Signs and symptoms of uterine cancer

I've followed this discussion board for almost four years, since my Mom was diagnosed with uterine cancer. She unfortunately lost her battle two years ago.
I amm now 55 and "post-menopausal" by my hormone levels. I haven't had a period since December of 2011. I recently started spotting. My GYN did a transvaginal ultrasound two months ago which was normal. I was on Provera for 5 days and had some moderate bleeding. Now a month later I am having some dark brown spotting again. When I talked to the GYN last month he wasn't concerned. Is this a sign of uterine cancer or just menopause? I guess I am afraid to find out,


  • beila
    beila Member Posts: 97 Member
    postmenopausal bleeding
    As both a doctor and a patient with serous uterine cancer, I strongly suggest you pursue this further.
    This is POST MENOPAUSAL BLEEDING ...which ALWAYS necessitates ruling out cancer
    This is not menopause, as your periods stopped almost a year ago.
    The normal ultrasound is reassuring, but not enough
    My mother had a normal U/S with bleeding, and it was USPC , which I now have.
    My only symptom was a tiny bit of pink spotting one time.

    Get a 2nd opinion
    Demand further tests: hysteroscopy, D&C for biopsy

    I cant stress this enough, after seeing my mother mismanaged

    This is not something to fool around with

  • Ruffy7
    Ruffy7 Member Posts: 126
    beila said:

    postmenopausal bleeding
    As both a doctor and a patient with serous uterine cancer, I strongly suggest you pursue this further.
    This is POST MENOPAUSAL BLEEDING ...which ALWAYS necessitates ruling out cancer
    This is not menopause, as your periods stopped almost a year ago.
    The normal ultrasound is reassuring, but not enough
    My mother had a normal U/S with bleeding, and it was USPC , which I now have.
    My only symptom was a tiny bit of pink spotting one time.

    Get a 2nd opinion
    Demand further tests: hysteroscopy, D&C for biopsy

    I cant stress this enough, after seeing my mother mismanaged

    This is not something to fool around with


    I agree with Beila that you
    I agree with Beila that you should continue to have this looked at until you feel comfortable with the answer. I can relate... last year I went 9 months after surgery with no period (I'm 52 and gyn said I was in menopause). Then in Feb this year I had 2 periods, 21 days apart. My gyn did an ultrasound, found the endometrial stripe was 7.5mm, and had a complex solid 4.3 cm mass on right ovary. I then had a hysteroscopy, D&C, and right oophorectomy. Turns out it wasn't cancer (had a corpus luteal hemmorhagic cyst on the right ovary). I attribute it to my hormones being totally out of whack. Provera is an hrt med, right? I think that hrt can contribute to bleeding in many women. I would still get a second (even third) opinion until you feel ok with the answers. Look on the positive side, it may not be cancer, just something wacky with the hormones :). Keep us posted.
  • nempark
    nempark Member Posts: 681
    Beila is so right. My Gyn told me "Oh it is just the fibroid you have that is causing the bleeding. I think I saw her two times for the bleeding and she was very lax. The third time I told her that I cannot take the bleeding anymore and she said that she will do a biopsy in the office. There it was she told me right there that it didn't look good. Lab work proved to be MMMT. To make matters worse she told me "not to worry, one, two three --Hysterctomy and you are done, no further treatment. Second opinion, agressive cancer, hysterctomy and 6 treatments of chemo. So don't delay get more tests immediately.
  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    nempark said:

    Beila is so right. My Gyn told me "Oh it is just the fibroid you have that is causing the bleeding. I think I saw her two times for the bleeding and she was very lax. The third time I told her that I cannot take the bleeding anymore and she said that she will do a biopsy in the office. There it was she told me right there that it didn't look good. Lab work proved to be MMMT. To make matters worse she told me "not to worry, one, two three --Hysterctomy and you are done, no further treatment. Second opinion, agressive cancer, hysterctomy and 6 treatments of chemo. So don't delay get more tests immediately.

    Nempark, my gyn said exactly
    Nempark, my gyn said exactly what yours did after doing my biopsy (but before getting the path report). Can it be that they don't know about these rarer, aggressive endometrial cancers? She was still giving me false reassurances a week later when I called to get the results and learned my spec had been forwarded to Vt and I would need to wait a couple more days. I knew that wasnt likely to be a good thing.
  • txtrisha55
    txtrisha55 Member Posts: 693 Member
    Get a second opinion but get further testing.
    If you are post menopausal and if you are not attached to your uterus, I would ask for a complete hysterectomy and ask that all female parts be removed, then make sure they send it to pathology to be tested. I had gone through early menopause back in 1992 (age 36) when I lost my mother because of a soft tissue sarcoma on her leg that spread and by the time they dx her it was stage 4. My sister and I both because of the stress that caused us we both stopped having periods within two years. Fast forward to 2004, I started spotting and by gyn dr did a D&C and removed some polyps, everything was fine and I quit having spotting. Fast forward again to 2011, started heavy bleeding, gyn dr said it was probably polyps again and did a D&C with a hystoscope, everything was NOT fine now. Cancer cells in there. The gyn dr said it was nasty in there. I still was very much surprised when she called and told me it was cancer because I was not expecting it. So please get a second opinon and get further testing. If I had received a hysterectomy back in 2004 (if it had be offered) I would have taken it. Then would not have had cancer in 2011. Good Luck and I will pray for a non-cancer dx for you. trish
  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379
    ConnieSW said:

    Nempark, my gyn said exactly
    Nempark, my gyn said exactly what yours did after doing my biopsy (but before getting the path report). Can it be that they don't know about these rarer, aggressive endometrial cancers? She was still giving me false reassurances a week later when I called to get the results and learned my spec had been forwarded to Vt and I would need to wait a couple more days. I knew that wasnt likely to be a good thing.

    Pre-menopausal bleeding
    I had the spotting and still not started menopause so I shrugged it off to start of menopause. Finally did see my OB and he looked me in the eye and didn't second guess anything. Told me, I have NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THE SPOTTING, and I do NOT want to be revisiting this in a year with spotting. So...lets get a vaginal ultrasound and see what it could be.

    I give my OB full credit for saving my life. He could have told me to wait a few months and come back, but got right to the testing, finding out what was causing the bleeding.
    In the end, after a D&C, found 2 small tumors and pathology showed cancer.

    Don't get the cart before the horse, as it might NOT be cancer....but be persistant and find out what's causing the spotting. This is your body and YOU HAVE CONTROL....don't let docs put you on the back burner.

    Be strong...
  • Nancy2012
    Nancy2012 Member Posts: 3
    uterine cancer
    After 11+ years of being post-menapausal, I started with a little spotting here & there, but until it became daily, I didn't seek medical attention. Had a biopsy & ultrasound right away, and a few days later found out I had carcinosarcoma. It's a rare cancer of the uterous. I think we all have a fear of the unknown. For me, I am now an inoperable Stage IV. Silly thing is, I'm a retired RN and feel I should have known better than to have put off an examintion. Please don't hesitate. Get a second opinion. You can handle the known better than the what if's. I'll be 62 next month, have horses & still very active.
    Wish you all the best!
  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    Nancy2012 said:

    uterine cancer
    After 11+ years of being post-menapausal, I started with a little spotting here & there, but until it became daily, I didn't seek medical attention. Had a biopsy & ultrasound right away, and a few days later found out I had carcinosarcoma. It's a rare cancer of the uterous. I think we all have a fear of the unknown. For me, I am now an inoperable Stage IV. Silly thing is, I'm a retired RN and feel I should have known better than to have put off an examintion. Please don't hesitate. Get a second opinion. You can handle the known better than the what if's. I'll be 62 next month, have horses & still very active.
    Wish you all the best!

    Oh, Nancy
    I am sorry.
  • ssfbeagle
    ssfbeagle Member Posts: 50
    Nancy2012 said:

    uterine cancer
    After 11+ years of being post-menapausal, I started with a little spotting here & there, but until it became daily, I didn't seek medical attention. Had a biopsy & ultrasound right away, and a few days later found out I had carcinosarcoma. It's a rare cancer of the uterous. I think we all have a fear of the unknown. For me, I am now an inoperable Stage IV. Silly thing is, I'm a retired RN and feel I should have known better than to have put off an examintion. Please don't hesitate. Get a second opinion. You can handle the known better than the what if's. I'll be 62 next month, have horses & still very active.
    Wish you all the best!

    Thank You Everyone!
    I saw my GYN today. I am scheduled for a Hysteroscopy on the 23rd. of October. He did another transvaginal ultrasound which showed a polyp and fibroid.
  • nempark
    nempark Member Posts: 681
    Nancy2012 said:

    uterine cancer
    After 11+ years of being post-menapausal, I started with a little spotting here & there, but until it became daily, I didn't seek medical attention. Had a biopsy & ultrasound right away, and a few days later found out I had carcinosarcoma. It's a rare cancer of the uterous. I think we all have a fear of the unknown. For me, I am now an inoperable Stage IV. Silly thing is, I'm a retired RN and feel I should have known better than to have put off an examintion. Please don't hesitate. Get a second opinion. You can handle the known better than the what if's. I'll be 62 next month, have horses & still very active.
    Wish you all the best!

    62 is young
    Hi Nancy There are some friends on this post that are still being treated for stage iv cancer. Please get as much help as possible and continue being active. 62 is young and I am sure you can get the necessary meds to conquer this monster we are all dealing with. Best wishes June
  • Nancy2012
    Nancy2012 Member Posts: 3
    nempark said:

    62 is young
    Hi Nancy There are some friends on this post that are still being treated for stage iv cancer. Please get as much help as possible and continue being active. 62 is young and I am sure you can get the necessary meds to conquer this monster we are all dealing with. Best wishes June

    Although recently diagnosed, I fortunetly have great family & friend support! Just finished 3 doses of chemo, will have ct scan & get results Halloween. Talk about 'Trick or Treat'! Horses have been my refuge throughout my life. Used to jump, but now love to teach & trail. I have a zeal for life, no matter what obstacles come my way. this is just another bump in the road!
  • soromer
    soromer Member Posts: 130
    Nancy2012 said:

    Although recently diagnosed, I fortunetly have great family & friend support! Just finished 3 doses of chemo, will have ct scan & get results Halloween. Talk about 'Trick or Treat'! Horses have been my refuge throughout my life. Used to jump, but now love to teach & trail. I have a zeal for life, no matter what obstacles come my way. this is just another bump in the road!

    Go for it, Nancy!
    You are not a statistic. It is possible to heal even with a Stage IV diagnosis. Good luck!
  • soromer
    soromer Member Posts: 130
    ssfbeagle said:

    Thank You Everyone!
    I saw my GYN today. I am scheduled for a Hysteroscopy on the 23rd. of October. He did another transvaginal ultrasound which showed a polyp and fibroid.

    Glad you're getting more tests--
    but as I understand it, the only real diagnostic is a D & C (since that produces tissue for biopsy). U/S aren't sufficient, and a hysteroscopy is a visual inspection. Keep pushing till you get all the information you need.
    Good luck!
  • NJZ62
    NJZ62 Member Posts: 32
    soromer said:

    Glad you're getting more tests--
    but as I understand it, the only real diagnostic is a D & C (since that produces tissue for biopsy). U/S aren't sufficient, and a hysteroscopy is a visual inspection. Keep pushing till you get all the information you need.
    Good luck!

    D&C for spotting
    I agree with Soromer re: having a D&C & getting a path report-

    2 years ago I sought out a new Gyny who specializes in menopause just because of hot flashes; when she heard my history I could see the wheels turning, and she ordered an ultrasound right away.

    "Something" could be seen in my uterus, which prompted a D&C, and it turned out to be Stage I, Grade 3 endometriod carcinoma, which recently recurred as metastatic.

    I was completely asymptomatic at the time of the D&C, no spotting, etc., but a history of overweight, early & late periods & HRT made my gyny want to check my uterus.

    For myself, I think "unknown" fears are always worse than known ones...

    I will say a prayer that what they're seeing is benign...
  • daisy366
    daisy366 Member Posts: 1,458 Member
    soromer said:

    Go for it, Nancy!
    You are not a statistic. It is possible to heal even with a Stage IV diagnosis. Good luck!

    signs and symptoms?
    For me I had none and had no risk factors - but still have UPSC. I agree that you can't be too cautious and glad you are getting this checked further.

    I am hoping it is nothing. God bless you.

    Mary Ann