Bill's 2nd 3 month check p is good

Freida Member Posts: 182
Hi all.
Haven't been here in a while, but just wanted to share a little good news as I know I always needed to hear some hopeful stories. Bill's 2nd 3 month check up came out good with no evidence of disease or metastasis. The CT scan shows "residual thickening" in the esophagus and damage to the lungs from radiation, but it is stable and unchanged from the last scan and they think it is scarring from radiation. Such a HUGE relief as I know you will all understand. Bill was diagnosed a year ago tomorrow, what a year of ups and downs this has been. From initial diagnosis, to total discouragement after meeting the local oncologist (truly don't believe Bill would still be here if we had stuck with him), to the decision to go to M D Anderson, to the news there that Bill was not a good surgery candidate or a candidate for proton therapy, then the months of treatment, and here we still are and able to breath for another 3 months until we start panicking about the next check up.
All the best to everyone

Wife of Bill, diagnosed 11/8/2011 T3N2Mx, not a candidate for surgery due to other comorbidities, 2 months induction chemo (bi weekly carboplatin and taxol by infusion and 5FU by continuous 48 hour pump) followed by 6 weeks chemo/radiation (bi weekly carboplatin and taxol by infusion and weekly 5FU by continuous 5 day pump concurrent with radiation). 2nd 3 month check up November 2012 good. Living life until 3rd 3 month check up in February 2013.


  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Wonderful News!!!!

    So happy to hear your and Bill's good news!!! We all know about scanxiety. It is so nice to be able to breath a sigh of relief and enjoy good news for a change. I hope the two of you are going to take some time to celebrate and do something to reward yourselves.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Three year survivor

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
  • englishlady
    englishlady Member Posts: 10
    Good to hear good stories
    Good to hear good stories so uplifting, my husbands next 3 month scan is 4th January hoping for the same results. Go out and celebrate.
  • Freida
    Freida Member Posts: 182

    Good to hear good stories
    Good to hear good stories so uplifting, my husbands next 3 month scan is 4th January hoping for the same results. Go out and celebrate.

    Hi Englishlady - I am
    Hi Englishlady - I am English also though live in the USA. Hoping for good scan results for your husband in January.

    Hi Paul. We are planning to go to visit our son in SC in December. he has bought tickets for us all to go to see out NBA team that is playing in Atlanta while we are there. Really looking forward to it now that the scans are out of the way. We shared the "scanxiety" term with our oncologist and his PA at MDA. They had never heard it before and they were tickled to death by it.

    Wife of Bill, diagnosed 11/8/2011 T3N2Mx, not a candidate for surgery due to other comorbidities, 2 months induction chemo (bi weekly carboplatin and taxol by infusion and 5FU by continuous 48 hour pump) followed by 6 weeks chemo/radiation (bi weekly carboplatin and taxol by infusion and weekly 5FU by continuous 5 day pump concurrent with radiation). 2nd 3 month check up November 2012 good. Living life until 3rd 3 month check up in February 2013.
  • englishlady
    englishlady Member Posts: 10
    Freida said:

    Hi Englishlady - I am
    Hi Englishlady - I am English also though live in the USA. Hoping for good scan results for your husband in January.

    Hi Paul. We are planning to go to visit our son in SC in December. he has bought tickets for us all to go to see out NBA team that is playing in Atlanta while we are there. Really looking forward to it now that the scans are out of the way. We shared the "scanxiety" term with our oncologist and his PA at MDA. They had never heard it before and they were tickled to death by it.

    Wife of Bill, diagnosed 11/8/2011 T3N2Mx, not a candidate for surgery due to other comorbidities, 2 months induction chemo (bi weekly carboplatin and taxol by infusion and 5FU by continuous 48 hour pump) followed by 6 weeks chemo/radiation (bi weekly carboplatin and taxol by infusion and weekly 5FU by continuous 5 day pump concurrent with radiation). 2nd 3 month check up November 2012 good. Living life until 3rd 3 month check up in February 2013.

    Hi Freida
    As you have guessed I am English but north of you in Alberta Canada.
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Woo Hoo!

    SO GLAD to hear this GOOD news! It's time - you and Bill were due. Please know I think of you often.

    with much Love & many {hugs}

    PROUD wife to Nick, age 49
    lost EC battle, June 19, 2019