
luvofmylif Member Posts: 344
edited October 2012 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Today my husband went for IV fluid replacement before he had his radiation treatment. He had Cisplatin on Friday and so they gave him IV fluids yesterday and today. While we were getting the fluids, a young girl , probably mid twenties came in for chemo. She looked so ill and I know from the conversation she had on the phone that she had children. It suddenly struck me how cruel cancer is. This was our third time in the infusion center and each time I have seen so many young adults. One of the patients had her baby with her.

I guess it's made me realize how lucky my husband and I are. Cancer is never fair but it just seems more cruel when I see young people with it. It was a reality check and I will not say " why us" anymore. I will say, " why anyone?" They shouldn't have to be facing this at such a young age.

My heart aches for all who suffer from this cruel disease called cancer.



  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    You are right
    I saw a St Jude commercial about 3 years ago showing some of the bravest people I had ever seen, children with cancer. Obviously I was not anticipating dealing with cancer myself but when I was dx I just looked at the pictures of children from St Jude in my Picture Cabinet which is full of Angel statues and the pictures. Some as young as 1 year old. I have been donating to St Jude since I saw that commercial so I receive information on the children along with their pictures. Recently they sent us a calender, it broke my heart when on the back of the calendar a 16 year boy was sharing his poem about fighting cancer, and then I saw We regret to say he passed away just under his name. Each morning when I woke up dealing with my cancer I would look at all the childrens faces and remind myself cancer sucks but if these children can handle it with such bravery and grace I will try as well (not saying I always succeded but I tried. So back to your point YES CANCER STINKS, and it tears up so many but for the young its just that much more frustrating. Ive had 56 years on this earth and I would love another few years, but these young folks have so much before them, and cancer should not take that away. So we all just need to keep praying for each other and a cure for the beast.
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    nice thread
    Hi Joan,

    Why any of us is correct. Lucky one is a loaded statement, especially when comparing treatment side effects. I thought I had bad neck burn until Tim showed us his upper torso burn. Wow, was I lucky. It truly is about perspective and the ability to feel compassion for others.

    Tim, You look pretty good (healthy) now; more healing to you.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    I had the same eye opening experience when I went to Mayo with my brother when he had cancer. When you get on the shuttle and sit next to a child who has lost their hair you suddenly know the battle they are fighting and the devastation their young parents and grandparents are feeling. It certainly does put things in a different perspective. For my brother's birthday and Christmas I now give a donation to the Ronald McDonald House in Rochester. It's a reminder to both my brother and I just how blessed we are. There were times when I started to ask "why me" and I would think of the young children and young adults and thought if I was taking a bullet instead of a younger person then so be it.
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Do I feel lucky?
    Why, yes, I do. And grateful.

    Deb (Happy to be here! Happy to be anywhere!)
  • Greend
    Greend Member Posts: 678
    D Lewis said:

    Do I feel lucky?
    Why, yes, I do. And grateful.

    Deb (Happy to be here! Happy to be anywhere!)

    I always felt blessed during treatments when I saw so many people who were so much sicker that I and many with no means to even pay for needed basic meds. Then I got a real dose of humility/reality and realized how truly blessed I am after several trips to Walter Reed and Bethesda Hospital(s)visiting with our wounded military. I found it hard to complain after that. They were life changing events.
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Thank you Joan !
    I so totally agree with you and others with this one. I have been doing alot of reading on new and up and coming trials and the wonderful results that are gaining people better quality of life and putting their dx's in remission. I have real hope that maybe not in our lifetime but sooner than later a real cure will be found for this demon. Great post thanks Joan ! Katie
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I felt the same way during chemo treatments....
    when I'd be in there with too many young folks. One girl who was also a "Tues. person" was there everytime I was in there...I remember the day she had her final chemo...her parents, husband, brothers and sisters all came up with flowers and was a big celebration. There was an article in the paper about her last Sunday...turns out she is 31 with two little kids...and it said her colon cancer had made a return to her liver and her lung. I felt so bad knowing that now she's back having more chemo.

    She's a brave little gal, tho....very positive thinker...and doing treatment all over again one foot in front of the other....

  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695

    I felt the same way during chemo treatments....
    when I'd be in there with too many young folks. One girl who was also a "Tues. person" was there everytime I was in there...I remember the day she had her final chemo...her parents, husband, brothers and sisters all came up with flowers and was a big celebration. There was an article in the paper about her last Sunday...turns out she is 31 with two little kids...and it said her colon cancer had made a return to her liver and her lung. I felt so bad knowing that now she's back having more chemo.

    She's a brave little gal, tho....very positive thinker...and doing treatment all over again one foot in front of the other....


    Thank You
    Had to acknowledge this thread, but have nothing to add.
  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Putting things in perspective here too...
    Saw some young people as well dealing with this nasty beast...I hope someday to see a cure for it ALL! Brings tears to see others dealing with it, but especially when it affects the younger ones. (although I do consider us young too....40's & 50's)
  • VivianLee5689
    VivianLee5689 Member Posts: 546

    Putting things in perspective here too...
    Saw some young people as well dealing with this nasty beast...I hope someday to see a cure for it ALL! Brings tears to see others dealing with it, but especially when it affects the younger ones. (although I do consider us young too....40's & 50's)

    We have many appointments in the last few weeks and we have seen several young men in their teens and twenties with huge scars on their necks from their neck dissections. We were luck as they only took out the one lymph node and the person doing the operation was a plastic surgeon so we have almost no visible scar. These young man now have not only cancer to fight, but the constant reminder when they look in the mirror. My heart goes out to them.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Joan
    You are so right; I am 56 and lived a good life so I feel I got the best part of my life in good health. I have a friend Jimmy his daughter is just 21 and just starting life and has the same NPC that I did, it’s not fair. But who ever said Cancer was fair, the one thing that I found good about having Cancer is that it brings a lot of people together who never would have meet normally.

    God Bless