I peel it, wash it, then slice it into thin slices that get thrown into a pot of boiling water. Simmer covered for 15-20 minutes, then it's ready to drink with a little honey. I find the taste kind of invigorating even though the ginger is soothing my digestion. :)
  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    I got bad acid reflux during
    I got bad acid reflux during chemo. My doctor prescribed Lanzoprazole. I am in the UK so it may have a different name in the states. Anyway, it is really effective and I take it every night before bed. I will take it for life as it is much better to do that than to have the pain.

  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    I'm on Nexium
    and will have to stay on it as long as I'm on chemo.
    ((HUGS)) Maria