He Ate Out!!

Hubby and I ate out together today for the first time in six months. Following suggestions from some on this board, we hit the buffet at Golden Corral. He tried a little bit of lots of stuff. He was surprised at how good some things were.

His favs were the roast and fried chicken -- yes, FRIED CHICKEN!! It was moist and he peeled off the skin. Corn and green beans were good as was coleslaw and carrot and raisin salad. Not so good were potatoes and Mac and cheese. He topped it off with bread pudding and peach cobbler!
Ice tea even tasted okay (good on the front of the tongue, bitter at the back but tolerable).

I am so glad he finally got the courage to try eating out. Now we have some things to try at home. The buffet was an excellent idea. I can fix these dishes at home but we end up throwing a lot out if it tasted bad. The dogs are getting too fat!

Oh, and he went hog hunting this week with some buddies and got a big boar hog. Now that was a major milestone!

Thanks for the tip on the buffet to help figure out what the taste buds like. You guys ROCK!!



  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    You boar me
    Ha. good for him. I am still at the stage of having to be very careful if I dine out. Things tastte fine, but a lot just won't chew and go down. So the smorg works good for me too, and I need lots of time, and lots of water. BTW, that pig will cook up tender and succulent. I'm jealous of his hunt. Been a few years since I had a good pig hunt. did he hunt over dogs?

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    WHOO HOO!!!
    Yep, somebody on here talked about a buffet, and when I thought I might be able to pull it off, I made hubby take me to the Chinese Buffet....OMG, I couldn't believe how good some of the food tasted!! Part of that is...with a buffet you can hop skip and jump around your plate so the taste buds don't get fatigued. I'm delighted for BOTH of you!

    I'm sure mac and cheese and mashed potatoes are down the list for "wanting to eat"...at least I ate my fill of those from April to the first of July. Frankly, I never did like eating mashed potatoes even then...I just couldn't think of what else to eat.

  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344

    WHOO HOO!!!
    Yep, somebody on here talked about a buffet, and when I thought I might be able to pull it off, I made hubby take me to the Chinese Buffet....OMG, I couldn't believe how good some of the food tasted!! Part of that is...with a buffet you can hop skip and jump around your plate so the taste buds don't get fatigued. I'm delighted for BOTH of you!

    I'm sure mac and cheese and mashed potatoes are down the list for "wanting to eat"...at least I ate my fill of those from April to the first of July. Frankly, I never did like eating mashed potatoes even then...I just couldn't think of what else to eat.


    so happy he enjoyed eating
    so happy he enjoyed eating out.And, I'm sure that was so nice for you also to get out with him. My husband is living on popsicles and chicken noodle soup out of a box right now and so so I am looking forward to the little things also like eating out together.

  • NoDuck
    NoDuck Member Posts: 134

    You boar me
    Ha. good for him. I am still at the stage of having to be very careful if I dine out. Things tastte fine, but a lot just won't chew and go down. So the smorg works good for me too, and I need lots of time, and lots of water. BTW, that pig will cook up tender and succulent. I'm jealous of his hunt. Been a few years since I had a good pig hunt. did he hunt over dogs?


    Hawg Dawgs
    Yes, he hunts over dogs -- cur dog mixes. Uses an American bull dog for a catch dog once the hog is bayed up. Usually gives the hog to a needy family to eat.

    It's good to see him back out on the hunt. Thank God for good hunting buddies that take real good care of him.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    took me almost 7 months
    Hi Deb,

    Tell your Hubby “way to go”.

    Until recently I had resigned myself to never eating real food again, the taste and feel of almost everything made me gag. I was very happy with my smoothies. Then bam, something changed almost overnight and all food was back on the table. No kidding, ALL FOOD!!! I felt like my taste buds were back in first grade, but they are learning (I think they are in 5th grade now).

    Skiffin16 knows of what he speaks.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    YES !
    This is fantastic news ! I typically don't like buffets....but they do give a great sampling of different food types. And I too now enjoy trying them. Hunting...alright ! And giving the hog to a needy family, you guys ROCK ! Yes our dog is getting a little on the tubby side too ! And he's a minpin...so have to watch this closer. I'm so inspired by this, thanks for the wonderful update ! Katie