Suggestions for weight gain

CatrinaClarke31 Member Posts: 1
edited November 2012 in Esophageal Cancer #1
My mom has recently went through treatment and continues to lose more weight. Besides ensure etc. any other suggestions for a high calorie liquid for her. the shakes are very boring.


  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Nestle Health Sciences

    Nestle Health Sciences has a whole series of high calorie products focused on people who are under treatment for cancer. They have a high calorie instant breakfast product and a product called BeneCalorie that can be added to other foods to increase their calories.

    They also have a number of recipie suggestions for cancer patients.

    Click Here to go to the Nestle Site

    One word of warning, you were not specific about your mother's treatment, but if she has had an esophagectomy these high calorie products need to be drank or eaten slowly or they can cause "dumping syndrome" AKA diarrhea.

    Of course, I assume your mother's dietitian has talked to her about eating many small meals during the day. I eat approximately 7 small meals every day in order to maintain my nutritional needs.

    If your mother has had surgery recently, it will take her some time to get used to her new digestive system, so she may lose some weight before she gets used to her "new normal".

    I hope you find the Nestle site helpful.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
  • birdiequeen
    birdiequeen Member Posts: 319
    Here are few ideas
    It doesn't have to be prograde protein powder mix....that is just a brand name, any protein powder mix will do.

    Creamy Pumpkin Shake (Alternate Recipe)
    3.5 tbsp. Pumpkin Puree
    1 (Women) – 2 (Men) Scoop(s) Vanilla Prograde Protein Powder
    1 tsp. Pumpkin Pie Spice
    2/3 cup Ice
    2 tbsp. of Whipped Cream (Reddi Wip is best – no hydrogenated oils/trans fat!)
    2/3 cup of Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk or Original Almond Milk
    1 tsp. Truvia (stevia) – optional
    1 tsp. Pure Vanilla Extract
    1 tbsp. Heavy Whipping Cream
    Put the ingredients in a blender, blend away, pour into a glass and enjoy. Top with whipped cream and Pumpkin Pie Spice
    or nutmeg for added flavor.
    Nutritional Information:
    Depending on the types of ingredients you use, this recipe will have about 300–400 calories, 35–45g of protein

    Apple Cinnamon Shake (best for Post-Workout only!)
    1 scoop Vanilla Prograde Protein Powder
    1 cup Applesauce (unsweetened)
    1 tsp. Cinnamon
    2 tbsp. Toasted Wheat Germ
    1 tbsp. Honey
    1/4 cup Water
    1 cup Ice
    Combine all of the ingredients in a blender and process on medium–high until smooth and creamy. Add water 1 tbsp at a
    time if necessary.
    Nutritional Information:
    Calories — 339
    Protein — 27 grams
    Carbs — 56 grams
    Fat — 3 grams
  • gugi1965
    gugi1965 Member Posts: 16
    Hi, can I ask you if liquids
    Hi, can I ask you if liquids are all she is able to drink? We started putting foods in a blender in the begining. My husband could not eat either and ensure does get old. How about mashed potaoes and scrambled eggs for protein. Tell me more about her treatments and maybe I can help. Take care.
  • mlbrooks852
    mlbrooks852 Member Posts: 67
    We use one scoop of whey
    We use one scoop of whey protein -70 cal and 17 gm protein- no flavor); one pkt of benical. -330 cal and 7 gm protein- one tsp sugar 35-40 cal. and 6 oz v8 juice - 40 cal. makes about 500 calories and Dale doesn't mind the taste. It is also something that he can tolerate every day. His MIE was in March of 2010. 3 out of 18 lymph nodes positive. He completed six rounds of Folfox chemo, has been in remission for the past 18 months. We continue go be thankful and to take one day at a time,
  • larry5
    larry5 Member Posts: 10
    Hi Catrina,
    My husband was

    Hi Catrina,

    My husband was diagnosed 1/2010, he had the chemo pump + 2 more chemo treatments every thursday + 33 radiation treatments before a surgery in 4/2010. I bought whey protien from Fred Meyers and put 3 scoops in a milk shake everyday, and he only lost 14lbs. I also bought it to for a friend that had lung cancer who was 89 years old and weighed under 100lbs when she was diagnosed she gained weight and when she ran out she called and asked where to get it. She mixed it with ??slim Fast?? and bananas and strawberrys in a blender every morning. It also helped with energy for both of them. My husband lost about 40lbs after surgery and refused the whey protien, I found Muscle Milk at Vitamin world and he gained 12lbs back.
    I hope this helps.
