Do you ever feel chemo is not working?

Ann65 Member Posts: 19
Yesterday I saw one of the doctors at the oncologist office. I have had 3 taxol and 9 taxotere session. Then I had a 2 week break and have had one of Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide sessions.

Yesterday was just a follow-up to see what side effects I was having from the Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide. It was day 7 since the session and no nausea, no hair loss (growing back), able to taste more things and tolerate more foods, and no mouth sores. The only side effects I have had more numbness in feet and ache in joints and muscles.

I am grateful that I did not have some of the more sever side effects. My cancer markers are not decreasing very quickly. I'm still above normal after all of this chemo. I just feel like something is not working! I am anemic again and if that keeps going down another shot prior to next A/C.

Just need to vent some! I know everyone is different, but...when and how do you know it is working?


  • weazer
    weazer Member Posts: 440
    I Wish
    I wish that I did'nt have all the side effects that I did.
    Everyone is different, did your Onc say your hair would fall out with the type of coctail that your receaving?
    Please try not to worry but Do ask your Onc of any of your concerns,
    Lots of Hugs...Karie
  • Ann65
    Ann65 Member Posts: 19
    weazer said:

    I Wish
    I wish that I did'nt have all the side effects that I did.
    Everyone is different, did your Onc say your hair would fall out with the type of coctail that your receaving?
    Please try not to worry but Do ask your Onc of any of your concerns,
    Lots of Hugs...Karie

    Both cocktails I was told my hair would fall out. I'm not concerned if it does. I'm so tired of feeling below par which could be partially due to anemia. I'm most concerned with the cancer markers.

    Thanks for the kind words an hugs!
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Ann65 said:

    Both cocktails I was told my hair would fall out. I'm not concerned if it does. I'm so tired of feeling below par which could be partially due to anemia. I'm most concerned with the cancer markers.

    Thanks for the kind words an hugs!

    What is your doctor's opinion
    Markers could respond slowly, however you should see decreasing trend.
    If there is no decrease in your markers please talk with your doctor
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Another reminder...chemo is
    Another reminder...chemo is cumulative, so it may take a while for the A/C to impact your markers. I don't know much about markers, since they don't work in my case. I would say this is definitely a question for your onc.

    Let us know what the doc says.


  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    My Experience
    The first time I had cancer I worked full time. I knew it was working when after 4 A/C and into two of my four Taxol left me feeling like I had no life left in me. I was still functioning but I did nothing but spend the weekends on the couch sleeping and taking percocet for my pain. The second time I had 8 rounds of Taxotere. I really didn't have as many side effects and was just constantly tired. I think it depends on the person and the drugs. I'm glad you aren't having a lot of side effects. It works even if you don't feel it. It's all going on inside you. I wish you all the best.

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Ann, what does your onco say
    Ann, what does your onco say about this?
  • Ann65
    Ann65 Member Posts: 19
    Thanks for the support
    For the last two times I was to see my oncologist, instead I met with a substitute oncologists as my dr is out of town. Neither one of these took the time to really look as my file before coming in to talk with me. I was not impressed with either one of theses Doctors. I ask questions and to my thinking as well as my husband who was with me, they went unsatisfactory answered. Even asked more than once and tried to get answered.

    When I met with the NP or my Dr, I get answers. I'm going in for the next appointment on the 29th of this month, so I'm going to stated that I will only meet with either the NP or my Dr.