Comedy and Courage
The link I posted above ^ is to a blog that filled me with a poignant mixture of laughter and empathy. It is written by a man with a gift for sharing his experiences (dx & tx for oral cancer) in ways that few have the writing talent to do as uniquely and amusingly. Given the dire situation in which he finds himself, he and his famiy, friends, and colleagues, have filled his blog with a compelling mix of comedy and courage. He is well-known as a professional screen writer and producer...he is profiled in this wikipedia page: . The link I posted to his blog is to the first entry on July 17, 2010. You can scroll through the entries (be sure to read the comments sections) and follow his blog to the most recent entry posted on Oct. 11, 2012. His cancer journey has been a difficult one and his survivorship is still unsure, but his attitude and writing is inspiring. In one of his posts he encourages anyone who is interested to subscribe to his blog. Subscribing to his blog is free and easy to do by entering your email address in the area provided to receive email notifications of new posts.


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Thanks Gator
    I will look it up. Sounds like his journey began at the same time as mine. Since mine has been a comedy of errors, just comedy will do me fine.
  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Tears from laughing so hard, and I have only read one post. I will definitely send this to my hubbie's computer--WE BOTH NEED A GOOD LAUGH! (Especially after my husband asked if they had to pop my eye out for a biopsy!)

    I am still in the holding pattern. I had a PET scan Wednesday, no report yet. Bags are packed so as soon as they say go, I am going--to Stanford.
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I've been reading this blog on and off all afternoon....
    he writes in a way that makes me laugh (mostly at myself), since I relate so much to what he's saying....Thank you SO MUCH for directing up to this.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Cancer Humor...
    I had a very good friend that told me something once about knowing you are a cancer survivor...

    She told me, "I'll know for sure that I'm a cancer survivor, if when I die, it's from something other than cancer"...

    I'll have to read more of the blog, as you all know, I'm an Abi-Normal guy, LOL...

    Let's Radiate Don

    Here's a photo of some hospital humor, clowning around with my wife while in recovery... They usually try to rush us through recovery to get rid of us quickly, LOL...

    Hospital Humor

  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Cancer Humor...
    I had a very good friend that told me something once about knowing you are a cancer survivor...

    She told me, "I'll know for sure that I'm a cancer survivor, if when I die, it's from something other than cancer"...

    I'll have to read more of the blog, as you all know, I'm an Abi-Normal guy, LOL...

    Let's Radiate Don

    Here's a photo of some hospital humor, clowning around with my wife while in recovery... They usually try to rush us through recovery to get rid of us quickly, LOL...

    Hospital Humor


    This blog is insightful and funny.
    I really resemble Don's post about "Sad Eyes." Another blog has referred to the same phenomenon as "Cancer Eyes." It really does seem to be everywhere. Two and a half years out from end of treatment, and folks STILL give me the "Awwww, you brave sweetheart, I know you're at death's door" attitude. Hoping for the best for Don.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I found myself reading the whole thing
    till midnight...I thoroughly enjoyed every word of this blog...and subscribed to it...I want to keep up with him.

  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344

    I found myself reading the whole thing
    till midnight...I thoroughly enjoyed every word of this blog...and subscribed to it...I want to keep up with him.


    I also read some of them as
    I also read some of them as well...they made me laugh. I like the one about how people respond to you...the part where the guy says, I know you have cancer but it could be worse friend was mauled by a bear and it ripped off his torso and now they have to haul him around in the back of a tonka truck...cracked me up.
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    I also read some of them as
    I also read some of them as well...they made me laugh. I like the one about how people respond to you...the part where the guy says, I know you have cancer but it could be worse friend was mauled by a bear and it ripped off his torso and now they have to haul him around in the back of a tonka truck...cracked me up.

    LOL....that one cracked me up too....
    He is so funny...and he's a talented writer...

  • alligatorpointer
    alligatorpointer Member Posts: 131
    Clean & Clear
    My son completed rads/chemo on Sept. 7th and yesterday found out the results of his first post-tx PET-scan done Fri. Oct.12th. Even though the interval between end of treatment and the PET-scan was only slightly over one month, the 'nose to toes' results were Clean & Clear. NED! He is hoping to have the PEG pulled out next week so that he can start getting back in shape for the ski season. His body (at 50 year's old) has now transitioned into 'high maintenance' mode. The following link is to one of the blog entries on the website I posted at the start of this thread. It describes that reality very well ...
  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Clean & Clear
    My son completed rads/chemo on Sept. 7th and yesterday found out the results of his first post-tx PET-scan done Fri. Oct.12th. Even though the interval between end of treatment and the PET-scan was only slightly over one month, the 'nose to toes' results were Clean & Clear. NED! He is hoping to have the PEG pulled out next week so that he can start getting back in shape for the ski season. His body (at 50 year's old) has now transitioned into 'high maintenance' mode. The following link is to one of the blog entries on the website I posted at the start of this thread. It describes that reality very well ...

    Clean & Clear how wonderful for you all. Puts a smile on my face!