Time to give volunteering a shot.

Well after 37 years of working at one location (I retired shortly after I was dx) I felt like I was going to the 1st day of school when I went into our local hospital today to see about being a volunteer. I had filled out a request over the internet and got a call from them to come in. I went in this morning, the Hospital is only 2 miles from our home. I had my meeting today and the lady thinks I should do just fine. Looks like I can do from 4 to 12 hours a week which will allow me some time for them and for myself. I was getting bored just sitting at home waiting for Diane to get home from work so Im hoping this will help with that issue along with helping the Hospital. Looks like I will be the one greeting folks and directing them or taking them to their destination, maybe deliver flowers or what ever may come up. Most of you know by now I use crutches and a wheelchair so I would be using the chair in the hospital, at least it will be accessable. So its now time to be a volunteer and I think I may do ok, time will tell.


  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    That's great

    You will do great, my favorite type of people are those that Volunteer in what ever fashion that they choose.

    I volunteer with our local Marine Corps League. It is good to have something scheduled to do at your own choosing. Don't wear yourself down though.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I think you'll be wonderful at this....
    there's more than just taking people to their destination, and delivering flowers...there's that people contact...and many of the people you will be showing where to go, or taking flowers to will be scared, or fretful...and you have a knack for talking people when they are in need...I know, cuz I've been a recipient of your talent.

    I think besides keeping the boredom at bay, you're going to find this very fullfilling/satisfying.

  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660

    I think you'll be wonderful at this....
    there's more than just taking people to their destination, and delivering flowers...there's that people contact...and many of the people you will be showing where to go, or taking flowers to will be scared, or fretful...and you have a knack for talking people when they are in need...I know, cuz I've been a recipient of your talent.

    I think besides keeping the boredom at bay, you're going to find this very fullfilling/satisfying.


    Thanks Marine and P51
    Yes it will be full filling and I think the last 6 months of dealing with cancer will also help me in the form of peoples needs and fears. Hope so.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    You can come and take care of my lawn for me if you want.....

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    here comes ditto 1
    Ditto 1,

    I think you are doing a fine thing. Something I might have trouble doing. Ever since my diagnosis of cancer my emotions are at the surface and have run amok. Every time a serious thread pops up I feel myself welling up inside (maybe I should go back on Lorazapam). Anyway, I am proud of what you are doing and I hope you get a lot of enjoyment from it. I think I would rather volunteer and rake someone’s leaves for them.


  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    CivilMatt said:

    here comes ditto 1
    Ditto 1,

    I think you are doing a fine thing. Something I might have trouble doing. Ever since my diagnosis of cancer my emotions are at the surface and have run amok. Every time a serious thread pops up I feel myself welling up inside (maybe I should go back on Lorazapam). Anyway, I am proud of what you are doing and I hope you get a lot of enjoyment from it. I think I would rather volunteer and rake someone’s leaves for them.



    Thats news to me John
    I did not think leaves fell off trees in Florida, how do they know to let go of leaves when the temps allways says summer time. Matt I to (dont tell anyone)find since going thru cancer tx I can sometimes get teary just watching the birds flying south or the commercial where the father and daughter are skyping each other, mom has passed. So hopefully I will be able to get them to there destination dry eyed.
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    ditto1 said:

    Thats news to me John
    I did not think leaves fell off trees in Florida, how do they know to let go of leaves when the temps allways says summer time. Matt I to (dont tell anyone)find since going thru cancer tx I can sometimes get teary just watching the birds flying south or the commercial where the father and daughter are skyping each other, mom has passed. So hopefully I will be able to get them to there destination dry eyed.

    pass the tissues
    That Father Daughter is great.

    See you later crocodile
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Special people !
    You my friend are one of them ! I too want to volunteer in one form or the other. Have to get through with all these darn tests and results first come Nov 1st. I have the ability and need to reach out to others that need a goofy smile....mine is a little crooked due to surgery...and just say hey. I will probably see if I can help out at our local food shelf or at the care center I worked at for 11 yrs. Thank you for inspiring this entire board of wonderful people to continue to live life to the fullest. You and your wife are awsome ! Katie
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi ditto
    What a wonderful idea, you will truly be a blessing to many others who are in need of support or just someone to talk too.

    God’s blessing to you as you bless others with your kindness and love.
    Tim Hondo
  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    Hondo said:

    Hi ditto
    What a wonderful idea, you will truly be a blessing to many others who are in need of support or just someone to talk too.

    God’s blessing to you as you bless others with your kindness and love.
    Tim Hondo

    Thank you all
    for your kind words. I just love you folks
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    ditto1 said:

    Thank you all
    for your kind words. I just love you folks

    I love it...
    Candy striper Ditto1 ...hahahaaaha..just kidding of course (oh, if you did not konw what that term meant, it was affectionately subscribed to the hospital volunteers in my old area of Florida where they wore these outfits that looked like striped candy ) :):)



    Wish I could convince my mother to volunteer...jeez...she needs to get out of the house after losing dad over a year ago! :)
  • blackswampboy
    blackswampboy Member Posts: 341
    turning the cancer lemon into lemonade.

    bless you in your new endeavor.