Original Notes from Three years ago

lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member
edited November 2012 in Prostate Cancer #1
Pre surgery notes:PSA 5.1, no modules felt digital rectal exam. Carcinoma in 5 of 12 cores from the right side in 70% of the tissue.
Gleason 4 + 3 = 7

From Post surgery specimen - Gleason score 3+4 = 7. With Focal pattern 5. Involving approximately 20% of bilateral prostate.
Carcinoma focally involves the right apical surgical margin.

Bilateral seiminal vesicles negative for tumor. Negative for extraprostatic extension.
Bilateral pelvic, Lymphadenectomy: 9 Lymph nodes, negative for malignancy.
Left margin, excision: Negative for malignancy

Margin: focally positive a tright apex.
Primary Tumor stageing pT2C

Yes, I've always known about the focal pattern 5. Posting as promised for a few friends that I know are interested.

38 month PSA post davinci surgery .2



  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Original notes
    Not much to comment on your original notes. The positive margins at the right apex could have been the “door”, for spread if recurrence is confirmed. In any case, you have mention on another post about perineural invasion (http://csn.cancer.org/node/168903). Probably that was informed to you by your doctor but it is not stated in the path report.

    Wishing you good results in your next test.


    (I believe you wanted to write PSA instead of Gleason at the last sentence above)
  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member

    Original notes
    Not much to comment on your original notes. The positive margins at the right apex could have been the “door”, for spread if recurrence is confirmed. In any case, you have mention on another post about perineural invasion (http://csn.cancer.org/node/168903). Probably that was informed to you by your doctor but it is not stated in the path report.

    Wishing you good results in your next test.


    (I believe you wanted to write PSA instead of Gleason at the last sentence above)

    You are correct Vasco, in
    You are correct Vasco, in the original diagnosis perineural invasion was noted. I only pulled the post surgery notes paperwork when I was giving the update.

    Also You are correct it should have read PSA. Sometimes my fingers are faster than my brain on the keyboard!

    I believe the recurrance is local from the positive margin. Though it is possible it could be related to the perineural invasion. It seems like anything is possible with this beast!

    The past three months have been a whirlwind of activity for me. (Three surgeries - repair to my foot for some issues, followed by an achilles tendon rupture and repair, Same foot! Then a surgery to remove three tumors from my left wrist -found to be non cancerous, one was growing in the main nerve bundle that goes to the left hand and the size of a marble). About 12 days ago I was laid off from work and found new work six days later doing contract work on a computer software package that I have worked on in the past.

    Then the news of my .2 PSA! :)

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    lewvino said:

    You are correct Vasco, in
    You are correct Vasco, in the original diagnosis perineural invasion was noted. I only pulled the post surgery notes paperwork when I was giving the update.

    Also You are correct it should have read PSA. Sometimes my fingers are faster than my brain on the keyboard!

    I believe the recurrance is local from the positive margin. Though it is possible it could be related to the perineural invasion. It seems like anything is possible with this beast!

    The past three months have been a whirlwind of activity for me. (Three surgeries - repair to my foot for some issues, followed by an achilles tendon rupture and repair, Same foot! Then a surgery to remove three tumors from my left wrist -found to be non cancerous, one was growing in the main nerve bundle that goes to the left hand and the size of a marble). About 12 days ago I was laid off from work and found new work six days later doing contract work on a computer software package that I have worked on in the past.

    Then the news of my .2 PSA! :)


    Cheer up buddy !
    Bad times procede the Good ones. Hope all returns into your favour.
