
First post-treatment scan Tuesday, get the results Thursday. Now I know what all of you mean by scanxiety. Trying to stay positive but those doubts just creep in my mind all the time. Especially in the middle of the night when I wake up, my mind just starts racing with all the what ifs? But I am going to think NED as much as I can thru the next few days and I know I have lots of people praying for me, so I just know it is going to be good news.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    all clear ahead

    Well you just give those “doubts’ notice to creep on out, because you are looking for a clean scan.

    Good luck, clean scan and keep on healing.


  • Joel4
    Joel4 Member Posts: 263 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    all clear ahead

    Well you just give those “doubts’ notice to creep on out, because you are looking for a clean scan.

    Good luck, clean scan and keep on healing.



    I just got scan results from a CT scan this past Thursday. I am two and a half years out and the anxiety was off the charts.
    I felt as nervous prior to my appointment as I did when they told me I had cancer.
    My blood pressure which is usually around 120 over 80 was 155 over 81. I was beside myself.
    My doctor comes in and has the really down look on his face and he sounded quite grim so my wide and I kind of exchanged worried glances.
    After a couple of nervous moments the news was good, my exam went well, and we were out the door feeling like we were on cloud nine and that is exactly how expect you will feel after you get your results!
    It turned out that he was looking down and sounding grim because he has laryngitis.
    Anyway, I'll be thinking and praying for you, try and stay positive and expect the best.
  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344
    Joel4 said:

    I just got scan results from a CT scan this past Thursday. I am two and a half years out and the anxiety was off the charts.
    I felt as nervous prior to my appointment as I did when they told me I had cancer.
    My blood pressure which is usually around 120 over 80 was 155 over 81. I was beside myself.
    My doctor comes in and has the really down look on his face and he sounded quite grim so my wide and I kind of exchanged worried glances.
    After a couple of nervous moments the news was good, my exam went well, and we were out the door feeling like we were on cloud nine and that is exactly how expect you will feel after you get your results!
    It turned out that he was looking down and sounding grim because he has laryngitis.
    Anyway, I'll be thinking and praying for you, try and stay positive and expect the best.

    We are still in treatment
    We are still in treatment phase so have not had the torture of scan anxiety yet. I can only imagine what this must be like to go thru. If only you could just go thru all the treatment and then they could say you are cured....end of story. but, to have to endure all the treatment and then have to always worry about the next scan is mind boggling. God bless all of you... cancer is BS with a capital B and a capital S.
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Oh honey....I can't relate to the syndrome yet....
    but I know I'll be wearing your shoes when my scan is done....anxiety PLUS. Now and again in our grown up lives we WANT something sooooo bad, we seem to lose our one day at a time, one foot in front of the other....even after ALL the practice we've had!!

    I'm sending you good vibes, good juju, positive thoughts, and prayers too (I'll even cross all my digits)...for a NED for you...

  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660

    Oh honey....I can't relate to the syndrome yet....
    but I know I'll be wearing your shoes when my scan is done....anxiety PLUS. Now and again in our grown up lives we WANT something sooooo bad, we seem to lose our one day at a time, one foot in front of the other....even after ALL the practice we've had!!

    I'm sending you good vibes, good juju, positive thoughts, and prayers too (I'll even cross all my digits)...for a NED for you...


    Hey BWG
    Yes, most of us have gone thru a good portion of our lives not waiting for a Machine to tell us where we stand on our trip thru life so its only reasonable to have anxiety. I know I recently had CT scan but until all three doctors on the team pronounced NED I was nervous. Now per my request a PET scan will be done before the end of the year so the insurance can pick up the tab and Im nervous about that and thats after a clear CT. So although I get your fears I will pray for your NED report.
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Holding positive thoughts for you.
    I see a NED in your future... All will be well. Believe!

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    D Lewis said:

    Holding positive thoughts for you.
    I see a NED in your future... All will be well. Believe!


    Just placed an order for NED !!!!!
    Should be in Thursday with your name all over it !!! :) ":)

    I know how you feel...hang in there and that day the sky will be blue'r and the grass more green!! :)


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Positives sent !
    Hey there ! Try to just float through the next couple of days....if we think of all the negatives we waste so much precious time. Positively will be NED...period. Joining the group with good positive thoughts for you girl ! Katie
  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Positives sent !
    Hey there ! Try to just float through the next couple of days....if we think of all the negatives we waste so much precious time. Positively will be NED...period. Joining the group with good positive thoughts for you girl ! Katie

    Positive thoughts!
    I was anxious until I had the PET scan done. Waiting the weekend for results wasn't as bad as I anticipated. I felt like once the test was done that the handwriting was on the wall and worry would not change it. I made a decision if the results were bad I would deal with them but until that time it was needless worry. Thankful results were good. I pray for good results for you.
  • boardwalkgirl
    boardwalkgirl Member Posts: 269
    Thanks everyone for the
    Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. You have helped me get thru this far. Just a few more days and I will have my answer.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Majority Rules...
    Based on the results of many on here, the odds are in your favor....

    Stay positive and try to're done with treatment.

    Besides, the PET scanxiety next year will be worse... :)

  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Majority Rules...
    Based on the results of many on here, the odds are in your favor....

    Stay positive and try to're done with treatment.

    Besides, the PET scanxiety next year will be worse... :)


    Evil laugh... Bwa ha ha ha ha
    John you are not helping.
