non calcification lymph node

my niece had lymphoma 4 yrs ago, wasn't feeling well and returned to the doctors. Received her results and they told her lymph nodes calcified, except for one 10ml? and will send to specialist... not quite sure what this means!! can someone tell me what a "non"calcification lymph node is?

Thank you,


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    I am not sure what your niece's doc was talking about, but when I was about half way through treatment, the oncolgist said that the diseased nodes would be "forms of scar tissue."

    I am not sure exactly what that meant, but it could be that large, cancerous nodes killed by chemo appear calcified. I will try to look something up on this. Just a best guess at this point.
