Day 2 of Induction, the fun continues

jcortney Member Posts: 503
edited September 2012 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Good morning folks, here begins day two of the Induction journal. Crashed into bed about 9:30 last night and didn't stir until an emergency trip to the commode at about 2 am. When I say emergency I mean it. For the first time since I was drunk on Jack Daniels in College I didn't make it to the commode in time. Second time through, about 5:00 almost got there but still short a second or two and had to clean up the mess. That all cleaned up I decided it was time to just get up and start thinking about the deluge of pills I needed to take; here's the list:

Emend (Second dosage)
Dexamethasone (two twice a day till day three)
Zofran (1 every 8 house for three day after frist dosage) After three days can be taken every 8 as needed
Compazine (1 every 8 hours for three days after fist dosage} After three days can be taken every 8 as needed
Atavan (1 every 8 houses for three days after first dosage) After three days can be taken every 8 as needed
Capro (1 every 12 hours until done labs)

So, here's the report on how I Feel this morning. Had a slight tinge of Nausea when I woke up but when a way quickly. Much more fatigued that I was yesterday with a distinct loss of balance and fine motor function. Probably no driving for me. Struggling to get food in my system is I just don't feel like eating but will get it in somehow. What is a different story, I'm committed to washing this crap out of me as fast a possible. The nurses told me they want me to drink a gallon of fluids, I just about there at 10:30 in the morning. I'm sure 2 gallons will be doable before the end of the day.

Mor Later, I fee a fog coming on.

On thing I forgot to remort, yesterday my neck pain around the tumor site was quite bad, perhaps a 6 or a 7. This noning it's maybe a 1-2. My doc promised me that after day five all the swelling and pain would be gone, man do I hope he's is right.


  • blackswampboy
    blackswampboy Member Posts: 341
    wow, that's quite a list
    two gallons a day? no wonder you're doing the commode sprint.
    yeah, driving and ativan probably not a good combo. it made me unsteady and sleepy.
    keep up that fight!
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Don't feel bad about not making it to the pot....
    ...that was the story of my life all thru chemo...just b-a-r-e-l-e-y getting there in time...with a few times, simply too late :).

    Do you have to go back in for more chemo today, or are you refering to the pump for the next four days...DO TAKE YOUR MEDS....I'd start feeling pretty good with the pump, and get lulled into a false sense of security...the water drinking is GREAT!! You don't have to drink it all by noon, tho...LOL.

    Keep up the good're doing just fine.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Don't feel bad about not making it to the pot....
    ...that was the story of my life all thru chemo...just b-a-r-e-l-e-y getting there in time...with a few times, simply too late :).

    Do you have to go back in for more chemo today, or are you refering to the pump for the next four days...DO TAKE YOUR MEDS....I'd start feeling pretty good with the pump, and get lulled into a false sense of security...the water drinking is GREAT!! You don't have to drink it all by noon, tho...LOL.

    Keep up the good're doing just fine.


    I came to expect the mad dash after my Cisplatin tx but it was always only 1 or two days and then it stopped. Hope it is a short term effect for you too.
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    day 2
    Hi Joe,

    All sounds (treatment) normal to me. Bit of a rough start, but you will hit your stride and find what works best for you and your body.

    I started drinking a gallon of water a day in February and haven’t stopped. It is a rare night that I don’t get up to pee (at least once).

    Since I was on Lorazapam, I always had my wife drive, anyways I slept a lot.

    Safe journey,

  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    CivilMatt said:

    day 2
    Hi Joe,

    All sounds (treatment) normal to me. Bit of a rough start, but you will hit your stride and find what works best for you and your body.

    I started drinking a gallon of water a day in February and haven’t stopped. It is a rare night that I don’t get up to pee (at least once).

    Since I was on Lorazapam, I always had my wife drive, anyways I slept a lot.

    Safe journey,


    Thanks folks. 12:30 PM check in
    Motor skills still very poor, hence my typing this four of five times to get it wright. To answer Phrannie I'm on the bag for the next three days then go to 17 days of rest. Then start it all over again. The thing I'm most grateful for is the lack of pain at the primary. If that's a sign, it's an alfully welcome one.

    Well, of to get some Jewish Penicillin. My wife is making me Matzo Ball Soup, look at the picture, asian style ..
  • nick770
    nick770 Member Posts: 195
    jcortney said:

    Thanks folks. 12:30 PM check in
    Motor skills still very poor, hence my typing this four of five times to get it wright. To answer Phrannie I'm on the bag for the next three days then go to 17 days of rest. Then start it all over again. The thing I'm most grateful for is the lack of pain at the primary. If that's a sign, it's an alfully welcome one.

    Well, of to get some Jewish Penicillin. My wife is making me Matzo Ball Soup, look at the picture, asian style ..

    Wishing you the best of
    Wishing you the best of everything
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Hang In There...
    Just think of any pain you are having as a direct attack on the cancer areas...

    Drink, Drink, Drink...

    As BSB said below, that's a lot of meds... Myself I took the Emend for the first three days, and Zofran or Phenergan as needed...which wasn't very often at all.

    I only had something simlar to Ativan the first few days of rads...Xanax. That wasn't a problem driving using that..for me anyways.

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    nick770 said:

    Wishing you the best of
    Wishing you the best of everything

    Hang in there Joe..
    All sounds pretty norm so far ....even the "not making the target" a guy I guess since we can't hit the target standing directly over it ......what's the big deal :):):)


  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Steroids Really Helped Me
    I felt really strong the day after chemo, and the next day, too. And hungry. I, too, was much luckier than you've been so far when it came to nausea. Hoping the days get easier soon.
  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    Tim6003 said:

    Hang in there Joe..
    All sounds pretty norm so far ....even the "not making the target" a guy I guess since we can't hit the target standing directly over it ......what's the big deal :):):)



    Most of the Day slept away
    I missed most of the day today only waking up for water, smoothies, and soup. Still need to do something to get those 2500 calories and 100 grams of protein into my system when all it wants to do is sleep. Mr. primary wakes up occasionally just to let me know that he's still there, about a 3 at worse, ignoring him just pisses him off so he goes away for a while.
  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    Pam M said:

    Steroids Really Helped Me
    I felt really strong the day after chemo, and the next day, too. And hungry. I, too, was much luckier than you've been so far when it came to nausea. Hoping the days get easier soon.

    Don't what to lead anyone
    Don't what to lead anyone wrong, my nausea has been a non-issue. The meds have worked outstanding. The emergency I alluded to in the previous post was to make it to the commode for a urination. Today maybe my physically weakest yet but I feel better than I have in a long time. My primary is making noise but it's a wimpier compared to the roar just a few days ago.

    So, more good than bad, more hope than despair. More praise for this group that you can imagine...

  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    jcortney said:

    Don't what to lead anyone
    Don't what to lead anyone wrong, my nausea has been a non-issue. The meds have worked outstanding. The emergency I alluded to in the previous post was to make it to the commode for a urination. Today maybe my physically weakest yet but I feel better than I have in a long time. My primary is making noise but it's a wimpier compared to the roar just a few days ago.

    So, more good than bad, more hope than despair. More praise for this group that you can imagine...


    Wow. missed the whole day yesterday
    Chemo brain most assuredly stepped in and I lost the whole day. Still having trouble concentrating but the pump comes off today. First morning with an appetite. More later.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    jcortney said:

    Wow. missed the whole day yesterday
    Chemo brain most assuredly stepped in and I lost the whole day. Still having trouble concentrating but the pump comes off today. First morning with an appetite. More later.


    Lost Days
    Hey, don't knock those, LOL....

    Some days you're going to be glad you forgot.

    Stay hydrated....
