3 Years NED

lizdeli Member Posts: 569 Member
I wanted to share my good news but then as soon as I logged on I read about Joanne. So I walked away from the computer, but then thought that Joanne would want us to continue to encourage each other. So with that thought and in memory of our dear founder and friend Joanne, I share my news that my check up was good and I am 3 years NED.

As I was sitting there waiting for my scans after they put the IV in I started talking to the young lady next to me. Of course we exchanged what type of cancer we had and I was surprised to hear that she too had anal cancer. Well, it didn't take long to realize that we were forum friends and it was Nell! What a pleasant surprise to meet her. She had her appt with Dr. Eng before me and I didn't see her in the waiting room. Dr. Eng was out of town and her PA was seeing us. So appointments went quicker than ususal.

I hope she logs on soon so we can share her good results as well.



  • z
    z Member Posts: 1,414 Member
    Hi Liz, Great news! The great news is what gives me hope. I wish you continued great news.
    AZANNIE Member Posts: 445 Member
    Congrats, Liz on your 3 years NED news! Wishing you many more years of NED!!!

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    Hi Liz--
    I am SO very happy to hear your great news, especially in light of the recent sad news about Joanne. However, she would want you to be happy, celebrate and share your good news with all of us here. I think she would be very happy to know that you still come here to offer support and encouragement to others.

    That is fantastic about you and Nell meeting each other! I hope she will be posting her good news very soon. It's always a special feeling to actually meet someone in person who has offered you support and to whom you have also returned the gesture. I am going to be meeting 3 people in a couple of weeks who I've met on cancer websites and I can hardly wait!

    Congratulations on hitting the 3-year mark. I am so glad you are doing well and I wish you continued NED. We are all in this together and any and all good news is so encouraging.

  • rds711
    rds711 Member Posts: 113

    Congrats on the great news, I am so happy for you! I hope you do something special to celebrate and may the good news just keep coming for you :)

  • cap630
    cap630 Member Posts: 151 Member
    Great news! It is so encouraging thank you for sharing. May you have continued good health. ~Carol
  • StruTanToot
    StruTanToot Member Posts: 126 Member
    Thank you for sharing your
    Thank you for sharing your good news. I was feeling down today, and your good news lifted my spirits. You have all my best wishes.
  • sephie
    sephie Member Posts: 650 Member
    congrats. i go to MDA for tests and procto on monday sept. 24. even tho i was 3 years at the end of July, i do not have a scan until March 2013 (last ct was last March). but with the procto, he can look at the site and the DRE's for touch. i feel that i am fine. yes, so sad about Joanne and I lost another friend with anal cancer last week (4 years NED). so it is very hard to hear that 2 people are no longer here. hugs to you for your great news. sephie
  • Angela_K
    Angela_K Member Posts: 374 Member
    Sometimes I am hesitant to report my good scans, feeling that it's not necessary because I don't really feel I need the support/cheers/congratulations any longer, and that I don't want to make it all about 'me'. However, your post reminds me that my good news is not about me as much as it is to encourage other survivors and to reinforce the message that the cure for this disease is very real.

    A tiny little part of me lives in a little bit of fear every day. I need to acknowledge that instead of trying to hide it. And I suppose that fear drives me to eat better and exercise more . . .and to smell the roses (well, cactus blossoms in my case)and to love BIG every day.

    Congratulations on a great three year report! I will report my up and coming 1.5 NED check-up next month.

    With love and grace,
  • Marynb
    Marynb Member Posts: 1,118
    Thank you for sharing your good news. Foe those of us who were recently treated, it is great to hear that it is possible to survive this horrible disease! So glad for you! It gives me hope.

  • lizdeli
    lizdeli Member Posts: 569 Member
    Marynb said:

    Thank you for sharing your good news. Foe those of us who were recently treated, it is great to hear that it is possible to survive this horrible disease! So glad for you! It gives me hope.


    Thank you for you kind words
    Thanks all. Your support and friendship means so much to me. I just wish we could round ourselves up and meet in one place and spend a couple days together. A bunch of friends meeting in person and sharing and talking about things that only we can understand.

    I keep you all in my prayers and I give thanks for each new day we are blessed with.

    In friendship,
  • Lorikat
    Lorikat Member Posts: 681 Member
    Marynb said:

    Thank you for sharing your good news. Foe those of us who were recently treated, it is great to hear that it is possible to survive this horrible disease! So glad for you! It gives me hope.


    Good news Liz!! Three
    Good news Liz!! Three years sounds really good! My one year scan is end of October. It has been a YEAR and 3 months since I first met you at good old MDANDERSON. It seems sooooo long yet not, if you know what I mean.

    I also am grieved to lose another CSN friend.....
  • z810840b
    z810840b Member Posts: 207 Member
    so happy to hear!!
    congratulations liz!!!! so happy for you and all of us who are doing well...Hugs alyse
  • sandysp
    sandysp Member Posts: 868 Member
    Thanks for keeping us updated
    I am very happy to hear about your scans. You are right about Joanne. She would want you to post that. It is easy to suffer from survivor guilt but we need to fight against that.

    Congratulations on 3 years NED!

  • charliebean9
    charliebean9 Member Posts: 5
    That's great news!! Very happy for you.