Something diffferent...

yensid683 Member Posts: 349
edited October 2012 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
I would listening to my mp3 player during chemo and found a number of songs that helped make me feel better, give me some hope, and perhaps bring my attitude up.

I particularly enjoy movie soundtracks and instead of just listening to the music, I listened to more of the words and their meaning.

From "The Preacher's Wife", Whitney Houston sings "Step by Step"

From Disney's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", Boyz 2 Men sings "I will Get There"

From Dreamworks "The Prince of Egypt", Vanessa Williams and Mariah Carey sing "There Can Be

From Roger's and Hammerstein's "Carousel", "You'll Never Walk Alone" - I especially like this one as it honors all the caregivers in our struggle.

Another caregiver piece, Celine Dion's "I'm Your Angel" from her Christmas album, "These are the Special Times"

Anyone have other pieces that they'd like to include?


  • blackswampboy
    blackswampboy Member Posts: 341
    what music lifts people is a
    what music lifts people is a highly personal thing, but music is very important ally in our daily battles.
    I'll honor the memories of a few musicians who were taken by the cancer beast:

    "Up on Cripple Creek" --as sung by Levon Helm, who finally lost his battle with throat cancer earlier this year.
    "Just My Imagination" --as sung by Eddie Kendricks of the Temps.
    "Blue Train" --John Coltrane
    "Small Axe" --Bob Marley. RIP, mon.
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    My radiation place played their own music....
    nobody EVER mentioned bringing my own. There were days when I just wanted to tell them to shut it off...but more days where everything they were playing brought back memories of my "good old days"....and I could tell how much longer treatment was by the number of songs that had played. I loved Moody Blues days :).

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    chemo=TV, rads=music

    I watched TV (with my wife) during chemo, when we were lucky we got the big room with two recliners a large television and warm blankets for each of us.

    During “mask time” it was oldies from the 60’s and 70’s (Beach Boys, Simon and Garfunkel, Steve Miller, Dobbie Brothers, Tom Petty, etc.). Once I had to wave my arms to stop everything because the music was too loud (I couldn’t concentrate). Another time they left some “new age” crap on and I felt like if the radiation doesn’t kill me this will. It’s funny, 6 months ago I could tell you all of the musicians and today not much comes to me (radiation brain).


  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    YouTube: Anything Goes
    For me a certain pick me up is the Sutton Foster rehearsal of "Anything Goes" found on YouTube. Just search on Anything Goes. It is an almost 9 minute tap routine. And at the end of it, she sings. There is so much good dance on YouTube. Enjoy.
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Gonna check out some of these !
    Hey there !
    I use music therapy and candles for relaxation. I don't have any real aerosmith, Zeplin, all the old rock that brings me back to a good memory of a simplier time. Good post ! Thank you ! Katie
  • yensid683
    yensid683 Member Posts: 349

    Gonna check out some of these !
    Hey there !
    I use music therapy and candles for relaxation. I don't have any real aerosmith, Zeplin, all the old rock that brings me back to a good memory of a simplier time. Good post ! Thank you ! Katie

    found another one
    Martina McBride sings a song about breast cancer, entitled "I'm Gonna Love You Though It"

    It follows a young wife and mother that develops breast cancer and while it is not our 'C', it is still the nasty C and I could relate, especially since my wife has loved me through it.

    Peter :-)
  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    yensid683 said:

    found another one
    Martina McBride sings a song about breast cancer, entitled "I'm Gonna Love You Though It"

    It follows a young wife and mother that develops breast cancer and while it is not our 'C', it is still the nasty C and I could relate, especially since my wife has loved me through it.

    Peter :-)

    Jesus Loves me This I know
    for the Bible tells me so. Perhaps the only song I know most of and can sing/hum to myself. I had 33 Rads and always heard the music being played in the RAD room but it was faint and although I was advised by many on this site how to handle RADS and the Mask, ie. choose your favorite music etc, I just never did. Once they put the Mask on and started the RADinator I would either sing to myself or start prayers and if they did not last the full 15 minutes it was back to Jesus Loves Me. I also told the RAD ladies just say something to me every few minutes so I knew they were still out there vs music. And as John Skiffin and others said you actually could start timing your RAD treatments by the Zapping noise it would make, and I usually got it right each time after about the 5th treatment, the RAD lady would say 1/2 way done and then she would say one more and then they came out to take off the Mask, (my favorite part) but in my mind I knew when she was going to say One More.. again based on the zaps. P.S. One day she said One More, the one more came and went and no one came in for about 2 minutes which to me seemed like 2 hours since that never happened before, when they took off the mask I said wow where have you been, she said the Doctor stopped and asked some questions thus causing the delay. Bad Doctor