First Treatment

I have stage 3 tonsil cancer on left side with left side lymph node involvment. I had my first dose of chemo/cisplatinum this morning and my radiation this afternoon. I had a little reaction to one of the anti nausea med that they tried to give me through the iv (zofran). Once the reaction was dealt with, we continued with the chemo and everything went ok. Had radiation appointment late afternoon and that was ok as well. I managed to eat a good dinner. I am expecting things to get worse but all good for tonight. Will be learning to take one day and/or one minute as a time.

I am sure that I will soon be posting and asking for advise...I am so happy that you are all here to walk this journey with me.

Thank you all!!



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Good start on things Joanie.....
    keep up with your nausea meds, that's important....glad you got a good meal in (get as many as you can now...since rads will play with your tastebuds soon enough)....

    Just keep hanging with us...there are so many really knowledgable people on here, with tips that the Dr.'s don't even know about...practical knowledge by those who lived it.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Good start on things Joanie.....
    keep up with your nausea meds, that's important....glad you got a good meal in (get as many as you can now...since rads will play with your tastebuds soon enough)....

    Just keep hanging with us...there are so many really knowledgable people on here, with tips that the Dr.'s don't even know about...practical knowledge by those who lived it.


    Agree with P51 100% to keep up with the nausea meds. I never did experience any nausea. Hope you don't either. Stay hydrated! Prayers for an easy journey.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    good start
    Hi Joanie,

    Chemo ok, rads ok, dinner good. Perfect, follow this same path everyday and you will do fine.

    Start drinking water, it is good for you. As Phrannie mentioned, stay ahead of the nausea, start to stock up on pain meds, get some Magic Mouth Wash and Lidocaine. Be prepared!


  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    CivilMatt said:

    good start
    Hi Joanie,

    Chemo ok, rads ok, dinner good. Perfect, follow this same path everyday and you will do fine.

    Start drinking water, it is good for you. As Phrannie mentioned, stay ahead of the nausea, start to stock up on pain meds, get some Magic Mouth Wash and Lidocaine. Be prepared!



    What Phrannie and Matt said. Stay ahead of the game on nausea meds now and later when you begin taking pain meds. Pain meds made me sick too and I wasn't expecting to feel so green from them. Drink drink drink! Hydration is key to all things in this journey.
    Come back and check in often to let us know how you are doing and ask questions.
    Get some rest new friend.
  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    Good luck
    Everyone's journey through treatments is a bit different, but one of the most common things is that at some point it will get very difficult--but you'll get past that. In addition to the great advice people have already shared, I would tell you to listen to your body and don't be shy about asking questions or telling people (caregivers and docs) what you are feeling and what you need. Every thing that you can plan ahead for and try to prevent or reduce is one less thing that can sneak up on you in the weeks ahead.

    Also keep in mind that the survival rate for your cancer is very good these days--around 80%. So, you have a great chance of getting back to much of your pre-cancer life--but you have some big challenges in front of you to do that.

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Mikemetz said:

    Good luck
    Everyone's journey through treatments is a bit different, but one of the most common things is that at some point it will get very difficult--but you'll get past that. In addition to the great advice people have already shared, I would tell you to listen to your body and don't be shy about asking questions or telling people (caregivers and docs) what you are feeling and what you need. Every thing that you can plan ahead for and try to prevent or reduce is one less thing that can sneak up on you in the weeks ahead.

    Also keep in mind that the survival rate for your cancer is very good these days--around 80%. So, you have a great chance of getting back to much of your pre-cancer life--but you have some big challenges in front of you to do that.


    You are not alone...
    Keep us updated ...glad most of the first day went smoothly!


  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    So Far, So Good
    My first chemo day, I had a reaction to the Benedryl, of all things - no allergy, they were just pushing it too fast, and apparantly I was sensitive to it. I typically felt GOOD the two days after chemo. Hope you do, too.

    Do well - keep us updated.
  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344
    Pam M said:

    So Far, So Good
    My first chemo day, I had a reaction to the Benedryl, of all things - no allergy, they were just pushing it too fast, and apparantly I was sensitive to it. I typically felt GOOD the two days after chemo. Hope you do, too.

    Do well - keep us updated.

    Keep up the good work and
    Keep up the good work and remember one day at a time. As so many have advised, get through one day and then proceed with the next. Good luck and prayers to you and all on this site

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Welcome Joanie
    I had a very similar Dx...STGIII SCC Right Tonsil and Lymphnode HPV+.

    Nine weeks of Cisplatin, Taxotere and 5FU, then seven additional concurrent Carboplatin and the 35 daily rads.

    Sounds like you have the right attitude, you should do well. Unfortunately we never know how we will react along the journey until we get there.

    Most of us get through with minimal pain and suffering, but a few have a rough go of it.

    But on the positive note, nearly all of us come through the tunnel with great results.

    BTW, my Dx was January 2009, so far all post Tx scans have been clean and clear, not on any meds other than for acid reflux..and all blood work is good.

    Not to say that I didn't go through what nearly all of us do...totally no taste or saliva for a few months. Eventually each started coming back, and after a few months I had enough of both to survive if it never got any better.

    But it did, it took a good two years for me to regain 100% taste and 95% saliva...

    Some are quicker, some aren't, each of us are different...

    Good advice on staying very, very well hydrated...

  • Joanielo
    Joanielo Member Posts: 55
    Skiffin16 said:

    Welcome Joanie
    I had a very similar Dx...STGIII SCC Right Tonsil and Lymphnode HPV+.

    Nine weeks of Cisplatin, Taxotere and 5FU, then seven additional concurrent Carboplatin and the 35 daily rads.

    Sounds like you have the right attitude, you should do well. Unfortunately we never know how we will react along the journey until we get there.

    Most of us get through with minimal pain and suffering, but a few have a rough go of it.

    But on the positive note, nearly all of us come through the tunnel with great results.

    BTW, my Dx was January 2009, so far all post Tx scans have been clean and clear, not on any meds other than for acid reflux..and all blood work is good.

    Not to say that I didn't go through what nearly all of us do...totally no taste or saliva for a few months. Eventually each started coming back, and after a few months I had enough of both to survive if it never got any better.

    But it did, it took a good two years for me to regain 100% taste and 95% saliva...

    Some are quicker, some aren't, each of us are different...

    Good advice on staying very, very well hydrated...


    Thank you!!
    Thank you my friends!! I appreciate the encouragement....Will be in touch soon!!