Living with an AUS- Bikes, etc

Trew Member Posts: 932 Member
edited June 2023 in Prostate Cancer #1
I have had my AUS in now just over a yr. I have not ridden a bike for years and bought one this summer. I can't help but notice, riding a bike- specificly using the bike seat- causes me to leak.

Life with a AUS- how is it going for you?


  • harvs
    harvs Member Posts: 54
    Living with an AUS- Bikes, etc
    Hi Trew,

    I have a stationary bike and have used a split seat by Hobson for years with no problem.
  • ob66
    ob66 Member Posts: 227 Member
    AUS and Bikes
    Have had the AUS for about two years now. You and I corresponded prior to your AUS. Mine has always worked and still works very well, but the idea of a bike seat or even a hard (wooden seated chair) can tend to activate the AUS by itself. I have two nice mountain bikes hanging in the garage. The thought of riding them keeps me from taking them down off their hooks. I rarely have leakage, and it mostly occurs when I am in a hurry after urinating----say at a golf course, but I still wear a Tena pad for security. The thought of tan slacks wetting is not pretty, but not really a worry. I just wish to take no chances.

    I remember distinctly Trew your trials and tribulations with incontinence. I am glad that life is improving for you, especially since you seem to be so active. Best wishes.
  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member
    ob66 said:

    AUS and Bikes
    Have had the AUS for about two years now. You and I corresponded prior to your AUS. Mine has always worked and still works very well, but the idea of a bike seat or even a hard (wooden seated chair) can tend to activate the AUS by itself. I have two nice mountain bikes hanging in the garage. The thought of riding them keeps me from taking them down off their hooks. I rarely have leakage, and it mostly occurs when I am in a hurry after urinating----say at a golf course, but I still wear a Tena pad for security. The thought of tan slacks wetting is not pretty, but not really a worry. I just wish to take no chances.

    I remember distinctly Trew your trials and tribulations with incontinence. I am glad that life is improving for you, especially since you seem to be so active. Best wishes.

    Hi Ob!
    You should get that bike down. I retired and moved to Az this April and just puchased a bike a month ago and i really enjoy it. I just know that if I sit on certain spots I can lose urine.

    I was out backpacking this July in Colorado for 6 days. I noticed if I sat in a certain position on the ground I could leak. But I do not wear pads- I hope to never do that again.

    OK- from harvs I see I might have better results with a different kind of bike seat.

    I will look into it. Good guy support here.

  • guards
    guards Member Posts: 72
    Trew said:

    Hi Ob!
    You should get that bike down. I retired and moved to Az this April and just puchased a bike a month ago and i really enjoy it. I just know that if I sit on certain spots I can lose urine.

    I was out backpacking this July in Colorado for 6 days. I noticed if I sat in a certain position on the ground I could leak. But I do not wear pads- I hope to never do that again.

    OK- from harvs I see I might have better results with a different kind of bike seat.

    I will look into it. Good guy support here.


    Get a recumbent.

    Get a recumbent.
  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    guards said:

    Get a recumbent.

    Get a recumbent.

    That is a good idea for the folks on AUS. laid-back reclining position.
  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member

    That is a good idea for the folks on AUS. laid-back reclining position.

    I want to see the
    I want to see the countryside, feel the wind on my hair, enjoy life!!

    I can't stand those exercise rooms.
  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Trew said:

    I want to see the
    I want to see the countryside, feel the wind on my hair, enjoy life!!

    I can't stand those exercise rooms.

    Easy Rider bikes’

    Take me along with you to that out in the wild country free wind ride. The Easy Rider bikes’ style of Fonda’s movie provides a better posture and one may enjoy the feeling of the wind in their chest hair too. LOL

    Enjoy the trip.
  • mrspjd
    mrspjd Member Posts: 694 Member
    ob66 said:

    AUS and Bikes
    Have had the AUS for about two years now. You and I corresponded prior to your AUS. Mine has always worked and still works very well, but the idea of a bike seat or even a hard (wooden seated chair) can tend to activate the AUS by itself. I have two nice mountain bikes hanging in the garage. The thought of riding them keeps me from taking them down off their hooks. I rarely have leakage, and it mostly occurs when I am in a hurry after urinating----say at a golf course, but I still wear a Tena pad for security. The thought of tan slacks wetting is not pretty, but not really a worry. I just wish to take no chances.

    I remember distinctly Trew your trials and tribulations with incontinence. I am glad that life is improving for you, especially since you seem to be so active. Best wishes.

    Mountain recumbents
    Check out these cool recumbents, including mountain bike recumbents:
  • guards
    guards Member Posts: 72
    mrspjd said:

    Mountain recumbents
    Check out these cool recumbents, including mountain bike recumbents:

    here a little wind lolol
    A tadpole trike at 46 mph and yes they will flip .I have one a these and a two wheel also the tad pole is easier to ride and a bit more relaxing. There are some serios 2 wheel racers! They currently will not allow them to compete in regular bike races.
  • Joenonymous
    Joenonymous Member Posts: 1
    No recumbent talk please

    Hey Trew - Just curious what sort of saddle you wound up with.  I'm in the same position - AUS was installed 1.5 years ago and I'm looking for a saddle that can handle the 'extra equipment' I've got in the undercarrige now.

    Don't mind the subject line - it seems that every discussion I see about this topic gets off course and goes the recumbent route and I'm like you - I just need a to get back in the saddle again!


  • Member Posts: 11 Member
    Hi , sorry I'm new and I don

    Hi , sorry I'm new and I don't know what the AUS is that you all are discussing.

    I had PSA test last October was 4.9 & second test was 5.0.

    I was sent to a urologist at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base Hospital and he did dre and said that it was very large and both sides lumps and hard as a rock and month later biopsy was Gleason 9.

    I am 68 & disabled Vietnam and Cambodia combat wounded veteran with the VA healthcare and no other private healthcare and just the medicare part A.

    I knew several old friends ftp high school that received robotic surgery for radical prostatectomy but they had much lower Gleason score and much higher PSA and was not considered to be aggressive cancer like mine.

    I didn't know anything about the radiation deeds or any other radiation therapy or hormone therapy or any other drugs that could be used for treatment other than surgery to remove the prostate gland and pelvic lymph nodes.

    I only knew what the Lt Colonel Dr Shaw urologist at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base Hospital clinic told me before the biopsy when he felt my prostate gland and said that it is hard as a rock and needs to be removed as soon as possible.

    I know that I should not be looking for alternative ways to treat prostate cancer and mine was considered to be because of agent Orange exposure . That's because I am a Vietnam veteran and I was in the infantry and probably exposed to agent orange herbicides and I get the presumption that it was because of my service in the military.

    But I was already rated at the 100% service connected permanently and totally disabled for PTSD So I have been drawing the maximum amount of monthly compensation already and I have full healthcare and hospitalization and I don't pay for anything.

    So I did get surgery and I didn't get robotic surgery and the open surgery for radical prepubic prostatectomy with pelvic lymph node dissection was done March six at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base Hospital and I almost died from blood clots and fluid in my lungs. I was told before going to hospital for surgery that I would probably be hospitalized for three or four days and discharged.

    I was at the Wright Patterson hospital for ten days and I was on a liquid diet for seven of the days that was terrible because Wright Patterson hospital has chefs as cooks and you get to order the meals from a menu like eating at a nice restaurant and a airman or airwoman from dietary comes around every day to get your choices for each day and although it is the same menu you can order whatever you want to and extra or whatever you want that is for each meal and you can't order breakfast food for lunch or dinner and vice versa.

    The breakfast omelettes are best ever and three or four eggs and you can order whatever you want in the omelette from a list of meat and veggies from bacon and cheese and mushrooms and so much more onions, peppers probably twenty items that you can ask for.

    It was terrible being on the liquid diet but I didn't have a bowel movement for seven days..After ten days Wright Patterson hospital I had to be transferred to VA hospital for more recovery because I couldn't be discharged in my condition.

    I went to Dayton VA Medical Center hospital not to far from the Wright Patterson Air Force Base.

    I asked to be discharged May fifth SO I could go home although I live by myself and no one to help me I wanted to leave.

    I had the catheter removed after fourteen days and it was terrible not being able to control my bladder and urine. It wouldn't stop coming out especially when I stood up and it poured out down my legs and into my shoes or onto the floor and it got little better and I wanted to leave.

    But I still have to wear adult pull up diapers and I have to go to bathroom all the time and can't sleep and have to go sometime two or three times in a hour .

    Sorry I get carried away and not sure what I already said but.

    I had a low PSA results and biopsy of Gleason 9 & they removed my prostate gland and pelvic lymph nodes and during the surgery the two nerves to my penis were removed and because the tumor was large and I have cancer in my connecting tissue of my bladder and they cut into the sphincter and I just finished my seven weeks of radiation therapy treatments and I noticed that the blood in my urine is gone .

    But I very depressed and all the urination and peeing my pants about once a day when I had to go to radiation therapy and then to grocery store and couple other errands and I park in the front of my house and pee my pants before I get out or try hurrying to go to bathroom and pee my pants before I get to bathroom.


  • Grinder
    Grinder Member Posts: 487 Member

    Roger.. I can't give you any recommendation about RT since I had DaVinci surgery, but didn't the urologist tell you to pick up boxes of Depends Adult pads for incontinence?! They are not terribly expensive... You can get maximum or minimum absorption, in pads or even underwear. You can go comfortably into public wearing them and keep a couple in the pockets of your cargo pants or in your glove compartment in case you need a quick change. My wife used to kid me about now I know what it's like for women around every month. 

  • Grinder
    Grinder Member Posts: 487 Member

    The incontinence is normal after surgery.... The AUS they are describing is an artificial urinary sphincter. You can read all about them in this forum just by using the search engine. 

    Also there are guys here more familiar with your predicament and can probably give you a better prognosis than I can whether or not you will need an AUS implanted, or whether you will eventually regain continence after a few months to a year.... Are you sure the urologist never talked to you about incontinence? If he did not, the guys in the prostate cancer forums like this will give you plenty of advice once they log on here and see your post.

    I'm fact, you should start a new thread asking for advice instead of posting on an old thread. That may get their attention faster.

    And no need to worry, you can handle this, it's a matter of adaptation to your circumstances and figuring out your best alternatives.

  • GeneRose1
    GeneRose1 Member Posts: 64
    edited August 2017 #15
    Roger - VA Support for Incontinence

    Roger, If you don't want to shell out the money for Depends undergarments, the VA has their version that they will issue to you on a regular basis. I have severe incontinence that was a consequence of my RP surgery and much prefer Depends over anything else. Walgreens has Senior Citizens Day, first Tuesday of every month, and I'm able to stock up for the next 30 days at that time for a very reasonable price. Cheer Up Man! It could be a hell of a lot worse and there are a bunch of new meds and treatment strategies coming out that are going to keep you around for a long, long time. Did you get a new dog? Getting fitted with an AUS, Artificial Urinary Spincter, is definitely on my Things To Do List. The trick is to find a surgeon who is experienced and competent in installing these wonders and hoping that you didn't get fitted with one that has some sort of defect. Spend a little time here researching old threads from others as this is a frequent topic of discussion. Why don't you start a new thread about dealing with incontiinence or the AUS/AMS 800? I would be pretty interested to see all the advise you'd get. Got to run. All your talk about the best omelets ever (at an Air Force Base!!) has made me powerfully hungry. Best/Gene

  • RobLee
    RobLee Member Posts: 269 Member
    I had the Artificial Urinary

    I had the Artificial Urinary Spincter implant surgery three months ago. I did extensive research beforehand, interviewed surgeons, even got to play with one. I read every post on every message board that I could find form others who had the device implanted. Even though I did everything right, everything went wrong. Long story. Anyway, it is working now. It is uncomfortable, even painful at times. I know that MOST men who have it had a simple procedure as was promised to me, so my story is not the norm. Most others are pleased with the outcome.

    I was only about 50% continent beforehand, and it was necessary to get the device so that I could proceed with salvage radiation. It still leaks a little and I still have to wear a light pad in everything, even pajamas. I have to put a yellow washcloth in my swimsuit when it is dry then remove it before getting in the water.  But at least now I CAN WEAR a swimsuit, and shorts. Before that I used a condom catheter most of the time with long trousers and would sometimes switch to diapers to allow my shaft to recover from the adhesive.

    Again, this is not the norm. But having the implant will change your life. Just as cancer and RP and incontinence changed my life, having the AUS means you can't just pee, you have to squeeze the device to let go. It takes some getting used to.

  • G_Man
    G_Man Member Posts: 1 Member

    Has anyone tried the recumbent trikes like the Catrike? There is no typical bike seat and no saddle horn to deal with. I see them on the bike path on Cape Cod and it looks very comfortable and like a lot of fun. I am hoping to test ride one in the coming weeks. They are expensive but it is a way to get back to some type of cycling.

  • rb2022
    rb2022 Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hello, I just had my AUS activated and it is working with normal daily activities, only needing a thin pad for the whole day, but when sitting on bike seat (even with cutout) certain movements still make me leak quite a bit. I will have to try some more seats, but luckily I have my ElliptiGO (standup bike) that I can always ride. It has always been my go to bike when I had all sorts of injuries etc.. and lets me do outdoor riding. I also feel safer on it because you are tall and upright when riding it. No saddle soreness or leaking. :)

  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member

    Harvs, thanks for the recommendation.

    I'll take a look at it. So far I have not found a bike seat that works for me.

  • Tico14
    Tico14 Member Posts: 55 Member


    If you complain to the VA about the undergarments they're supplying you, tell them! I did and requested Depends and have been getting them from the VA ever since.