
camul Member Posts: 2,537
Thank you for the information. Actually, I do read all of your posts and have learned a lot from you. I realize thatbafter so many years of going through this you are very informed and you have been very helpful. I hope you keep posting, as your knowledge is helpfulnfor all of us.

Thanks again for the info.


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    I wish your journey could be easy
    I know it has been long hard jorney for you.
    Often we do not want to know the truth being on denial is easy and should allowed and respected. It is a personal choice and coping tool.
    Yes in fact your knowledge has helped many.
    Thank you
  • heart-in-hand
    heart-in-hand Member Posts: 92
    Missing you Doris
    Don't go away. This is too hard to do without encouragement. We are just imperfect people trying to help when our hearts are strong enough and reaching out for help when our strength is gone. I hope that you will post again real soon.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Missing you Doris
    Don't go away. This is too hard to do without encouragement. We are just imperfect people trying to help when our hearts are strong enough and reaching out for help when our strength is gone. I hope that you will post again real soon.


    Come out .. Come out .. Where ever you are, DORIS!!!
    We miss you .. and value your input --- We are family, and miss you, your posting
    and valuable input.

    Strong WARRIOR .. please come back to us.

    Vicki Sam
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Doris, you must come back!
    Doris, you must come back! I can't be the only "old timer" on this board. You have a unique voice and, although we don't always agree, I respect your opinions and you have me exploring new avenues of thought.
  • Attygirl
    Attygirl Member Posts: 121
    Don't know what happened...
    but please don't go. We value you and care about you.
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    SIROD... I do hope you stay
    SIROD... I do hope you stay on as your presence and knowledge are needed and wanted. Please stay and continue to walk( journey) with us.
  • tufi000
    tufi000 Member Posts: 745 Member
    Dear Doris
    Perhaps you do not realize how much your depth and knowledge and perspective and priorities are so helpful to us here. For me, and you know my crappy attitude, I have a tremendous amount of respect for your posts because they clarify and inform us for the real world without emotional embellishments that can keep us in the dark dark holes we fall in to.

    YOU are so need here, and that is a selfish, pure and sincere statement girl! Like Cynthia, we have reaped the rewards of you for years and do not want to lose it.

    You are a very special woman. I understand that you must do what is good for you, but I can try to make it difficult!

    Take care,
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I don't know what happened,
    I don't know what happened, but we loose so many to complications of this nasty disease or to the cancer itself. I just cant stand it if we loose someone to a little tension and disagreement. Especially when that someone has so much to share and give to the rest of us. Please stay with us Doris.


  • tufi000
    tufi000 Member Posts: 745 Member
    found it
    The post about BC awareness month
    Doris got blasted for her thoroughness, intelligence, and clarity. When faced with a wall of ignorance all the hugs and sweetie-pie BS does not help the discouragement she must feel.
    I read what some of the peeps here said to her and I do not blame her for retreating. Having taken a hiatus from this site myself and a partial one right now as a matter of fact, I totally understand why she feels she has better things to do with her time.
    Doris is in the horrible place we all dread and did not need the attacks thrown at her for her desire to inform and educate the rest of us.
    Cancer doesn't only happen to good people. Cancer doesn't always make you stronger. cancer often leaves a person without resources, treatment, support, and comfort of loved ones.
    If your life is a mess, it wasn't cancer that did it and no one here can fix your life.
    If you choose to be ignorant, that's your business, but to attack someone whose only desire is to help, so that you can continue to be in denial about your life...
    Let her go. Been there, done that.
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    tufi000 said:

    found it
    The post about BC awareness month
    Doris got blasted for her thoroughness, intelligence, and clarity. When faced with a wall of ignorance all the hugs and sweetie-pie BS does not help the discouragement she must feel.
    I read what some of the peeps here said to her and I do not blame her for retreating. Having taken a hiatus from this site myself and a partial one right now as a matter of fact, I totally understand why she feels she has better things to do with her time.
    Doris is in the horrible place we all dread and did not need the attacks thrown at her for her desire to inform and educate the rest of us.
    Cancer doesn't only happen to good people. Cancer doesn't always make you stronger. cancer often leaves a person without resources, treatment, support, and comfort of loved ones.
    If your life is a mess, it wasn't cancer that did it and no one here can fix your life.
    If you choose to be ignorant, that's your business, but to attack someone whose only desire is to help, so that you can continue to be in denial about your life...
    Let her go. Been there, done that.

    Thank You
    Thank you Sherry for your kindness.

    For the person who flagged this post.

    I don't knock the good work that Nancy Brinker has done for breast cancer. She did take it out of the closet and tied a big pink bow on it. She gave awareness to the disease that was only whispered about in the back kitchen with only female relatives. She made women and men feel good about their disease instead of hiding it as though it was something to be ashamed of having and called them appropriately "Survivors". Her foundation given a lot back to the community in forms of paying for tests and mammograms. I applaud her.

    However, the Komen's Foundation gives more money to awareness than research. Awareness we have, and it won't give us a cure. Research on the only stage that kills is what is needed now. Instead of flagging, why not join the effort for the funds to go towards stage IV research.

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    SIROD said:

    Thank You
    Thank you Sherry for your kindness.

    For the person who flagged this post.

    I don't knock the good work that Nancy Brinker has done for breast cancer. She did take it out of the closet and tied a big pink bow on it. She gave awareness to the disease that was only whispered about in the back kitchen with only female relatives. She made women and men feel good about their disease instead of hiding it as though it was something to be ashamed of having and called them appropriately "Survivors". Her foundation given a lot back to the community in forms of paying for tests and mammograms. I applaud her.

    However, the Komen's Foundation gives more money to awareness than research. Awareness we have, and it won't give us a cure. Research on the only stage that kills is what is needed now. Instead of flagging, why not join the effort for the funds to go towards stage IV research.


    Thank You
    I wish to thank you all for caring about me and I guess I'm back.

    Best to you all,

  • tufi000
    tufi000 Member Posts: 745 Member
    SIROD said:

    Thank You
    Thank you Sherry for your kindness.

    For the person who flagged this post.

    I don't knock the good work that Nancy Brinker has done for breast cancer. She did take it out of the closet and tied a big pink bow on it. She gave awareness to the disease that was only whispered about in the back kitchen with only female relatives. She made women and men feel good about their disease instead of hiding it as though it was something to be ashamed of having and called them appropriately "Survivors". Her foundation given a lot back to the community in forms of paying for tests and mammograms. I applaud her.

    However, the Komen's Foundation gives more money to awareness than research. Awareness we have, and it won't give us a cure. Research on the only stage that kills is what is needed now. Instead of flagging, why not join the effort for the funds to go towards stage IV research.


    Got your PM
    I appreciate your comments and regret I have been flagged for not being the pussycat we are supposed to be here.
    I continue to respect the *&^%$# out of you! Defending truth, the best intentions, and being seen as flaggable is scary.
    Hasn't this disease been enough of a challenge in our lives that our priorities have been adjusted to eliminate the trivial and allow us to let people be?!?!?!?!?

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    tufi000 said:

    Got your PM
    I appreciate your comments and regret I have been flagged for not being the pussycat we are supposed to be here.
    I continue to respect the *&^%$# out of you! Defending truth, the best intentions, and being seen as flaggable is scary.
    Hasn't this disease been enough of a challenge in our lives that our priorities have been adjusted to eliminate the trivial and allow us to let people be?!?!?!?!?


    We Need To Be Proud Of The Women Who Are Living...
    with this disease.

    Breast cancer had it start as "active" when women such as Shirley Temple, Betty Ford, Happy Rockefeller, Nancy Reagan began to talk about publicly. There wasn't enough women at the time to talk about Stage IV. Now there are a lot of women alive, living with that stage. I would think that is something to be very, very proud about. We haven't cured breast cancer but we have taken some steps to allow many women to live a long time with this awful disease.

    Being afraid of stage IV is as bad as when people would not talk about breast cancer. Do we always have to start inventing the wheel.

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    SIROD said:

    We Need To Be Proud Of The Women Who Are Living...
    with this disease.

    Breast cancer had it start as "active" when women such as Shirley Temple, Betty Ford, Happy Rockefeller, Nancy Reagan began to talk about publicly. There wasn't enough women at the time to talk about Stage IV. Now there are a lot of women alive, living with that stage. I would think that is something to be very, very proud about. We haven't cured breast cancer but we have taken some steps to allow many women to live a long time with this awful disease.

    Being afraid of stage IV is as bad as when people would not talk about breast cancer. Do we always have to start inventing the wheel.


    As I read I thought
    As I read the posts I thought I was going to ask Doris to come back but she is.Good news.We need you.

    I don't know what happened I missed the post.Haven't been on here for a couple days or I could have missed it.We all have different opinions.I've been through alot and my journey has been easy Stage 0 but I have depression like others.And when someone adds to it I have to lay back and bite the bullet.Sometimes even if a friend I back off from them.Going through some rough times now and worries me to be Depressed/ Stressed. I've been irratible and never that way.My husband asked me what's wrong??? It's just alot of things like I'm sure the way you feel Doris.

    Welcome Back Doris

    Lynn Smith
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    SIROD said:

    Thank You
    Thank you Sherry for your kindness.

    For the person who flagged this post.

    I don't knock the good work that Nancy Brinker has done for breast cancer. She did take it out of the closet and tied a big pink bow on it. She gave awareness to the disease that was only whispered about in the back kitchen with only female relatives. She made women and men feel good about their disease instead of hiding it as though it was something to be ashamed of having and called them appropriately "Survivors". Her foundation given a lot back to the community in forms of paying for tests and mammograms. I applaud her.

    However, the Komen's Foundation gives more money to awareness than research. Awareness we have, and it won't give us a cure. Research on the only stage that kills is what is needed now. Instead of flagging, why not join the effort for the funds to go towards stage IV research.


    Doris, I am glad you are staying on. I was unaware
    of the above mentioned posts, but as a stage IV bc, it is very disheartening knowing that only 2% of all monies collected go towards advanced bc research which is amazing when we have over 70,000 new stage IV every year adding to the ranks. 30% of those diagnosed with bc will advance to stage IV, and we lose approximately 41,000 men and women annually. This has been an issue with everything pink for me. We have the awareness now lets do more research!!

    As a stage IV, I am a METAvivor, and for anyone wanting more info you can google METAvivor. The goal is to try and get 30% of the funds to go to advanced research as 30% is the number of those diagnosed with bc that will end up stage IV, and there is no cure YET for stage IV, hoever if we could get more adv research funding maybe we could find a cure in some of our lifetimes.
  • debsweb18
    debsweb18 Member Posts: 191 Member

    As I read I thought
    As I read the posts I thought I was going to ask Doris to come back but she is.Good news.We need you.

    I don't know what happened I missed the post.Haven't been on here for a couple days or I could have missed it.We all have different opinions.I've been through alot and my journey has been easy Stage 0 but I have depression like others.And when someone adds to it I have to lay back and bite the bullet.Sometimes even if a friend I back off from them.Going through some rough times now and worries me to be Depressed/ Stressed. I've been irratible and never that way.My husband asked me what's wrong??? It's just alot of things like I'm sure the way you feel Doris.

    Welcome Back Doris

    Lynn Smith

    My 2 cents worth
    First of all, don't misunderstand me, I'm not disagreeing with anyone or taking any sides. These are just my thoughts. And I'm in the mood tonight to express my opinion :) I do think research is more important than awareness, although I think awareness is important. But forget about stages- I wish research would find a cure so that NONE of us would have to be considered ANY stage once treated. I'm not stage iv, at least that I know of, but do any of us know for sure since we're not "cured"? Although my risk of mets is supposedly low, you never know and I would like to not be scared about it returning. I wish none of us had to have this disease and I hate even more that there's no treatment that's not a cure- for ANY of us! I wish this board could be "Former Breast Cancer Patients-cured survivors"!

    Lynn- are you taking an IA (ie Arimidex)or any other meds? After being on it for 8-9 months I became VERY irritable. So much I noticed it myself, no one had to tell me:). I noticed an immediate improvement after changing to Femara. Have you talked to your Dr? Hope you feel better!

  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    Doris, welcome back! I enjoy
    Doris, welcome back! I enjoy reading your posts on education for this illness. I've learned from you.
  • ManWithaMission
    ManWithaMission Member Posts: 497
    Free Speech
    Let me state that I am very upset that someone here would "flag" anyone eles's post here as offensive because they don't agree with your own feelings or ideas. tufi000/Sherry spoke up for SIROD/Doris comments in another post and now SHE is being "FLAGED"? Shame on you!

    I do agree with some that Doris could have started her own discussion post to get her point across,but I also belive that some came down waayyy too hard on her for her position for Stage IV metastic breast cancer and it's organizations. Don't kill the messenger. She was also right about Breast Cancer foundations that send no money to research. We have a whole month of "awearness",now lets get a whole month of money for that research!

    Doris and Sherry, I'm so glad you are here to keep this ship on an "even keal" with your points of view. I once got "dumped on" by this board for my point of view on a subject. Their was so much "hatered' coming at me I thought I was in mortal danger here. Needless to say that I did not post for the next couple of years after that. I'm glad you came back sooner,Doris.

    Let's try to stop the "petty' bickering and start pulling together helping the Pinks of any stage stand up and fight this beast. Lets have some fun doing it,too!

    A Pink Brother
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    tufi000 said:

    found it
    The post about BC awareness month
    Doris got blasted for her thoroughness, intelligence, and clarity. When faced with a wall of ignorance all the hugs and sweetie-pie BS does not help the discouragement she must feel.
    I read what some of the peeps here said to her and I do not blame her for retreating. Having taken a hiatus from this site myself and a partial one right now as a matter of fact, I totally understand why she feels she has better things to do with her time.
    Doris is in the horrible place we all dread and did not need the attacks thrown at her for her desire to inform and educate the rest of us.
    Cancer doesn't only happen to good people. Cancer doesn't always make you stronger. cancer often leaves a person without resources, treatment, support, and comfort of loved ones.
    If your life is a mess, it wasn't cancer that did it and no one here can fix your life.
    If you choose to be ignorant, that's your business, but to attack someone whose only desire is to help, so that you can continue to be in denial about your life...
    Let her go. Been there, done that.

    Let me just state that as a member since 2004 this is the most benign comment I have ever seen flagged and I personally find no offense in it whatsoever since you were simply stating what had occurred as others had no clue! We occasionally rant and rave at each other kind of like siblingS do but we also support each other to the hilt. I freely admit that I have flagged posts before but they were selling stuff like purses and such. Tufi love ya gal and am proud to be associated with you!


  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Free Speech
    Let me state that I am very upset that someone here would "flag" anyone eles's post here as offensive because they don't agree with your own feelings or ideas. tufi000/Sherry spoke up for SIROD/Doris comments in another post and now SHE is being "FLAGED"? Shame on you!

    I do agree with some that Doris could have started her own discussion post to get her point across,but I also belive that some came down waayyy too hard on her for her position for Stage IV metastic breast cancer and it's organizations. Don't kill the messenger. She was also right about Breast Cancer foundations that send no money to research. We have a whole month of "awearness",now lets get a whole month of money for that research!

    Doris and Sherry, I'm so glad you are here to keep this ship on an "even keal" with your points of view. I once got "dumped on" by this board for my point of view on a subject. Their was so much "hatered' coming at me I thought I was in mortal danger here. Needless to say that I did not post for the next couple of years after that. I'm glad you came back sooner,Doris.

    Let's try to stop the "petty' bickering and start pulling together helping the Pinks of any stage stand up and fight this beast. Lets have some fun doing it,too!

    A Pink Brother

    AMEN ...
    We are family -- and I VALUE each and every one of you Sisters and Brothers in
    PINK. I also value your insight, voice, right to vent, and right to present
    research, offer advice, and share in your joy as well as, your sorrow.

    I come back after each and every passing of a beloved Sister -- so I can play
    it forward. My heart aches, my body and mind become numb at the thought that
    here we are in the 21st Century - and there is still NO cure for Cancer. I have
    HOPE that one day, there will be a cure.

    When I think of taking a break from our board, I can't .. I feel empty, and selfish.
    The love, and support that was provided to me during my breast cancer journey - was unbelievable. Some of the Research, and Stats provided on this board -- scared me, but made me more cognitive of what the beast is all about -- as well as what options were
    available to me.

    Each and every Warrior has brought light, and joy to my soul.

    Thank you all so much.

    Vicki Sam