what an experience

I'm finally sitting in our room at the Markey Cancer Center. We were in ICU until 9 this morning and then transferred to a holding cell in the basement until they had a room for David. Last night was rough. They ICU got overwhelmed and when David 12:00 am meds weren't there at 12:15 he paged. No one came until 1:45. He was in major pain and had to urinate. Well my husband was irritated and was a little gruffer than I was comfortable with. Next thing we know they wake us up at 4 am and say we are going to the Markey Center by 6 am. Long story short we didn't get to Markey until 5:15. We got sequestered in the small room from Hades. Oh well we still like the drs.


  • Hard12Find
    Hard12Find Member Posts: 218 Member
    Sorry to hear you had a rough night. I actually think your husband being gruffier than normal can be a good sign, still ready to fight.
    I was shocked at the wait times for nurses when I had my overnight to get the peg tube in. I asked one of the nurses if this was normal, and she said they were shorthanded, and she was working 2 floors. I always got good care when they arrived, just took them a while. How is David doing ?
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    one step

    I am glad to hear from you, it sounds like your husband is doing well (as are you). Now you can start to get ready for the next phase, which while maybe more complicated it should be more straight forward. Generally, it will be the same thing every day, over and over.

    Best of luck,

  • VivianLee5689
    VivianLee5689 Member Posts: 546
    CivilMatt said:

    one step

    I am glad to hear from you, it sounds like your husband is doing well (as are you). Now you can start to get ready for the next phase, which while maybe more complicated it should be more straight forward. Generally, it will be the same thing every day, over and over.

    Best of luck,


    sore, tires and cranky
    I guess David is doing as well as expected. He is in pain and tired. He hates that his tongue is swollen and he is not thrilled by the new tube hanging from his stomach, but thank God he is alive. We have a long way to go, but we are moving forward.
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    sore, tires and cranky
    I guess David is doing as well as expected. He is in pain and tired. He hates that his tongue is swollen and he is not thrilled by the new tube hanging from his stomach, but thank God he is alive. We have a long way to go, but we are moving forward.

    Hi Vivian ...
    Tell your husband hello.....I totally understand his mood.

    I will addI also understand the feelings on that platic thingy hanging from his stomach..but I came to love my new addition as I lost 70lbs during treatments...it was a true life-saver for me...I hope your husband never uses it...but if needed, he will appreciate it I promise.

    I hope you are taking care of you as best you can too...it's not easy being in your spot either....


  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196

    sore, tires and cranky
    I guess David is doing as well as expected. He is in pain and tired. He hates that his tongue is swollen and he is not thrilled by the new tube hanging from his stomach, but thank God he is alive. We have a long way to go, but we are moving forward.

    I Remember Being There
    And, yes, at a few points I was glad I was usually alone in the hospital - I had my own "special" moments, when I was pretty glad I had no one to put up with (and no one who had to put up with me). I told some of my family/friends that they should time their visits with my meds - I only lasted a few minutes after the drugs hit, then I was gone. They knew I was teasing, but I knew I certainly was not at my best, and sometimes it was just very tiring to keep up a brave/polite front. I, too, am glad to hear he's a little irritating - where there's fire, there's determination.
  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    One Big Step Done
    Glad David made it thru surgery and thru the night. Both pain and pain meds puts a guy on edge. The big trouble is that all the little things start piling up. It's just human nature to let it get under our skin. But soon, all will be in the distant past. Rick.
  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344
    Just want you to know that I
    Just want you to know that I understand also what you are going thru. My husband had a 12 hour surgery laser removal of base of tongue surgery and a right selective lymph node dissection. He was in the ICU for 3 days and intubated during that time. We spent a week in the hospital and went home on tube feedings. His recovery was slow but he is doing much better and just last week had a left neck dissection which came revealed 35 lymph nodes all negative for cancer.
    In one week or less he will be starting chemo/radiation which is causing me the most anxiety yet. My biggest worry is because of the extensiveness of his tongue surgery that he will not be able to swallow after the radiation. It all just seems so babaric.
    I am sorry that you are going thru this but hope it helps knowing you are not alone.
  • boardwalkgirl
    boardwalkgirl Member Posts: 269
    So sorry for your rough
    So sorry for your rough night. Hoping things go smoother for you. I know I was not thrilled with the tube in my stomach. I really did not want it but in the middle of treatment I had to admit I was glad I had it. I was never totally dependent on it but it was nice to get meds down with and to take a little of the pressure of eating off. I got my pulled out this week and was glad to be done with it and your husband will be there before you know it. Continue to pray for both of you.
  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    So sorry for your rough
    So sorry for your rough night. Hoping things go smoother for you. I know I was not thrilled with the tube in my stomach. I really did not want it but in the middle of treatment I had to admit I was glad I had it. I was never totally dependent on it but it was nice to get meds down with and to take a little of the pressure of eating off. I got my pulled out this week and was glad to be done with it and your husband will be there before you know it. Continue to pray for both of you.

    One day at a time
    Personally, I was thrilled to get the feeding tube in my stomach because that meant the one in my nose for 2 weeks came out. You'll both be home before you know it with the surgery behind you. The show is finally on the road for you. Just like you thought it would never start, tx will be behind you too before you know it.