Small Lymph Node

My husband has been cancer free, from hpv stage 4 tonsil cancer now for 19 months. I have a question, the other day I was rubbing the bottom half of his neck, and felt a small lymph node, the size of maybe the tip of my finger. His neck hurts him all the time, but now I felt this. He never had any type of surgery just chemo and Rad. He is not worried but I am, he goes back to see doc next month. Has anyone had this problem?




  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    I felt something
    Hi Linda,

    Today (11-11-12) is the 1-year anniversary from the day I felt my first lymph node lump (left side of neck, while shaving) and the start of an (unplanned for) adventure.

    It could be lots of things and not cancer at all. To tell the truth, I don’t know how anything lives after a radiation zap. Doesn’t hurt to have it checked. I did have it checked and it allowed me to meet all these nice H&N friends.


  • elwoodsinoakdale
    elwoodsinoakdale Member Posts: 71 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    I felt something
    Hi Linda,

    Today (11-11-12) is the 1-year anniversary from the day I felt my first lymph node lump (left side of neck, while shaving) and the start of an (unplanned for) adventure.

    It could be lots of things and not cancer at all. To tell the truth, I don’t know how anything lives after a radiation zap. Doesn’t hurt to have it checked. I did have it checked and it allowed me to meet all these nice H&N friends.



    Thanks Matt, how I remember that huge node on his left side Jan 2011, but this one is so small, he will ask his doc about it, he has no symptoms of being sick, he says don't worry I am ok.

    Glad your doing good

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member

    Thanks Matt, how I remember that huge node on his left side Jan 2011, but this one is so small, he will ask his doc about it, he has no symptoms of being sick, he says don't worry I am ok.

    Glad your doing good


    never hurt, not until the FNB

    To this day, I never felt sick, I never hurt. Matter-of-fact it turned out to be cancer on the BOT (the lymph node was a red flag, saying hey buddy you have cancer). Never, ever felt a thing.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I'd definately bring it up at the Dr.'s....
    My lymph node started as the size of a very small pea in December 2011, and grew to a decent knot on the side of my neck by January...I won't take chances anymore with unaccounted for lumps and bumps...

  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member
    only chemo and rads and now a lump
    Hi Linda and lucky husband,
    I am happy to read that all has gone well for 19 months and that a check up is in the near future. My thought is why not call and see if you can move up next month's appointment explaining that a previously unnoticed lump has shown up in an area of the neck that has been giving your husband consistant pain. It can't hurt that he, or you make a call, and it might reap great rewards. Prayers and all the best, josh r.