Denied for SSDI....

Said I was not disabled even with the EC. Reconsideration filed by attorney. This is just crazy as I have paid into the system for 27 years. DX 4/2012 Chemo-Cisplastin 5FU..25 radiation treatments, and IL at Mayo 7-25. Stage 2-1-0. Margins clean.. Pneumonia and the latest Pleurisy last week.
Follow up with Onco. need 4 more chemo treatments to be safe. Ever heard of Firefox? Well that's the plan a long with 5 fu.
Trying to get on the PCIP insurance coverage...pricey but worth it. Jan


    NLMCEM Member Posts: 50
    turned down
    turned down? some do not even apply as they feel good enough to go back to work.
    That was NOT the case for my husband as he was and is always weak, has to have stretching often, can barely eat, never has more then a few hours of sleep at a time etc...

    Don't know what troubles you are having but be sure to list "everything" and now that you have a lawyer be sure he knows also.

    Hoping you get the help and your health improves.
    EC Fighter Caregiver, Carolyn
  • Kathylr
    Kathylr Member Posts: 8
    Something is wrong...
    Something is wrong here. Esophageal cancer is one of a handful of diagnoses that are automatically approved for SSDI. When my husband applied last spring, approval only took about a week, and we didn't need a lawyer to apply. The only thing I can think of is there is some error on the paperwork...perhaps the oncologist did not put down esophageal cancer as the diagnosis on the form? Good luck with this, and I'm sorry to hear you will now have lawyer's fees on top of everything else. Kathy
  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    NLMCEM said:

    turned down
    turned down? some do not even apply as they feel good enough to go back to work.
    That was NOT the case for my husband as he was and is always weak, has to have stretching often, can barely eat, never has more then a few hours of sleep at a time etc...

    Don't know what troubles you are having but be sure to list "everything" and now that you have a lawyer be sure he knows also.

    Hoping you get the help and your health improves.
    EC Fighter Caregiver, Carolyn

    Something not right here - you should not need a lawyer
    I am amazed that you were turned down for social security disability with a diagnosis of esophageal cancer. EC is on the list of "compassionate Allowances" for SSDI.

    Click Here for a list of conditions in this category

    Please find below an overview of how to apply and what specific wording to include in your application. This should be very easy and you can get assistance from the Social Security Office if you need assistance.

    Chick Here for overview application instructions

    The only thing I can think of that may affect your approval would be if your oncologist stated that you have been in remission for greater than 3 years and your post treatment side effects do not affect your ability to work.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    Grand Blanc, Michigan

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
  • ray slone
    ray slone Member Posts: 25
    i agree something has to be up with the paper work. i have ec and was aproved fast. the way i understand it ec means auto approval. i hope this get fixed soon, when you are sick you just dont feel like being run thru the goverment ringer. ray